Persona 5 and Deus Ex. Don't care if it's in E3 or not, the game I'm really looking forward to is SMT4: Apocalypse.
I just want to see any actual gameplay for Mass Effect: Andromeda and Horizon Zero Dawn, Deus EX and the Warhammer "look" interesting but I'd just be getting into the franchise, so I'm a bit hesitant. Anything else I'll just have to see what they got.
Apocalypse has been confirmed for E3. I just want to get SMT IV first before the sequel, which is why I didn't previously mention it. Although that means I have to wait longer before fighting YHWH.
You could always play Human Revolution before Mankind Divided. There's no need to play the outdated (Yes, it fucking is.) original and sequel.
I'm a bit annoyed.
Persona 5 has been delayed until Feb 2017.
Well, at least it's coming out.
Better than getting some unfinished, half-assed garbage that needs to have fuck ups patched every two weeks.
Going to be replaying the Director's Cut of Deus Ex: Human Resources in the run-up to the sequel's release. I am very much stoked for it because I remember Hormone Rebellion as being an excellent game, if slightly too... yellow.
Also, CAPCOM sure doesn't know when to stop beating on a dead horse. Resident Evil has become their Mario Party.
Capcom is Resident Evil and Street Fighter are all they have now, and it shows by the CoD treatment they're getting: the yearly drip feed. They absolutely ruined Megaman. I stopped giving a damn about Capcom after they brutally maimed the Okami franchise. Shutting down Clover was still the best thing to have happened though, since they went and founded Platinum. A pity they couldn't take their IPs with them, but I digress. Ah, and while a new Dragon's Dogma would've been nice, they're pushing the asia only online pretty hard; it's basically Capcom's PSO2.
Pretty much sums up my thoughts for E3. Go Zelda and Dishonored.
Sooo how about that Mighty No.9?