Ethereal : Cyberpunk Game

Jan 31, 2018
The primary game we are working on, it could be a hit or a mess, we are going to use this mostly to develop new stuff and try new things.

This is a SciFi Cyberpunk game, based on the well known RPG Maker MV, but rest assure this won't be your usual RPG Maker.
We worked hard to steer away from basic RPG Maker MV features, there will be no boring repeating tiles, no stupid top-down only buildings, no lame 48x48px cartoon character, no stupid endless repeating MV battles.

NO, this game is going to rock, so expect full parallax mapping, diagonal movement, realistic animated characters and events. Custom mini-games like hacking are in plans, and the battles will be something new to the RPG Maker MV scene.

You are a convicted hacker that returns on Earth after a very long unplanned journey, only to find everything changed.
Seems someone pushed the nuke button, then everyone else got frenzy pushing the same button. The Earth crumbled under the thermonuclear apocalypse and life under the good old Sun became suddenly complicated.
Everyone caring about his own life took a leap of faith and started to live in underground cities, where filtering systems provided clean air, constant temperatures and potable water.
Most people don't leave their underground cities, going outside is only for military, scientists, adventures or thrill seekers.

Note: Adult content is expected in patreon only builds. (we would like to stay in line with patreon guidelines and prevent builds containing restricted content available to underage people).

Download demo from from our Patreon Page:

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Doesn't look like it would appeal to me, but I will congratulate you on having something that looks different and thus more interesting than the run of the mill RPG maker titles.
Jan 31, 2018
0.6.1 released. It contains some bug fixes reported in the first build.

0.6.1 : bug fixes

- Added some splashscreens with extra info.

- Improved collision maps to reduce lag.

- Increased the drop chance when looking for scraps.

- other bug fixed (fire animation)


Oct 9, 2016
Let me know when you increase the drop chance for scraps (again, apparently, I can't imagine what it was like before). It's a porn game, not monster hunter, don't want to spend an hour doing every fetch quest.

Otherwise, I like the design, making it isometric at least makes it stand out in the crowd, and the art style is good, too. The movement is buggy and laggy, though. It actually seems to work better with wasd. I'd either give up on the mouse aspect and just make the camera move with the player, or focus on fixing the mouse movement before you do anything else.
Jan 31, 2018
@Skraz: thanks for feedback.
The quest will be modified again probably in the next release, I would like to point out that in our internal testing we got the quests in less that 15 minutes, if the quest is done so it would maximize chances.

I would not call it a spoiler but a couple of tips:
1. Take the baseball bat from the garage.
2. Equip it in the menu! Maybe this is not obvious, but this is how things works in RPG Maker. (We got an idea here... maybe we should implement auto equip an weapon once is obtained.)
3. In the Junk Area, in the top right corner there are 3 rats. Beat them, search for scrap, you should find some barbwire.
4. Upgrade your Baseball bat with the Barbwire for extra damage.
5. Top Junk Area gives better success ratio to drop scrap. Run around, kill all the rats on the map, fight only the encounters system and you should be able to get your items. Don't leave the map to prevent rats spawning again.
6. Once life is under 100, you could in theory (if not buggy) try and escape the rats if you Evade the battles.
7. Nurse should restore health and give a small medical kit.

I've talked with the programmer and couldn't figure out why some maps lags. But we hope to get a fix for this soon.
A patch for re-enabling camera movement along with keys movement is in plans also, we tested it and it works fine, just need to sort out other issues.
Jan 31, 2018
Friday Update (0.6.3 + extra_dlc)

New build 0.6.3 released.
Download Ethereal 0.6.3.
Many bug fixes, new maps, new characters and some Adult Scenes included in the separate dlc file.
The separate dlc file is extra_dlc.asar and must be copied inside the EtherealDemo_0.6.3\resources folder near the other asar files.
Download the extra_dlc.asar.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2016
Interesting game. I'd agree about the scrap bit the other guy above mentioned. I spent 15 minutes killing rats and getting no XP for it while failing on 1/3 scrap chances. I got 2 scrap in 15 minutes. Its a shite porn game considering the time spent grinding vs time spent looking at porn.
Jan 31, 2018
Download new update: Ethereal 0.6.3b

Two new maps added
New monster: Desert Scorpion
New character introduced: Alia "CherryBomb" Blackwell
Lag fixes.
Quests difficulty adjusted: Only 5 items for mech scraps and scorpion venom required to be found.
Fights menus simplified a little, less repeating actions.
Adult scenes added.

Known bugs:
The character could lag badly on some maps when using mouse (solution: wait a little to clear the pathfinding queue or use the keyboard).
The character could get stuck in some objects/corners etc. As a temporary solution use keyboard directional keys to "escape".
The camera is not following the character when using the keyboard directional keys.
Scorpion stridulating sound almost can't be heard.
Adult video not playing.

In order to unlock the adult scenes, the separate dlc file (extra_dlc.asar) and must be copied inside the EtherealDemo_0.6.3\resources folder near the other asar files.

Download the extra_dlc.asar.
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Jan 31, 2018
Updated again.

Download new update: Ethereal 0.6.4


The camera is now following the character when using the keyboard directional keys. [bug-fix]
Scorpion stridulating sound fixed. [bug-fix]
Adult video should play. [bug-fix]
Scrap Scanner works faster.
Two new maps added
New monster: Desert Scorpion
New character introduced: Alia "CherryBomb" Blackwell
Lag fixes.
Quests difficulty adjusted: Only 5 items for mech scraps and scorpion venom required to be found.
Fights menus simplified a little, less repeating actions.
Adult scenes added.

Known bugs:
The character could lag badly on some maps when using mouse (solution: wait a little to clear the pathfinding queue or use the keyboard).
The character could get stuck in some objects/corners etc. As a temporary solution use keyboard directional keys to "escape".

In order to unlock the adult scenes, the separate dlc file (extra_dlc.asar) and must be copied inside the EtherealDemo_0.6.3\resources folder near the other asar files.

Download the extra_dlc.asar.
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