Faster Pregnancies??


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Is there ANY way to speed up the pregnancies in T.I.T.S.?? I'm tired of waiting for my characters sometimes 'MONTHS' long pregnancies to end, so I can get them to do something else with their bodies. Is there a special item in the game that can speed it up like in C.O.C.?

Or better yet, is there ANY way that SOMEBODY can update the games so that the Ovilium item will act like that other item from C.O.C., that instantly speeds up pregnancies?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
There are some eggs that can speed up pregnancies. However you're best off getting your pregnancy speed up before you get knocked up.

Between the incubator starter perk, the breed hungry perk from one of several rather dubious sources, and the two tiers of buffs from the Laquine ears, you end up with like 1200% pregnacy speed.

Also you can just time skip your pregnancy by going to the nursery and going on maternity leave.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Wear Laquine ears, and savescum the effects until you get something that's along the lines of "Your pregnancies will come to term faster".

Meaning your pregnancy speed will skyrocket to high heaven. I think someone said a 9 month one will lower to 3 weeks or something? I can't remember, but if so, then it's THAT fast. You can mod the extra bunny stuff away later.