Effective Duel with Krawitz


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Ok, I've gotten the actual mansion part of the quest down pat but I cannot figure out how to humiliate Krawitz in the plaza duel. Am I missing a step from being told what to do or is there a level cap?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Dueling Krawitz

Using the Explore function in the Plaza has a chance of randomly generating Lord Krawitz as an encounter. Being his offensive self gives the player to offer him a challenge to a fencing duel, or leave. The player has only a single chance to challenge Krawitz, so they should approach the matter cautiously.

Victory against Lord Krawitz is dependent upon the player's Dexterity score.

  • At Dexterity 40 or less, they are guaranteed to lose the match, leaving them with the only choice of raiding the mansion.
  • With a Dexterity of 41 to 60, they have a random chance of either losing the match or scoring a victory (1 humiliation point).
  • With a Dexterity of 61 to 80, they have a random chance of scoring either a victory (1 humiliation point) or a humiliating victory (2 humiliation points).
  • Dexterity 81 or more guarantees a humiliating victory (2 humiliation points).

If you wish to earn the points for this option, you MUST undertake it BEFORE you chose to raid the mansion.

From the wiki