Favourite mission/character?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
Overall I'm a bit curious of which mission and character do you like the most, I always like to read about what people think so... be my guest to share this information with me ;).

Of course as the first post I will start with my own:

*Favourite mission "Kiro Quest: A Leaf on the Wind": Overall I find it quite great in all aspects, a character gets kidnapped and if you arrive too late she will be modified a lot. Having to deal with the traps, mobs and even that kinda cute VR game while having limited time makes it really interesting for me.

*Favourite character "Ardia": She may be quite new but well, I love dominant characters with addictive fluids, overall I would have liked her to be more like Marble in corruption of champions in the sense of trying to get you addicted to her but well, it's still good enough ;).

(P.D: My second place is Anno, she is my waifu, I stole her form Kaede).
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Mission: This was a lot harder for me to decide than my favourite character, but I decided on SyriQuest: The Genetic Opera. You're going undercover to help a friend-with-benefits/lover by delving into the dark side of one of the galaxy's most prestigious organisations to rescue an old friend of hers, with a little corporate espionage on the side: just the right combination of heartwarming, awesomeness, plot, ethical ambiguity and smut. My only real problem is with Torra's presence; she appears out of nowhere, it's never explained what she actually does and she's never mentioned again (the wiki says she used to be a fertility priestess before being uplifted and recruited to Akkadi as a researcher, but I can't find any in-game text that says this).
I'd instead say 'the entire Pirate Civil "War" between Lysander Chow, Amara Faell and Mirian Bragga (featuring independents like Kaede, Kiro, Saendra, Shade and Steele)' if that counted as a mission, but it's more of an overarching secondary story that I find more interesting than the main quest.

Character: Kaede Entara. She's cute, sexy and kind of nerdy, with probably the most fleshed-out interactions of anyone in the game (with her main rival in that regard being Bianca). Within those interactions, I really get the feeling that she:
  • Truly loves her girlfriend and her daughter,
  • Is trying to do her best given her unusual circumstances (which includes being an unwilling target of the Black Void), and
  • Could easily fall in love with Steele in a way that Anno couldn't (even if they're constantly doing things like jacking her off in front of an entire bar and making her clean up the mess with her tongue).
I also find it funny that she's managed to acquire a mini-harem (Anno, Cass, Ashinari Rhenesuune, Steele (potentially)) despite having a personality that's completely unsuited to doing so.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
*Favorite mission "PlantationQuest": PlantationQuest and its follow-up have it all: Moral choices, sick equipment, preg in every direction, returnable locations and re-occurring characters, and most of all an Interactive Environment. The central climb, while not as perilous as originally envisioned before review, makes it feel like there is actual effort going into making it more than 2D 'beat enemies and move forward'.
If you fall, you are hurt, badly, but can TRY AGAIN. If you lose against Kane, you can TRY AGAIN, and are respected for it. Respected for both, actually.

I think that even if this game is a power fantasy you should be challenged in meaningful ways. Don't steal shit for no reason, listen to bit characters by choice and gain valuable information for it, so on. You could just be a fucking beast and steal and kill everything and assault the chieftain and get paid for it, or you can interact with the story in a way that Matters. Murder Hobo-ing Allowed, but why would you?

*Favorite character "Ardia": She is a sweet girl, has lovely, reasonable proportions and is (starting) submissive Alpha with addictive fucking cum. Wish there were ways to keep her Dominance lower whiles still raising Addiction but getting Anno to brew you a cure and then lying about it can be roleplayed away as the same. I don't have as much to say about her because there isn't really as much happening with an NPC and no-quest Follower than there is with a Quest but she is sweet, literally and figuratively addictive and will sit her fat ass on my face. A+

Runners up mention for Kaede, as she is a lovely young woman handling unexpected duties and expectations with aplomb. Romantically, I am more interested in her than Anno, who I consider only a dear friend (with-benefits) and top-notch employee. Also, Anno has made Kaede HER waifu, neither you nor Kaede herself have made a waifu of her. :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2019
Favorite Mission: Oh, that's tough! I'd have to say, honestly, I keep circling back around to the Event Whorizon, even though it wasn't all that complicated and I don't think it has particularly great replay value. I definitely want to have more information about the Fuck Dimension, Demon Queen Syri, and more potential interactions within the dimension itself - I think it's a goldmine for great material, and that's why my brain's latched onto it so hard. My favorite quest for the quest itself, though, might be KiroQuest, though I'm honestly not too jazzed about having her as a crewmember - I think Kiro works better as her own captain. Not complaining though!

Favorite Character: Hmmmmm... This one's a lot tougher, but I think I have to say Chaurmine. Dunno why; probably a combination of his official art, his personality, and his dominance.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Three of each.
  • Missions: Sera's Disco 3000, Shekka's Cure Project and Azra's Mhen'ga Expedition.
  • Characters: Colenso, Fazian and Brandy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Favorite event: probably Disco 3000. The rest of you can have fun playing space murder-hobos, I just want to rub elbows with rich, modded degenerates that are perma-DTF.
I really liked the dungeon for Kiro Quest though. I wish the area can be revisited, it's probably the most sex-oriented dungeon in the game so far.

Favorite characters: Sera obviously. Ramis for male and fem-boi Steeles, Anno and Ardia.

Honorary mention: Celise


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
Vienna Austria
Favourite mission...phew that is very hard to say. I think it is capturing the War Queen, because we see the difference of how real soldiers and how officiers see the war and because we get to even to choose, if we want to save lives and let them have better somewhere else while making those stick in the ass persons angry because we just take them out in a non lethal way without draging them back.
Favourite character is hard too because there are so many good ones but for me standing out is definataly Fisi with our Goo Armor second and Siegwulfe the third place.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2015
Favorite Mission: The whole Myrellion questline, especially Taivra's Palace. Also Sera's party quest.

Favorite character: Anno. No contest. I've been here since forever and Anno was the first and only character I actually liked for quite a while. She's still my #1 puppyslut and is First-Mate in my Headcanon. Runner-ups include: Bizzy and Sera.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Discounting anything I've written myself...

Favorite Mission: Azra's missions, I guess? I wrote like 90% of the dungeons I dunno man.

Favorite Character: Gianna still. Azra might take her place when she's more finished!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Favorite mission: The War Queen mission. That was awesome.

Nonesuch's Disco 3000 is right up there though.

Favorite character: Yammi, Syri, Anno, Kaede, Kase, Roo and Kiro and Paige and Ramis and...I have too many favorites.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Missions: although I love most of them and Stellar Tether shall always be memorable to me, my favourite will have to be the Federation Quest. the hunt for the War Queen is every bit as tense as a war setting could be, plus I love Estallia's design (she's wearing tank threads. TANK. THREADS.) and it's cool that one of her soldiers shows up during Penny's quest if you send her to Mhen'ga.

honourable mention to "Fazian's Quest: I Know Why the Caged Bird Dances". I liked the little investigation-style mission you get and it also shows just how much the war is weighting down on both the red and gold myr

Character: oh now here's a tough one... I like A LOT of characters in this game...
ok, let's narrow it down to a few: Syri Dorna, Bess-13, Olympia, Lieve, Briha and Lys... I have a lot of favourites.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I'm still not really sure about mission.

Character should be even more difficult, but I kinda have a type. I don't really think I dislike many characters, but if I had to choose a top 3...

Syri - best waifu, I absolutely love her
Ciaran - I usually lean towards ladies, but this man does wonderful things to me
Kaede - almost a self-insert for me, that I didn't ask for


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
My favorite mission would probably be the Siege of Korg'ii Hold. I was already a huge fan of all the content in the Hold before the mission dropped, so going around beating the shit out of all the decently-powerful Milodan invaders in order to rescue my fluffy friends felt really satisfying. It also helps that the bad ends are incredibly spicy and I really love the design of the loot you can get.

I'd also rate Syri Quest at about the same level due to its sheer amount of content compared to any other quest in the game and the way it expands on the backstory of a lot of aspects of the TiTS universe, not least of which is Syri. The only thing holding it back is that I don't really feel like the loot is anything to write home about and none of the sex scenes really stand out to me, but these are minor gripes overall compared to how interesting the actual content is.

As for my favorite character, it's pretty easily Syri for a number of reasons, but they're all rather predictable, so I thought I'd give a special mention to Dane instead. He doesn't have all his content yet and there's still plenty more to come, but already he has one of the most interesting relationships with the PC out of all the characters in the game as a result of working directly with Jack/Jill for the majority of the adventure so far. Combine this with the fact that he'll be one of the first crewmates to truly fulfill the role of "masculine male" (Eitan did technically beat him out, but still) and that his barely-existent sexual content is also already some of the best the game has to offer, and I just can't wait to see what's in store for our new well-armed partner.

Honorable mentions also go out to...
Seigwulf, for introducing the concept of interacting with drones outside of your ship and having an absolutely MASSIVE amount of unique and very appealing submissive content.
Zephyr, for having probably my single favorite sex scene in the game and being a surprisingly likable and involved partner if you have kids with her.
Ciaran, for being a fun, likable character with a noteworthy amount of content and some truly glorious sex scenes. His more subdued personality and personal backstory that he doesn't feel the need to fully share with us make him one of the most interesting characters in my eyes, and the things he does to the PC (especially when they're in heat) are some of the most detailed and emotional in the entire game.
Frosty, for having an awesome design, some of the most unique sex scenes in the game, and a genuinely interesting relationship with the PC if you decide to have a family with her. Everyone else feels insignificant next to the gloriously terrifying yet somehow adorable dragon mom and our literal army of children.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
My favorite mission would probably be the Siege of Korg'ii Hold. I was already a huge fan of all the content in the Hold before the mission dropped, so going around beating the shit out of all the decently-powerful Milodan invaders in order to rescue my fluffy friends felt really satisfying. It also helps that the bad ends are incredibly spicy and I really love the design of the loot you can get.

I'd also rate Syri Quest at about the same level due to its sheer amount of content compared to any other quest in the game and the way it expands on the backstory of a lot of aspects of the TiTS universe, not least of which is Syri. The only thing holding it back is that I don't really feel like the loot is anything to write home about and none of the sex scenes really stand out to me, but these are minor gripes overall compared to how interesting the actual content is.

As for my favorite character, it's pretty easily Syri for a number of reasons, but they're all rather predictable, so I thought I'd give a special mention to Dane instead. He doesn't have all his content yet and there's still plenty more to come, but already he has one of the most interesting relationships with the PC out of all the characters in the game as a result of working directly with Jack/Jill for the majority of the adventure so far. Combine this with the fact that he'll be one of the first crewmates to truly fulfill the role of "masculine male" (Eitan did technically beat him out, but still) and that his barely-existent sexual content is also already some of the best the game has to offer, and I just can't wait to see what's in store for our new well-armed partner.

Honorable mentions also go out to...
Seigwulf, for introducing the concept of interacting with drones outside of your ship and having an absolutely MASSIVE amount of unique and very appealing submissive content.
Zephyr, for having probably my single favorite sex scene in the game and being a surprisingly likable and involved partner if you have kids with her.
Ciaran, for being a fun, likable character with a noteworthy amount of content and some truly glorious sex scenes. His more subdued personality and personal backstory that he doesn't feel the need to fully share with us make him one of the most interesting characters in my eyes, and the things he does to the PC (especially when they're in heat) are some of the most detailed and emotional in the entire game.
Frosty, for having an awesome design, some of the most unique sex scenes in the game, and a genuinely interesting relationship with the PC if you decide to have a family with her. Everyone else feels insignificant next to the gloriously terrifying yet somehow adorable dragon mom and our literal army of children.
The siege is really cool, if a tad bit frustrating at times.
about Zephyr, it's really surprising how treated characters make such loving parents. have you seen the scenes with the Treated Zil Male?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Uhhh shit, I guess my favorite mission is kiroquest?? maybe disco 3000??? from so many replays some I can do practically on reflex so thinking of one I still bother to read through and actually had a lot of fun doing is kinda hard, although there's a good amount that were definitely fun the first time through.

As for a favorite character uhhh hmm, there's definitely a few. I'd say my top five are Shekka, Paige, Xotchi, Akane, and Ramis! There's plenty of characters I really like but those are just a few i get really excited for!