Entire save file softlocked on Mhen'Ga


Active Member
Jun 18, 2021
I'm not 100% sure what caused this, because I only discovered it after reloading my usual save half a day after having left it.

I believe what happened was I was getting down and dirty with Shizuya in the hangar of Tavros, but when I finished up, it left me on Mhen'Ga instead. I didn't think anything of it, talked to Kelly, saved and quit. When I came back, I discovered, to my horror, that MY SHIP ISN'T HERE. I CAN'T LEAVE THE PLANET.

The text box claims it is there, but there's no available prompt to enter it. The entire tile is just blank.

My last secondary save on this file is from over 600 days ago. I was basically done the entire public build of the game, and now I'm just stuck on Mhen'Ga. Is there any way to fix this? Any way to teleport back to Tavros where my ship is supposed to be?


Active Member
Jun 18, 2021
Update: I managed to fix it by hooking up with Erra at the bar to teleport me back into my ship. When I finished, it teleported me BACK to the Tavros hangar. Fixable, but still a very buggy interaction with Shizuya.