Enemies wiping the floor with me...


New Member
Sep 8, 2018
Ok, so i have played CoC & TiTS, but i'm really lost here. Picked White Mage as a class. Got myself with a lot of reloading to Lv2. Got Entropic Winds...Still can only defeat harpies & wyvern girl.

The shemale-mage is sometimes possible, but often straight up one-hits me. Atm at 140 HP and not really sure what to do from here on. Grind harpies to Lv3?


New Member
Sep 8, 2018

Looks like a dark-skinned, white-haired fox-girl. Turns out has a 15-inch-dick XD

Summons 2 units to help it. Grinded my way to Lv3 and then the fight is doable. The (185) HP are enough to not get 1-hit-killed anymore. It also helped to buy the equip from the village. Still, the first fights are just horrendously one-sided. Especially compared to the previous two games, where you had a very nice and smooth curve when it came to battles.

The problem seems to be, that you are supposed to fight Team vs Team, but you instantly lose if your main character goes down, making it way more riskier than when your whole team would have to be defeated. It's also barely possible to tease opponents into submission (at least as white mage) if they are in a group, since it takes 3-6 turns to do so per enemy.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2017
I think thats just a trap.. but either way combat in this game is busted and bairly working. Mentioned a few fix ideas to the people but they probally wont listen if you want to have a better time at combat Chose blackmage you can summon a meat shield to eat an attack or two other than that pray that rng has the healer accually do its job..

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Looks like a dark-skinned, white-haired fox-girl. Turns out has a 15-inch-dick XD

Summons 2 units to help it. Grinded my way to Lv3 and then the fight is doable. The (185) HP are enough to not get 1-hit-killed anymore. It also helped to buy the equip from the village. Still, the first fights are just horrendously one-sided. Especially compared to the previous two games, where you had a very nice and smooth curve when it came to battles.

The problem seems to be, that you are supposed to fight Team vs Team, but you instantly lose if your main character goes down, making it way more riskier than when your whole team would have to be defeated. It's also barely possible to tease opponents into submission (at least as white mage) if they are in a group, since it takes 3-6 turns to do so per enemy.

Like you, Dogboi immediately loses if he's taken down, summons notwithstanding. Ignore his summons and focus him down.

Why on earth are you teasing in a class that's not meant for it? Tease is the basic attack of lust damage, anyway -- if you attack with your basic attack on the physical side it's much the same effect.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
The reason they are so strong I think was because for whatever reason the current area those enemies are at is actually not the first area.
The first area of the game that has weaker enemies wasn't made yet.
The area with the harpies is like the 2nd or 3rd area.
I'm unsure why they started with this area first though.


Jun 24, 2016
The reason they are so strong I think was because for whatever reason the current area those enemies are at is actually not the first area.
The first area of the game that has weaker enemies wasn't made yet.
The area with the harpies is like the 2nd or 3rd area.
I'm unsure why they started with this area first though.
Because there was more content already prepared/ready to go for Foothills AFAIK.

Writing in italics should probably be reserved for when the answer isn't easy to get.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Ok, so i have played CoC & TiTS, but i'm really lost here. Picked White Mage as a class. Got myself with a lot of reloading to Lv2. Got Entropic Winds...Still can only defeat harpies & wyvern girl.

The shemale-mage is sometimes possible, but often straight up one-hits me. Atm at 140 HP and not really sure what to do from here on. Grind harpies to Lv3?
Just wait for diaper baby mode to come out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It really depends upon your build choice and what you fight at the moment. If you are careful then you can gear up to handle those parties of enemies that frequently attack. Personally I find the wyvern to be my favored opponent with a seducer type build. The best thing to do is try different classes and find one that you can manage with. You'll have to grind to make up for your starter squishiness. Try to build up your equipment to offset your weaknesses. You won't be able to steamroll enemies straight out of the box like you could on CoC1. You have to work to earn that privilege.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Because there was more content already prepared/ready to go for Foothills AFAIK.

Writing in italics should probably be reserved for when the answer isn't easy to get.

Yea sorry, Idk what key on my new keyboard it is but when I keep accidentally pressing it it activates Italic.
I miss my old one, but I already got rid of it...


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Just wait for diaper baby mode to come out.

I really don't understand why, after this many complaints about the scaling of PC vs NPC enemies, they weren't adjusted and the foothills properly installed as the first area in the sequence. If I have more content for one zone than the one that was intended to go first, swapping around stats shouldn't be too difficult, no?

Difficulty is one thing, stacking the deck against the player is another. Can't imagine many people are too happy with that in a game that relies more on dice rolls than anything you can actively do to get around opponents. Especially if there's a big gap between how classes perform and an absolute need to rely on an NPC companion for meat shield, even if that's not at all your preferred playstyle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
They're still building the system up. There are training options and other mechanics that are missing from the current build. They're putting it out there so people can try out what is there. The present state is kinda skewed against the player. However, it could easily flip-flop around and become too easy after they start implementing the other class-based mechanics that they're still working on. Then we'll have forum topics popping up about the game being too easy. I've seen this with enough of these games in development to know that it could happen even if they didn't try to tamper with the difficulty directly.

Honestly... it makes a lot of sense that the harpies would flock around in groups of 3 for the most part. You have two basically newbie characters going up against parties that outnumber them. You can try running when you see the odds are stacked against you or just wait until they can finish more of the core stats and mechanics that are missing from the current builds. They had a bunch of wip notes tacked up in different places so I would imagine that once those items and possibly trainable skills end up in game we may find that the enemy parties are easier to manage all of the sudden.

My feeling on the game is just to sample at the appetizers to get a feel for how it is coming together, but don't invest too much into your runs at this time.

Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
Just wait for diaper baby mode to come out.
My god, this is turning into the Dark Souls community. Elitists will start plaguing the forums. The direct gameplay problems with the difficulty are one thing but the type of players it's going to breed into this community will be far worse.
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Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
My god, this is turning into the Dark Souls community. Elitists will start plaguing the forums. The direct gameplay problems with the difficulty are one thing but the type of players it's going to breed into this community will be far worse.
If we can get memes as good as Dark Souls it will all be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
White mage is probs. the easiest class to play at the moment just because reliable heals are absolutely necessary and whitefire/entropic winds are the best offensive pair of skills. Kait's AI seems more geared toward using the white mage's surprisingly potent offense so you're better off playing the healer yourself and using one of those two spells when everyone's HP is high.


My god, this is turning into the Dark Souls community. Elitists will start plaguing the forums. The direct gameplay problems with the difficulty are one thing but the type of players it's going to breed into this community will be far worse.
Git gud.


Jun 24, 2016
Franks dropping in like an NPC got dropped with choking, muscles, and sloppy cunt-fillings.

An absolute mess.

Crystal night

New Member
Sep 1, 2018
Well considering your characters racial qualities also come into play that can effect how effective your spells are alongside your overall combat. And also why tease as a white mage unless your building up the tease itself to be stronger and to be a way to escape a fight when you need to?. In my opinion coc2 is made for teamwork by using your allies skills and your own tp your advantage aswell as racial perks to your advantage.