Error When Loading Save From File


New Member
Jul 30, 2023
I'm not certain if this is the proper place to post this, but I have a save that has worked fine until recently. Loading it from file brings up a load error that reads:
The selected file could not be loaded.
Feel free to report an issue to us and attach the save in question.
Error: Unterminated string in JSON at position 241456 ".

If it's possible to fix it, the help would be greatly appreciated. If not, I'll live. Thank you in advance.


  • Krampus (H) - 21Hrs 39Mins, 29 Days - Eon Eagle, Ingnam.json
    236 KB · Views: 12


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
I tried loading this into an editor and got an error which reads:

End of string '"' expected, but reached end of input at line 1, column 241457.

It seems to be an issue somewhere in the Gray Goo Armor's code.However, anything beyond this point simply refuses to load. I loaded up one of my own files and I get the entire file. Even stranger, I have a day 1 test file that is 600kb in size, whereas yours is only 242kb, despite being further along in the game. It's as if it's an incomplete file. Either you or some program wiped 2/3 of the save.
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New Member
Jul 30, 2023
I'm going to guess there was an error when saving to file and it didn't complete it before it was stopped. Welp.
Is there potentially anything that can be saved from it? I'm willing to either replay some or recreate it in a save editor if I was able to have like at least a list of what my character looks like and the items. Highly doubt much else could be done.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
Your character itself managed to survive unscathed (appearance, inventory, etc.)
Everything pertaining to your progress in the game, not so much.
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New Member
Jul 30, 2023
Your character itself managed to survive unscathed (appearance, inventory, etc.)
Everything pertaining to your progress in the game, not so much.
Well, that's better than I would've imagined honestly. I think I could potentially look through the code in a text editor or something then to just try and make everything back from scratch. I'm just not the best at deciphering what half of it means tbh. Thank you for the help.
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Jul 27, 2023
I wouldn't bother if I was you. Even the character list is incomplete, and more important stuff like flags (which is essentially your quest progress) isn't there at all.
If you still want to fiddle with it, Notepad++ with plugin JSTool can format (Plugins -> JSTool -> JSFormat) and parse (Plugins -> JSTool -> JSON Viewer) incomplete JSON files.