Equipment Crafting?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, so I've been brainstorming an idea for FoE: Equipment crafting.

We can make potions but why not equipment?

So here's how it would work: You meet a NPC who claims to have smithed many items in his past and he's willing to teach anyone for a fee. When you find resources, said NPC will teach you how to make equipment. From there, crafting is unlocked. However, you can only craft the first tier of equipment at the beginning. As you progress through the main storyline, you'll open up new recipes. The recipes persist even through New Game+, if such thing was to happen.

I'd like to provide some examples.

To get a bronze bar, you'll need to mine some copper and tin ores. To get an iron bar, you need to mine some iron ores. For these, you need a pickaxe.

There are 8 levels in Crafting mastery. As you make items, you gain exp in crafting mastery. When you increase your mastery level, you can make higher tiers of equipment.

There are two ways to gain experience in crafting mastery:

  • Pay the smith to train you in 1-hour sessions. The cost scales with crafting mastery. Because FoE needs a gold sink. What do you do with the coins you eventually accumulate over the hours or days of gameplay?
  • Craft the equipment yourself. This is the slower way.
Tier 1: Bronze/Leather (During Act 1, no requirements)

  • Bronze dagger: 1 bronze bar; use the original dagger stats.
  • Bronze shortsword: 2 bronze bars; use the original shortsword stats.
  • Bronze rapier: 2 bronze bars; use the original rapier stats.
  • Bronze greatsword: 3 bronze bars; use the original greatsword stats.
  • Bronze chest: 5 bronze bars; use same stats
  • Bronze leggings: 4 bronze bars; use same stats
  • Leather chest: 5 pieces of leather; use same stats
  • Leather pants: 4 pieces of leather; use same stats
Tier 2: Iron/Padded (End of Act 1, requires crafting level of 2+)

  • Iron dagger: 1 iron bar; 0.2 attack, 2 dexterity, 1 apPierce
  • Iron shortsword: 2 iron bars; 0.2 attack, 2 strength, 1 apSlash
  • Iron rapier: 2 iron bars; 0.2 attack, 3 dexterity, 1 apPierce
  • Iron greatsword: 3 iron bars; 1.1 attack, 5 strength, 1 apSlash
  • Iron chest: 6 iron bars; 0.4 defense, 3 stamina
  • Iron leggings: 4 iron bars; 0.3 defense, 3 stamina
  • Padded chest: 8 pieces of leather; 0.2 defense, 2 stamina
  • Padded leggings: 6 pieces of leather; 0.2 defense, 2 stamina
Tier 3: Steel/Chitin (During Act 2, requires crafting level of 3+)

  • Steel dagger: 1 steel bar; 0.3 attack, 3 dexterity, 1 apPierce
  • Steel shortsword: 2 steel bars; 0.3 attack, 3 strength, 1 apSlash
  • Steel rapier: 2 steel bars; 0.3 attack, 3 dexterity, 1 apPierce
  • Steel greatsword: 3 steel bars; 1.2 attack, 6 strength, 1 apSlash
  • Steel chest: 6 steel bars; 0.5 defense, 4 stamina
  • Steel leggings: 4 steel bars; 0.4 defense, 4 stamina
  • Bee chitin chest: 8 pieces of bee chitin; 0.3 defense, 3 stamina
  • Bee chitin leggings: 6 pieces of bee chitin; 0.3 defense, 3 stamina
Tier 4: Mithril/Spider Silk (End of Act 2, requires crafting level of 4+)

  • Mithril dagger: 1 mithril bar; 0.4 attack, 4 dexterity, 1 apPierce
  • Mithril shortsword: 2 mithril bars; 0.4 attack, 4 strength, 1 apSlash
  • Mithril rapier: 2 mithril bars; 0.4 attack, 4 dexterity, 1 apPierce
  • Mithril greatsword: 3 mithril bars; 1.3 attack, 7 strength, 1 apSlash
  • Mithril chest: 6 mithril bars; 0.6 defense, 5 stamina
  • Mithril leggings: 4 mithril bars; 0.7 defense, 5 stamina
  • Spider silk chest: 12 pieces of spider silk; 0.4 defense, 4 stamina, 1 dexterity
  • Spider silk leggings: 10 pieces of spider silk; 0.4 defense, 4 stamina, 1 dexterity
  • Spider silk robes: 20 pieces of spider silk; 0.5 defense, 1 stamina, 5 intelligence, 4 spirit
Tier 5: Unknown (During Act 3, requires crafting level of 5+)

  • Depending on how FoE progresses. There may be one more tier, up to tier 6 at end of act 3.

  • Gol chitin chest: 10 pieces of Gol chitin; 0.4 defense, 4 stamina, 2 dexterity
  • Gol chitin leggings: 10 pieces of Gol chitin; 0.3 defense, 4 stamina, 2 dexterity
  • Vine adornments: Vine bra; same stats as vine bra. Intended for gender-neutral/males. Can be changed back to vine bra.
  • Vine loincloth: Vine panties; same stats as vine panties. Intended for gender-neutral/males. Can be changed back to vine panties.
  • Dwarven rifle: Made with wood and metal, very complex to make. Would require completion of a sidequest and very high crafting mastery.
I'm currently waiting for the green light to start writing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I would like to see this implemented. I think it would be something fun to play around with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A good basis for most RPGs, sexual or not is crafting. I would say I'm surprised that they didn't put that in first, but as mentioned before CoC coding is pretty much a spaghetti dish, so it would probably take a LOT of time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Humm an items crafting too? It's nice idea so would be good if Alder manage somehow add it (well if he not I won;t be mad at him either).
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I won't speak for Alder, but please allow us to let the alchemy system properly in place instead of the placeholder we now have.

After that has been settled, then maybe we can think about item crafting.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Alchemy is already an extremely annoying process of rummaging around the world and mobs for relatively undocumented items to get whatever fetish transformation you're after, if any. Adding it to weapons, too, would be even worse.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Equipment crafting is going to be much simpler. One special item, either as a quest reward or boss drop. Turn it in to Cassidy, wait two days, collect your stuff.


New Member
Nov 27, 2015
Personally I would rather see more equipment/item quest rewards and item drops from battles and/or a new higher level or just different equipment vendor instead of a whole new craft system.  I dont want my character to have to worry about working on the processes needed to create stuff. Instead they should just wonder around and explore the world and 'enjoy' the um... scenery and er...   people. :) In fact, I like it that most of the potions can be found in victory item drops and I dont have to make them. Or if I do need one made I can have Rosalin make it for me.

How about some better items become available from the existing vendors if you 'sweet talk' them? Of course actions are better than words. Im thinking that a more favorable attitude of the vendor toward you would unlock a special item or maybe a group of items. In fact I already noticed a special button on one of the vendors that i believe is not yet implemented??

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Personally I would rather see more equipment/item quest rewards and item drops from battles and/or a new higher level or just different equipment vendor instead of a whole new craft system.  I dont want my character to have to worry about working on the processes needed to create stuff. Instead they should just wonder around and explore the world and 'enjoy' the um... scenery and er...   people. :) In fact, I like it that most of the potions can be found in victory item drops and I dont have to make them. Or if I do need one made I can have Rosalin make it for me.
But at the same time, having the equipment simply be an item drop would cause a lot more limitations for the player. Take for example the fight against Orchid and how she dropped vine panties and a vine bra. Because of this, a fighter class character lacks the ability to earn gear for his/her class from this fight. Whereas with a crafting system the player could have gained a "Bundle of Vines" which they then could choose to turn it into the vine bra or possibly a vine gambeson. 

It also seems like having enemies drop actual equipment could cause a lot of weirdness and plenty of fridge logic. One example would be having one of the dragons drop actual armor upon victory; why does it have armor? And how does it even fit me for that matter? I guess this could be avoided by writing in a humanoid enemy for every desired item drop (the Orchid example makes sense), but from a writing perspective, it seems like it would just be easier/ less limiting to go with the crafting system. Especially if the system is as easy as it was when we had to get ingredients for Ophelia. 

Just out of curiosity, why exactly do you prefer to have Rosalin make your potions than making them yourself?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Equipment crafting doesn't sound half bad BUT we already an alchemy system. I'd rather see how the alchemy in its final form will work out and then decide wether the game needs any additional crafting.

By the way... How IS alchemy supposed to work when finalized?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I fail to see the point of this discussion when it's more or less decided how equipment crafting will work, at least for weapons.


Nov 25, 2015
Equipment crafting is going to be much simpler. One special item, either as a quest reward or boss drop. Turn it in to Cassidy, wait two days, collect your stuff.

uhm if i could make a suggestion perhaps a unique event that could happen is if you search in say the desert at night you may witness a meteorite fall and if you investigate you would get a meteorite that you could take to cass to have her make a meteor sword like sokka from avatar the last airbender did! i always thought that was the coolest idea for a sword and since there doesnt seem to be many one handed swords except the two rapiers and the short sword it could be like a superior version of the short sword but black blade and perhaps have some unique stat bonus? maybe a high slash damage or maybe a burning status ailment?