Fallout 4 Hype


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
So who here is ready to fuck shit up/get your shit fucked up Nov. 10th?

I'm probably going to be running around as Shadman's Vault Meat pinup girl, hopefully I'll be able to create a close match!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No idea what I'm gonna look like, probably just gonna hit random. All about the luck of the draw.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Probably the only reason for me to own a Xbox one... maybe a few others but money is a rare commodity for me. Lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Looks like they've gone a long way towards making melee options and stealth WAAAY more viable in this one compared to the old ones. I approve.

*Totally going to make at least one Kenshiro expy, Fist Of The North Star'ing anyone who tries to start something*


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It was the one thing that finally pushed me into assembling a new pc... the hype is strong in me.

I'll probably play the lonely female cowboy with lots of revolvers and crits.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Looks like they've gone a long way towards making melee options and stealth WAAAY more viable in this one compared to the old ones. I approve.

*Totally going to make at least one Kenshiro expy, Fist Of The North Star'ing anyone who tries to start something*

They were already dead.

You can build a base. A base! With turrets!

Like tower defense, but actually fun!

It was the one thing that finally pushed me into assembling a new pc... the hype is strong in me.

I'll probably play the lonely female cowboy with lots of revolvers and crits.

Wouldn't a cowboy be out of place in Boston? This ain't the Mojave ya' know, pardner. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Wouldn't a cowboy be out of place in Boston? This ain't the Mojave ya' know, pardner. 

That's what fun about it... for once she will be unique instead of just like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
That's what fun about it... for once she will be unique instead of just like everyone else.

Who knows, with this new fangled crafting system you might even be able to make laser revolvers!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Don't know if it's been confirmed yet, but I've also heard a few rumors that you can turn yourself into a ghoul.

Wonder if it'll be anything like the Vampire Lord TF from Skyrim- i.e new buffs, such as radiation healing you with downsides such as reduced health due to, y'know, being half-rotten.

Could be fun if it's true, though.



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Who knows, with this new fangled crafting system you might even be able to make laser revolvers!

Who needs lasers when...



Aug 27, 2015
My hype for fallout has reached unreasonable levels.

I've never been this hyped for a game and I couldn't explain it to some one as to why this game in particular makes me feel this way. It's not the graphics, story, dialog, crafting or any one thing, I just know that innately I'm going to enjoy it. I've loved every Bethesda game so far and I've never had any issues with them. Some people really seem to dislike their games or parts of there games, but I've never had that. I've played every fallout game and every Bethesda game, so I would have bought, played and enjoyed fallout 4 even if all that we saw was just the name, no game play trailers, nothing. I still would have rushed out to get it. (I mean I lept on the pipboy edition like a rabid idiot to smack a bunch of money down of a plastic collectible)

There's just something special about a Bethesda game that other games just can't quite capture. I can't even really say what that is either.

I'm going to waste so much time just in game building settlements and guns, and of course the obsessive exploration and item collection I do in every Bethesda game.

Plus the icing on all of it is simply the mod potential for this game. I've loved messing with game files and making mods for these games for years now and I just can't wait to get my hands on the guts of this installation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Bethesda games have gotten to the point where a lot of people see them as buggy by nature; me included. So while the hype is real, and I'm looking forward to gun/armour/town customization, I remain wary. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Bethesda games have gotten to the point where a lot of people see them as buggy by nature; me included. So while the hype is real, and I'm looking forward to gun/armour/town customization, I remain wary. Time will tell.

I've run into very few bugs in my entire experience playing Fallout.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I'm excited to see the mods. I always feel so naughty when I like 200 hours into the game install a nude mod and strip my character for the first time. It's like... Wow, so that's what your butt looks like. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm excited to see the mods. I always feel so naughty when I like 200 hours into the game install a nude mod and strip my character for the first time. It's like... Wow, so that's what your butt looks like. 

Unfortunately I don't think Microsoft will allow those types of slutty mods.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'll play on PC, so that's no problem. Nexusmods will be there for me!

I'll always prefer consoles just for ease of access, and honestly I don't even think I'll add any mods to Fallout 4.

Fallout games have been perfect from the start, I don't plan to mess with that perfection.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I'll always prefer consoles just for ease of access, and honestly I don't even think I'll add any mods to Fallout 4.

Fallout games have been perfect from the start, I don't plan to mess with that perfection.

That's fair enough. I envy people like you who can be satisfied with what they get :p  I just don't have the patience to play a whole game through most of the time.

I'm a very bad gamer, nothing really grabs me ;n; But who knows, maybe Fallout 4 will get me back into more story-driven games. The past 10 years it's been mostly WoW and other gameplay-driven games.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Mods are the main reason I get into Bethesda games. Often I play through a game once, then when I want to make new characters I go see what crazy mods have been made for it on Nexus. Even if you're not too crazy about modding it's worth doing to get bug fix patches; their open world titles -while undeniably great- are always heaping with bugs of some variety or another that can ruin your game, like the infamous Abomb bug that plagued Oblivion players of both console and PC. Only PC players could get that fixed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
That's fair enough. I envy people like you who can be satisfied with what they get :p  I just don't have the patience to play a whole game through most of the time.

I'm a very bad gamer, nothing really grabs me ;n; But who knows, maybe Fallout 4 will get me back into more story-driven games. The past 10 years it's been mostly WoW and other gameplay-driven games.

I'm sorry, I just really lost it at the part about WoW. My most recent memories before I hacked off my subscription parasite was me sitting in my Garrison on an RP realm waiting for all manner of slutty Darknesters.


Mods are the main reason I get into Bethesda games. Often I play through a game once, then when I want to make new characters I go see what crazy mods have been made for it on Nexus. Even if you're not too crazy about modding it's worth doing to get bug fix patches; their open world titles -while undeniably great- are always heaping with bugs of some variety or another that can ruin your game, like the infamous Abomb bug that plagued Oblivion players of both console and PC. Only PC players could get that fixed.

To be completely honest, I've never once been affected by a Fallout bug that interfered with me completing something. Yeah I've fallen through the world sometimes but that's what savescumming is for, the thing in a game like this that makes mods a huge turnoff for me is the lack of recognition for accomplishments that you do in said mods. I like to play an open world game and have the world recognize me as the person who defeated x or y, mods don't really do that and even if they do try most of it is with subpar voice acting that is hardly convincing. I'm not trying to deter modding or anything, I really like certain mods especially with Skyrim. Nothing that changes the gameplay per say, but higher res graphics, idle standing/running animations, and new armor/weapon skins are what really enrich my game experience, definitely never something mechanically game changing. 

I'll stop rambling now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I got into mods for two different reasons, in Oblivion if you played the stelthy archer type there was a hole in the collision during the tutorial that had the goblin shaman's staff fall through the world if you killed her where she started. I grabbed the unofficial patch to fix that. A little later, with Fallout 3 I noticed that taking some of the skimpier raider armor left them with more clothes on then less, so I installed a nude mod to fix that.

Now I grab nude mods as a matter of course, and look to mod the game to fit what I find fun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Yeah, I only mod to make the game look prettier and feel more immersive. Like in Skyrim I had around 100+ mods. All of them were texture replacements and AI/gameplay improvements. It was pretty great when it didn't crash. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I always play bethesda games on pc because of the mods. My first play through is always vanilla but the second always has tons of mods. They help a lot to keep the game fresh and modders always end up improving the interface and the enemy AI.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Been a fan of the Fallout series ever since FO3 and played the other ones too, can't wait for the next one!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

There's a lotta screen shots going around off the PS4, I think that's the station. But they are going around and it's trying to OD me on hype.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

There's a lotta screen shots going around off the PS4, I think that's the station. But they are going around and it's trying to OD me on hype.

I'm hiding from all of it, I barely internet beyond here now as it is besides my YT subs and Hulu.