Hello, I wished to inquire if more experienced players than me know of any effective strategy to keep the PC's exhibitionism maximized, short of giving up either of your undergartments (and their Sexiness bonuses). I dislike the topless/going commando look, and I don't want to nerf Sexiness too much, but even daily public masturbation seems ineffective to prevent exhibitionism from steady degradation if you stay fully clothed. And apart from goo armor there are no other ways of raising Sexiness (too bad mimbranes don't give any bonuses for that, despite the cosmetic alterations they provide), otherwise I would embrace the nude bodypaint aesthetic, which seems to vibe well with latex skin, goo armor, and mimbranes. I suppose it is an effect of the system applying the effects of public masturbation and staying fully clothed on the stat at different times, in a way that the former does not really counter the latter.