Favorite armor, weapons, Accessories, Shield Belt, Class and Ship.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Mercenary, Augment Weave and Gray Goo Armor (Nova), Trick Bracer, Shield Bracer and Aegis LMG Pirate Shield belt from Urblog.

Your personal waifu and/or husbando? Why is optional.

Fisianna. I relate to her on a personal level.
Only into girls in IRL.
Husbando Eitan after he's been rehabilitated.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Class: Tech Specialist
Armor: Augment-Weave and Strix Threads
Weapons: Custom Shock Gear/Bimboleum Emitter
Accessories: Tam-wolf and Shield Aug Bracers
Shield Belt: Reaper Armaments MK1
Ship: Sidewinder
Waifu: Brandy
Husbando: Geoff (sexable)/Fazian (non-sexable)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Class: Mercenary. Gimme that heavy damage.
Armor: Augment weave, reinforced body suit, and void plate armor.
Melee weapon: Custom shock gear. I await the day electric swords and beam katana weapons are added.
Ranged weapon: Aegis LMG and Stormbull Shotgun.
Accessory: Adventurer's coat. Just because it's obsolete, doesn't mean I can't embrace the reinforced bodysuit's aesthetic. Reinforced body suit MK2 when?
Shield: Reaper Armaments MK1. There's no other option. It's all around great with no significant weakness.
Ship: Sidewinder. It's free and great. Again, there's no other option.
Waifu: Olympia. Hot dragon girl who's first response to problems is to pull out a shotgun. A woman after my own heart. Olympia is objectively best girl.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Ranged Merc

Armor: Nova (latex suit)
Ranged: Saurmorian Railgun
Melee: Rouser
Shield: Pirate Shield
Accessory: Signet of Bravery
Combat Implant: Muscular Stabilization System
Utility Implant: Synthetic Womb
Ship: Clydesdale, holds the most everything
Waifu: technically everyone (see above)

big joe

Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Gdańsk, Poland
Class: Tech Priest Specialist. I enjoy shooting people and robots.
Armour: Gray Goo Armor, Frostscale hauberk, Augment Weave armour.
Ranged weapon: XTR-8 Peer.
Melee weapon: Anything, really.
Shield: Pirate shield.
Accessory: Myr Greatcoat. I am a sucker for that type of military look, especially with greatcoats (see also: commissars from 40k, and, y'know, real life Soviet commissars.)
Ship: Sidewinder. It's cool looking, and can achieve the much coveted ramming speed. Good storage, too.
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Well-Known Member
Class: Tech Specialist; drone focus.
Shield: Prototype Pirate Shield.
Undergarments: Anti-Grav HL Bra & Thong, though anything with 3 Sexiness each and an HL strap-on will do.
Combat Implant: Cybernetic Subprocessor
Utility Implant: Synthetic Womb
Ship: Sidewinder, with 2 Missile Turrets, a Power Core Tuner, and 7 Advanced Quarters. Since some of the potential crew members don't really interest me, I could probably afford to lose one or two Advanced Quarters in exchange for a Shield Upgrade and/or Tuned Emitters.
Waifus: Kaede, Syri and Fisi. They're all quite attractive and hopelessly in love with Steele. Anno would also make the list, but I don't think she's properly in love with Steele (or at least, she won't do anything to show it).
Husbando: none, though the closest would be Kase. I'm not 100% certain why, but it's probably related to him being less masculine than most other men.

Everything else depends on whether or not we're speaking in terms of in-game mechanics (including stats and equipment limits). If so:
Weapons: FZR Fire Suppression System and Custom Shock Gear; melee focus.
Armour: Gray Goo Armour, with all the upgrades and customised to resemble light armour with the ST logo and a hexagonal pattern.
Accessory: Siegwulfe.

Weapons: a pair of heavily modified Slut Rays* and a hardlight sword**; ranged focus.
Armour: Armoured Steele Tech Catsuit^.
Accessories: Siegwulfe, ST Laser Sentry Mk1, Tam-Wolf 2.0, Myr Greatcoat, Shield Aug Bracers, Dance Heaven System and maybe the Fedora. All at the same time (or at least more than one, depending on the situation).
*includes higher Tease damage (even higher than the Heavy Slut Ray) and the added abilities to fire psionic beams, laser beams or arcs of electricity (though only one at a time); Isabel is more than smart enough to perform these mods. Replaces the ZK Rifle, which replaced the starting laser pistol.
**taken from Captain Khorgan and customised to change the blade's colour to purple. Replaces the electrified sword taken from (and later returned to) Dane, which replaced the starting knife.
^its stats are worse than the GGA but the suit itself fits better RP-wise. Replaces the normal ST Catsuit, which replaced the starting dress clothes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
Class: Tech Specialist; Melee.

Melee Weapon: Custom Shock Gear
Ranged Weapon: FZR Fire Suppression System
Armor: Suit of Gray Goo Armor
Shield: Prototype Pirate Shield
Accessory: Flash Goggles
Underwear Bottom: Boxers
Underwear Top: Leather Harness
Tent: Hardlight Survival Tent
Combat Implant: Combat Tail
Utility Implant: Nothing

Walking around with goggles is pretty cool and I've found the Flash Goggles counter to blindness to be more useful than extra shielding from the Shield Aug Bracers in most situations.
From clothing my favorite is the Gray Goo (with H. Armor appearance) but the Modded Yellow Clothes and Suit of Augment-Weave Armor share a second place.

Inventory: (11/20 slots used.)
Pink Hoverboard*
Tainted Kui-Tan Toy
5x Single Use, Mark II Shield Booster
4x EM Popper
10x Focus Pill
Aegis Light Machinegun
4x Sterilex Pill
1x Yibb-Tstll’s Reflexive Lube**
Heavy Slut Ray
Tweaked Vamp Blade
Shield Aug Bracers

* Steele doing cool stunts with the hoverboard is my cannon now.
** I think some sex scenes trigger if you have lube but I'm not sure, still better safe than sorry.

Ship: The Sidewinder ( The Adishesha )
Modules Installed:
Laser Turret, Machine Gun Turret, Missile Turret, Advanced Quarters, Advanced Quarters, Advanced Quarters, Advanced Quarters, Advanced Quarters, Advanced Quarters, Advanced Quarters.

Waifus: The Frostwyrm, Roxy, Shekka, Penny, Paige and Ula. is always hard to single some out, as you may have noticed by the amount of Advanced Quarters I really sail a full crew, nonetheless these are my favorites so far.
Husbando: Kase, Dr Lessau, captain Zaalt and Eitan (reformed); Jack may enter the queue in the future. So far there few male NPCs I think are appealing, the muscle man thing isn't my thing and if wasn't for Eitan having the best arc in the game he wouldn't be in my list.
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Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Class: ranged Tech Specialist or Merc
Armor: Zaika-style Gown. I love me some shield points.
Weapons: XTR-8 Peer is tops, but the plasma blade from Siege of the Kor'gii Hold is awesome and the best melee weapon imo.
Accessories: Shield-augmenting bracers, closely followed by the traveler's cloak and jetpack.
Shield Belt: Prototype Pirate Shield. Evasion malus sucks but I can just put on pretty dresses and gowns to counter it.
Ship: Sidewinder. It's just so badass to steal that thing. With my main character I renamed her the Illustrious August.
Waifu: Bianca and/or Aina. I love interacting with them both, but with Aina it just feels so welcomingly domestic. Plus she can always fit me.
Husbando: n/a

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
I rename it Legacy not just for Olympia but for as well Steele.
Legacy is a good name as well. I just chose Illustrious August as a nod to Po's holodeck game, which gave me the idea for Luvia's name, and to one of my favorite Chinese emperors to read about.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Class: Sumggler (I spam Flashbangs a LOT)
Armor: Augment weave, though I'm not sure it's the best.
Weapons: XTR-8 Peer or Hailstorm (mine was tripping enemies a whole lot), for melee i either use the vibrolass or the plasma blade.
Accessories: I was using Aim Eyepiece 2, but it doesn't seem to do zip,I still miss a ton, maybe a jetpack would be much better
Shield Belt: Was using the reaper armaments mk1, but i'm considering replacing it by the Prototype Pirate Shield.
Ship: Sidewinder. Can't say no to jacking a ship and getting an extra crew member to go with it
Waifu: Right now Fisianna and Roxy. Would be only Bianca if her content were complete.
Husbando: Nope.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Armor: Augment weave, though I'm not sure it's the best.
Accessories: I was using Aim Eyepiece 2, but it doesn't seem to do zip,I still miss a ton, maybe a jetpack would be much better
The Augment Weave is really good read it's description. For the eyepiece what's your aim stat? Plus the enemy have their own stats.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2021
Class: Mercenary. I like simple yet effective classes.
Melee Weapon: Reaper ‘AA’ Stun Rod
Ranged Weapon: XTR-8 Peer, Sturmbull, Saumarian Railgun
Armor: Nemean Threads, Frostscale Hauberk
Shield: Reaper Armaments Mark II Shield Generator
Accessory: Mark II Aim-Assisting Eyepiece
Underwear Bottom: Plain Briefs
Underwear Top: Undershirt
Tent: Hardlight Survival Tent
Combat Implant: Muscular Stabilization System
Utility Implant: Nothing
Ship: Sidewinder

Waifus: Anno, Syri, Kaede, Amara(Hope she gets more content), Shade, Fisianna, Shekka, Paige, Kiro, Penny, Siegwulfe, Roxy, Bianca, Rat Gang....There're more but the names escape me atm.
Husbandos: Kase, Alex

Big Papa Coyote

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2015
Class: Tech Specialist - my preferred combat style is basically to just seduce my enemies with tease attacks before my shields go down, so more shields are good.
Melee Weapon - Just started playing again after a year+ hiatus and haven't gotten very far yet, but I think there was a lust drugging whip I liked before around the time you get to Ant Girl world. Plus it does some actual damage, so if I focus on lust damage most of the time and run into a non-lustable encounter I can still beat them usually with just the whip before my shields go down.
Range Weapon - Goovolver and/or Bimboleum Emitters because 1 button lust damage.
Armor - Goo Armor I love because it's pretty decent and upgrade-able armor that also happens to be a pretty great and fuckable companion.
Accessory - Siegwulfe (Bimbo) because more lust damage dealt means more likely I am to seduce my foes before taking any physical damage. Also, she's pretty fuckable too.
Shield - Whatever provides me the most shielding at that point in game.
Waifu - Syri, Anno, Penny, Kiro, Shade are probably my faves.

Clearly the flaw is I have to change out a lot of gear when I know I need to fight a non-lustable boss, but most of the time this is a valid and fun set up for romping around in a porn game.
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Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019

Tech Specialist
Slutty Jumper Jumpsuit or Nova
Shield: P
irate Shield
Bimboleum Defense System
Gabilani panties, either honeypot bra or witch's corset
Custom Shock Gear
FZR or Warden Shield
SynthWomb and Sensory Dampener
Embry, Fisi, Shekka, Kaede, Roo
Kase, Able
also the rat's raiders for both the above categories i guess lol
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
Class: Tech Specialist
Armor: Gray Goo Armor (or Silvy in my case)
Shield: Pirate Shield
Accessory: N/A
Undies: Girly Panties, Girly Bra, Boyshorts, Undershirt
Ship: Starter
Melee: Rat Baton
Ranged: Saurmorian Railgun
Implants: SynthWomb
Waifus: Embry, Fisi, Roo
Husbandos: Chaurmine

Edit: I forgot Chaurmine, my bad


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Wanted to get Roo away from that casino for ages, eespecially after reading her Crew Doc, but...

With William doing Dhaal stuff and a whole lot of other priorities, I'm not counting on that content seeing the light of day. I mean, Bianca and Roo were introduced back in...2019? We are nearing the end of 2021...
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Wanted to get Roo away from that casino for ages, eespecially after reading her Crew Doc, but...

With William doing Dhaal stuff and a whole lot of other priorities, I'm not counting on that content seeing the light of day. I mean, Bianca and Roo were introduced back in...2019? We are nearing the end of 2021...
Patience good things come to those who wait.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I see Roo and raise you Dane.

Fenoxo isn't even writing porn anymore.