ExtraMeet: Tinder in Space!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Let me start by saying "Yes. I do plan on writing this, if people think it's a good idea and want to see it."

So while I have my current project's submission pending, I've decided to put out there an idea I've had brewing for awhile. Space Tinder!

Made a quick Proposal Doc detailing exactly what I have in mind.

ExtraMeet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_TDh0jds_Oz8f4TArX_KiSkiEGaweKw9E56xkxweIew/edit?usp=sharing

I personally think it's a good idea, but maybe I'm nuts or something. Either way I'd love to hear what people think, and if feedback is good I'd love to make something like this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Isn't GalLink a similar concept?

For sure similar, but not quite the same. GalLink and ExtraMeet are like POF, Tinder, Grinder, Adult friend Finder, Fetlife,etc etc. Each real world website is different but all have the same goal: Meeting somebody. GalLink (based on the the email you get), operates like a more social dating site with group meets and events, similar to a site like Fetlife. In my proposal, ExtraMeet would be far more akin to Tinder, where you just read a profile, judge, move on.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
The idea is very good. But boy is it a daunting task. One would assume you'd need to make quite a few characters so even if they have up to 3 scenes per it's gonna be a real hassle. Then there is the question of are 3 scenes even sufficient enough to get across an online dating experience? Because if they're all going to be one nighters/quick encounters(which does happens on these apps, but it's not ALL that happens) then it really just scratches the surface when it comes to online dating.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This could be a good dumping ground (i.e. access platform) for new NPCs that people don't know where to put, making it easier for new authors who want to start with just a single scene. It can also be an alternative way to meet existing NPCs, so you can try canvassing their authors and see who's interested.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I don't trust his name.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
There's Tumblr, Tinder and Grindr.
This can just be Fumblr.
Just such a shame they made the letter "E" illegal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
Now this idea I like for a few reasons:

1. It gives a lot more/of diversity to the game and allows people to explore the more niche kinks
2. As was already mentioned, it's a great stepping stone for writers who don't know how to introduce their NPC into the TiTS world
3. The player has full control of what they want; don't like, swipe left
4. It's quick work. If one of the existing writers want to take a break from a large project (like me a few days ago), this could be a nice way to spend that break.

I wish you best of luck, Ser Frost. May the eternal light of Fenoxo guide you on your quest to unite all of space through a dating app!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Feedback has been pretty good, so I'm likely going to start work on it this weekend. Might take a few weeks before I have anything ready to show people.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
I like the idea a lot, and agree who whoever said it could be a NPC dumping ground to test out characters and see what people think, without having to fully or crazily flush out those characters. One of those few instances where you can introduce a character as a test, and it be ok being a little shallow with regards to content or expansion. Not to mention the tinder aspect means that the NPC could decline the request, meaning that if options/coding for certain aspects of the PC were not yet in the game, the NPC could simply decline the request, and it would not be a role play game breaker, and instead just be their current xenological preferences.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
it could be a NPC dumping ground to test out characters and see what people think
That might backfire and result in an tide of vaguely diverse characters that we'll fuck once and then totally forget about. In other words, make it like IRL Tinder.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That might backfire and result in an tide of vaguely diverse characters that we'll fuck once and then totally forget about. In other words, make it like IRL Tinder.
You say backfire, I say stated goal. Even if not a single npc introduced gets expanded upon, this is a successful end result.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
That might backfire and result in an tide of vaguely diverse characters that we'll fuck once and then totally forget about. In other words, make it like IRL Tinder.
If I'm being honest, I don't think the goal of this project was ever to create Fisianna-like memorable characters. From what I gathered, it was a means to easily access sex scenes in something of a One-Night-Stand. He did mention a few characters that would be written with more dates and possible romances, but I suspect he may write those himself.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Okay so what I'm getting is the idea that the characters met through ExtraMeet would be one night stands; you don't get too close, you have some fun and go your separate ways.

Contrast that however with characters like Paige or Fisianna are designed to be more like long term relationships, where you meet them, get to know them and build from there before the nude fun times.

ExtraMeet characters would be decidedly one dimensional, they might be surprised that they're about to bang a billionaire playboy and not care as long as they get some sex. A rather blunt way of putting it, but it could allow for numerous one-shot characters to pop in (and possibly serve as a gauge to see how popular they are for possible expansions).


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Okay so what I'm getting is the idea that the characters met through ExtraMeet would be one night stands; you don't get too close, you have some fun and go your separate ways.

Contrast that however with characters like Paige or Fisianna are designed to be more like long term relationships, where you meet them, get to know them and build from there before the nude fun times.

ExtraMeet characters would be decidedly one dimensional, they might be surprised that they're about to bang a billionaire playboy and not care as long as they get some sex. A rather blunt way of putting it, but it could allow for numerous one-shot characters to pop in (and possibly serve as a gauge to see how popular they are for possible expansions).

Pretty much this. None of the characters I'm creating for it I have any intention of expanding or turning into into big things. Now, that said if one of them turns out to be super popular for some reason would I go back and expand on them? Maybe. I don't know, depends on the character. It's really not the point of them for me, but if people want more "tentacle rape"-y scenes from one character in particular that's going to be on the app I could swing that.

That said, later on ExtraMeet would be a great way to introduce larger characters, I just have no current plans for any at this time. I'm going to be kept occupied filling out the roster for the next while, making about 30 or so characters. If another content creator wants to do something like that, all the power to them, I just need to get the project off the ground first, and that's going to take some time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There are quite a few problems I see with this?
  • Have you considered where the place where they have sex?
  • Have you considered how will this app deal with the PC being different planets?
  • How about SSTDs?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
There are quite a few problems I see with this?
  • Have you considered where the place where they have sex?
  • Have you considered how will this app deal with the PC being different planets?
  • How about SSTDs?

1) Yes. Not an issue. Each sex scene starts with a quick trip to there place/your place/the washroom etc etc. One or two right there in the bar.
2) Yes. Each planet has its own pool of profiles. Each new planet has new meet to encounter.
3) Funny enough, I've already given this some thought. There may be an encounter or two that may result in some crotch rot, but as of right now I'm not sure where I'm going to go with it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Eh, a lot of Steele's sexual encounters often end back in their cabin, so that really shouldn't be something to worry about.

I do have a question about the second point, with the pool of characters. Would these characters be reflective of the world they're on, or be something of a mix? Be that I mean, if you went to say...Uveto, would a large proportion of that pool be Huskar or would they be more like the patrons of The Freezer bar, several races?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
I do have a question about the second point, with the pool of characters. Would these characters be reflective of the world they're on, or be something of a mix? Be that I mean, if you went to say...Uveto, would a large proportion of that pool be Huskar or would they be more like the patrons of The Freezer bar, several races?

I'm trying to keep it diverse, but also provide a sample for the sorts of people you would run into on a planet. In the Uveto example, I COULD just make it all Huskar stuff, but that's boring.

Instead I'd have a Huskar citizen, a Korgonne outcast, a storm guard warrior, a modded to the teeth scientist, and an archeologist. Those are sorts of people you would meet there, so those are the sort of people that will be on the app.

Some planets will be easy to show diversity (Tavros), while others will be much more challenging (New Texas), but I'll try to keep it fresh.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
I'm trying to keep it diverse, but also provide a sample for the sorts of people you would run into on a planet. In the Uveto example, I COULD just make it all Huskar stuff, but that's boring.

Instead I'd have a Huskar citizen, a Korgonne outcast, a storm guard warrior, a modded to the teeth scientist, and an archeologist. Those are sorts of people you would meet there, so those are the sort of people that will be on the app.

Some planets will be easy to show diversity (Tavros), while others will be much more challenging (New Texas), but I'll try to keep it fresh.
Also take in mind that there are more than one genders. This could also provide plenty of opportunity for diversity, with behavioural differences and what not.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Instead I'd have a Huskar citizen, a Korgonne outcast, a storm guard warrior, a modded to the teeth scientist, and an archeologist.
See, this is what I'm afraid of. Instead of people creating awesome, extremely unique characters, and making them lots of interactions whatnot, instead, people will just make someone totally unique, write 1 or 2 sex scenes, submit, and never touch it again. That's what I'm worried about. That all the super interesting and unique characters will be made for this and never expanded upon and simply forgotten about, and all that uniqueness and creativity will be wasted on a bunch of booty calls.

Yes, I know i may be being paranoid, but let's be real, in order to get your super original character in, would you rather A) have to write the character the old fashioned and difficult way, with intros, dialogue, etc: or B) write a few intro stuff and a description, then skip right to the sexy bits and be done with it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
See, this is what I'm afraid of. Instead of people creating awesome, extremely unique characters, and making them lots of interactions whatnot, instead, people will just make someone totally unique, write 1 or 2 sex scenes, submit, and never touch it again. That's what I'm worried about. That all the super interesting and unique characters will be made for this and never expanded upon and simply forgotten about, and all that uniqueness and creativity will be wasted on a bunch of booty calls.

Yes, I know i may be being paranoid, but let's be real, in order to get your super original character in, would you rather A) have to write the character the old fashioned and difficult way, with intros, dialogue, etc: or B) write a few intro stuff and a description, then skip right to the sexy bits and be done with it.

I doubt something like ExtraMeet is going to cause writers to suddenly half-ass it. If you were already writing a steamy romance or broken bird or bored milf or whatever, then having an additional way of introducing the character to the player isn't going to deter you.

But yeah, a number of current and future projects are probably going to be repurposed for this. Most likely, most of these projects would have died and been forgotten without something like this. A large number of projects simply die before they're finished, or even started. Having an lowered barrier of entry is the best way to get more finished projects, which is good for everyone involved. And once they're in, if they're popular enough, they can always be expanded upon.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Posted my current progress on the project over in Event Submissions. It's shaping up okay, but still needs a lot of work.