Favorite and Least Favorite Characters


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Lady Evergreen


Personally, I don't hate Tollus because I hate Tollus. Let me explain. I think Tollus is great villian is that he is eminently hateable and just the right amount of competence. I don't get the Evergreen hate, but then again I do sometimes not pick up on subtext. I hate Leofric because jackass sucker punches the champion and then has the gall to talk shit about the champion.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I hate Leofric because jackass sucker punches the champion and then has the gall to talk shit about the champion.

To be fair, his shit talking ability is in the same tier as a kindergartener calling someone a dummy-head. Only Jen and Leofric himself think he's clever.

I don't get the Evergreen hate, but then again I do sometimes not pick up on subtext.

You can like her, but it ain't subtext anymore when Evergreen herself talks about using kids as currency and literally every other character hates her and warns the player about her using nebulous dark-magic and she mind rapes people into becoming a tanuki fursona. I think she just happens to be a more creepy evil and hits more people's turn-offs instead of turn-ons, so she doesn't get any leniency like Kas does.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Would it be shocking to say I like all the floofs, even the living breath walking shitpost that is Takahiro?
Kiyoko: A good balance of wholesome and horny beyond reproach and seeing the kitsune only options imply your still new to it always make me laugh when compared to some of the later foxy choices(I understand why that is)
Kinu: Best floof daughter(Hime) would throw hands at the gods for her
Rindo: All I want is too see her happy, be that with The other choice from Kinu or with the PC just let her be happy please oh might fox writer
Kohaku: Such a small ball of energy and just an all around great floof, totally not OP because you can get free levels from her every so often(I will not divulge what content I want for her)
Miku and Mai: Honestly I just hope we get more into why they are the ways they are, fun theorizing about it, outside of that I love how they absolutely tease a foxen PC
Nanako and Walking brewery: Just 2 dumbasses I hope get over the issues plauging them both(I want to be able to punch the latter again cause my heart wasnt in it the first time)

If i had to say non-floofers it would be Cait/Etheryn(cant help but chuckle that she has a post fuck scene where she reminds the PC there a patslut)/Kiro/Brienne, and I like most everyone else is in the "you aight" field

Fuck Kas,Alissa,Alissa again, Did I mention Alissa, and Trollus. Really all just because there using everyone to achieve there goals not caring about the bodies they leave in there wake.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Etheryn(cant help but chuckle that she has a post fuck scene where she reminds the PC there a patslut)

Floof Champ is the one who's a patslut! Ryn's just being sweet and giving pats~


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Favs: Kasyrra, Brienne, Berwyn, Lusamine before Cait corrupted her entirely

Hate: Mother fucking Cait. Literally fucks everything and did corrupt Lusamine way too much. I liked her character the most until Cait decided to "punish" her for all the shittalking which - nuh-uh - totally wasn't rape or anything. It was totally in sync with her religious believe of consensual whoredom.
So far Cait's more depraved in my eyes than Kasyrra. And Kasyrra surely isn't hypocritical about it like Cait.

Man, just thinking about it makes me mad. Fuck Cait.


Jul 6, 2021
Favorite: Evergreen

Wow. Yeah. I said it, the Flemeth Tanuki has something that I find genuinely fascinating. I can’t help but think that she might even start grooming the PC if they spend enough time together. It’s freaky. But because possession is a fetish of mine, I’m curious where her end goals might be with a PC who is TOO compliant.

Favorite: Brint

Kinda reminds me of Iron Bull, not a bad thing. I even read his lines with that voice. Just a good, fun guy.

Least Favorite: (I’m not that far in) I’m not fond of Nakano. I haven’t had many interactions with him, but he’s like… Shadow the Kitsune? >.>


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Wait your mad that Cait has domme scenes with Lusa, a character who quite literally wont say no to cock if you've seen her dialogue? She like ultra horny compared to Cait/


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Wait your mad that Cait has domme scenes with Lusa, a character who quite literally wont say no to cock if you've seen her dialogue? She like ultra horny compared to Cait/

Lusamine. Who is openly part of a group of marauding rapey bandits and the world's biggest gossip. A group that can rape Cait well before even formally meeting them inside Hawkethorne. Lusamine is an asshole before Cait gets horny, and for some people Cait's actions would be revenge. To be fair to Lusamine though, I don't think she's involved in any loss scenes and mainly enables the literal rapey assholes. So, punishing the wrong person.

Wow. Yeah. I said it, the Flemeth Tanuki

Origins Flemeth, or that weird route they took her immediately after in all subsequent games and media?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Hate: Mother fucking Cait. Literally fucks everything and did corrupt Lusamine way too much. I liked her character the most until Cait decided to "punish" her for all the shittalking which - nuh-uh - totally wasn't rape or anything. It was totally in sync with her religious believe of consensual whoredom.
So far Cait's more depraved in my eyes than Kasyrra. And Kasyrra surely isn't hypocritical about it like Cait.

Man, just thinking about it makes me mad. Fuck Cait.
This is hilarious considering Lusamine is literally part of the rapey mercs who will steal Cait away from you for the whole loss sequence.
And yet you're mad that Cait gets sick of Lusamine shittalking her (we damn well know she targets Cait with the things she says as well) and deciding to put her money where her mouth is? The same Lusamine who is a literal cockslut the moment you fuck her? And CAIT deciding to shut her the fuck up when she runs her mouth too many times on YOUR DOING I might add by you clicking that damn button too many times to get those quips and rile her up enough to do so, is what gets you mad?

I like the doe wyld but sometimes a running mouth needs something to clog it too.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2021
My fav character is, without a doubt as of the recent update, Kass. Especially once I figured out what she's been doing during the Khorminos situation, which is, imo, REALLY damn cool and Im VERY excited to see how it unfolds.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
My fav character is, without a doubt as of the recent update, Kass. Especially once I figured out what she's been doing during the Khorminos situation, which is, imo, REALLY damn cool and Im VERY excited to see how it unfolds.
Would that be impersonating Calise?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I do have to say, I dislike or do not care for basically entire temple cast.
Salwah feels like a Cait just more professional . Which is fine, but she also feels to cold to run the place that is supported to feel fun.
Rune has the problem of just not being that interesting with being another Bubbly cat but then again what did I expect. At least Quin got his very own cat bed companions
Imad is god damn wet blanket of a character that is trying way to hard to soind damaged and brooding.
And Darius is a mess with his specific body requirements and total pointlessness to the story or sexual appeal.
Like man, I know that this is probably just me, but I do find it funny that most people seemed to be interested in temple only when Kas was added to it. Since at least she brought some god damn life into it. Just a waste of a concept.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
You do know its new content, it very much fits perfectly into being a temple to a effemenant catboy of a god, give it a bit to come into its own.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Yeah, no... I wish I could but temple already has 5 NPCs. That hat is already one more NPCs compared to Winter city. And I am counting blue chick who is only technically part of it. And they are still less interesting than Hethia, Elyon or even Elthara.
Especially since that cutboy shows up, says "thanks for the brothel succar" and flies into clouds above, never to meat again. Expect that one time, but then never again.
Not being able to interact with mallach is another ball that is lacking in temple ball park.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I like Amina. But she's kind of a tease with her lack of interactions. I'm not gonna say anything bad about Rune, and expect to survive.

no thoughts. head empty. only rune now. no thoughts. head empty. only rune now. no thoughts. head empty. only rune now. no thoughts. head empty. only rune now. no thoughts. head empty. only rune now. no thoughts. head empty. only rune now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2020
This is hilarious considering Lusamine is literally part of the rapey mercs who will steal Cait away from you for the whole loss sequence.
And yet you're mad that Cait gets sick of Lusamine shittalking her (we damn well know she targets Cait with the things she says as well) and deciding to put her money where her mouth is?
That's really not the airtight case you think it is. Revenge/reverse rape is still rape.

Now, I actually like Lusamine and personally have no issue with her content, but I've always assumed Consensual Non-Consent was one of the fetishes she was geared towards. More explicitly than the other parts of the game.


Aug 31, 2021
Favorite, in no particular order:
Edessari & Wredi

I might have a bit of a bias towards horse girls with a little extra (centaur or not), and hornet girls.

Least favorite?

Probably most of the kitsune den honestly, I don't know why I'm not really interested in the story there. Not an active dislike, just indifferent. Miko, Mai & Kura are ok in my book, though.
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Sep 7, 2021
Favorite NPC (Non-Companion): Viviane.
-Honorable Mentions: Princess Phyria, Leorah, Gwyn
LEAST Favorite NPC (Non-Companion): Byvernia
-Dishonorable Mentions: Lady Evergreen, Prince Philander, Jen

Favorite Companion: Kiyoko. By a lot.
-Honorable Mentions: Cait, Etheryn
LEAST Favorite Companion: Quintillus. Also by a lot.
-Dishonorable Mentions: Arona, Berwyn

Some of these I can't explain why I like / dislike some I can. Disclaimer of course that these are just my opinions on the matter.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Top five Favorite characters in that particular order:
Evelyn (An all around nice person who also happens to be a sexy domme. What's not to like?)
Etheryn (Which honestly is a testiment to the writers skill, because usually I strongly prefer the dommy NPCs as sexual partners for my main characters in porn games. However depite Etheryn being the submissive partner in every sex scene I absolutely adore her because she is just that likeable and cute.)
Brint (Hot piece of beef that will pound you into the sheets and fuck your brains out. Nice)
Kassyra (Sexy Futa Demoness with a horesecock and can be surpisingly pleasant for an corrupting force.)
Azzyran (A nice bee girl that can stuff you with eggs. Also I really like bees and she is the best one)

Least favorite characters:
I don't really hate any character. I don't even particularily dislike any. If I had to chose my least favorite though, I would say:
Hirrud Grune (is a douchebag and has no sex scenes, so he has not much going on for him. Works as a one-off villain though)
Ninian (He is actually likeable, but his sex scenes do nothing for me, since size difference of that magnitude is definitly not my fetish)
Jin-Jin (He as well is likeale enough, but since I always play female-gendered characters, though with variying sexual equippment, I never get to see his sex scenes so he hasn't very much going for him).


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Brienne for favorite. Can't really explain why I like her over Kyoko or Arona but I do.

Quin/Minotaur miners are my least favorite. I don't have any interest in their content but they pop up to get in my way. It's a small complaint but that just shows that I don't have a lot of complaints for CoC2.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Quin/Minotaur miners are my least favorite. I don't have any interest in their content but they pop up to get in my way. It's a small complaint but that just shows that I don't have a lot of complaints for CoC2.
I...never recruited Quinn. He... gave me the wrong vibe. He's a perpetual guest at the hound and my champ never spoke to him again after saving his butt.

The Minotaur miners, for me they're cannon fodder. Don't care about them except for the Blazinstones I can get by beating them up.