Excellia hoping for more

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War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
I gotta admit when I first heard this game was coming was hoping for more Excellia content. Seeing how there are so much "fan art" of her and from just one little scene near the end too. I know no CoC1 Characters but still it would've been nice oh well just wondering if I'm the only one that wanted that or thought of it that's all.

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
You're probably not the only one that wants more Excellia content, but it's pointless to get your hopes up about it. Give Brienne a chance or wait for other warrior minotaur/cowgirl characters to be written (though Excellia is less a warrior and solely a cumdump).


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Savin has no interest in Excellia. Kindest way to put it.

If you don't know any CoC 1 characters, why bother bringing her up? There's only gonna be one returning CoC 1 character, and it's not Excellia.

Which was quite the irony, seeing how the OC came to life as a warrior princess.

*twitch* Minotaur QUEEN. :ghost:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Twitch all you want, but, as far as my skills go, this seems be the first Excellia commisioned drawing ever, dated in late 2011. It was reposted here. For those without a FurAffinity account, the image blurb is as it follows: "My new OC that has come from my love of dark skinned, red head amazons and cow girls. I will base a story about this character about how she went from an exiled princess from a great amazon nation, to being transformed into a amazon cow-girl and how she gathered many scattered tribes of minotaurs and ruled over them."

That said, the author just kept on making up origin stories for her. Blackheart referred to Excellia as a CoC OC in two images created by Adjatha and LurkerGG in June 2012 (back when the character still had a "warrior princess" theme going on) that were uploaded to onikumaru's FurAffinity profile. Excellia wasn't used as a CoC OC until July 2012. FleaTrollus, who had already created some CoC fanart, created an Excellia comic. You can check it here.

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Hey don't get me wrong I love Brinne she's awesome I'm just saying it would've been nice because you see all these drawings of Excellia like the ones Kesil just posted. Not just where Kesil got them but Rule #34 have some too oh well Brinne still my new favorite cow girl. Hell I don't even go to that farm down in Harvest Valley anymore now that I got my own.
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