Dreamer's Hub


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Dreamer44 here. This hub is where you can find my projects and ideas, discuss my content and offer feedback.

Don't be shy, I can take criticism.


-Effigy Herald's oral scenes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nancGz5Z9Ue-odrPSoePwiHLIe3RvYZS8SCSWksDs7s/edit?usp=drivesdk

Status: Implemented.

-Sya, the Effigy Warrior.

A daughter of the Alraune, this boisterous, tomboyish bimbo warrior can be met in the Garden, where you can interact, and interact, with her.

Meet her, sex her, romance her... The choice is yours.

Status: Submitted.

-Farrah's Sex Scenes.

Farrah has very few sex scenes. I want to change that.

First scene: Titfuck.

Status: WIP

-Amabilia the Cindermander Librarian: WIP
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Hey everyone, I'm Dreamer44. After years of following the game and mulling it over, I finally decided to write for CoC2. In this thread you'll find my works and submissions.

Feedback is always welcome!


-Effigy Herald's oral scenes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DAOFgdfyuVukxTnFdENvbvh_8XW2GbWPJ64Qz1KVNX0/edit?usp=drivesdk

Status: WIP (1 of 4 scenes done).
Looks good. I found one typo:
Throwing gentleness out the window, yoy grip her and dive head in, yoyr [pc.tongue] entering her flowery pussy, exploring every inch it can reach with wils abandon.
you, your
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
You need to turn comments on for submissions, by the way.
Savin, sorry to bother you, but I have to ask.

Funtastic had already written and submitted an oral scene for the Herald blowing the PC, according to their forum thread. Should I still write mine, or cancel the blowjob scene and write the others instead?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Finished the second scene, with the Herald eating the Champion out this time. Still getting used to writing with parsers, so I'd appreciate your opinion
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Third scene done, and it only took me two weeks of fighting writer's block. Now you can read the PC eating the Herald out, the Effigy eating the PC's pussy, and a 69 scene that accounts for a wide variety of sexual equipment.

So many parsers...


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Boy, did I forget to update this. My bad.

Back in August, I found myself with a huge writer's block so I could barely advance on Amabilia. So I decided to switch to another of my planned characters:

Sya the Effigy Warrior.

One of the Alraune's daughters, this tomboy bimbo missed the PC's battle with her family, but has no problem with their new situation.

A herm you can chat with, sleep with, and even romance. Needless to say, you don't meet her if you kill the Alraune.

Here's her introduction, shared months ago in the Discord:


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Though the clearing is usually filled with the rhythm of the Herald's flute and bongos, it seems you've arrived during one of her breaks; quiet chatter fills the air while the effigies rest on the ground or idly walk around. Some of them cheerfully wave at you as you pass by.

An excited cheer draws your attention to a small group forming a semicircle in front of a tree; in the middle, an effigy recounts something with exaggerated movements and expressions.

Curious, you walk closer; though many effigies are similar if not identical to each other, this one stands out among her sisters.

A short mane of light blue petals rests below a worn, brown hat, which may be a size too big for the girl seeing how it hangs from her head. Her face is painted in a darker shade of blue, her emerald eyes shining with energy and mirth.

Her body is curvy, with what you guess are C-cups crowned with her family's nectar-dripping flower 'nipples'. A short black scarf is fastened around her neck, waving from side to side as she moves.

Meaty thighs flex as she quickly changes between dramatic poses, a thick, long tentacle-cock hanging between them, blue petals framing the base.

Red gloves cover her hands as she swings a long, two-handed sword around with ease, her audience far enough there's no risk of hurting them by accident. Two tentacles, sprouting from her back, are coiled along the length of her arms, stopping short of her wrists.

"...and the four of them growled at me. Wolves don't talk, but I could feel the challenge directed at me. 'Rawr, you are no match for us, foolish warrior. This is our victory.' but I laughed in their faces! 'The elves couldn't beat me, the talking wolves couldn't beat me, the hornets couldn't beat me, the other elves couldn't beat me! I am Sya, the Effigy Warrior! This is my victory.' And then I jumped at them, bringing my sword down right in the biggest one's head!"

The girl-Sya, apparently- brings her weapon down, stopping just short of hitting the ground, before turning and kicking the air. "Then the others came at me, but I kicked the teeth off the second one and turned to the rest, attacking with all my power!"

She slashes the air, hard enough to cause a 'WOOOSH' as the metal cuts through the air, the small wind generated ruffling her audience's petals as they lean forward, enraptured.

"They got so scared that they jumped back, so I just cut them a little; but they cried in pain as they saw my great power. Fear filled them, and they ran away, followed by the other two as they cursed my greatness. And that's how I won my fifth battle that day," she finishes with a wide grin and raising her fist up in victory.

Her sisters clap and cheer at the story, one of them leaning forward with awe in her eyes. "And what happened after that?"

Sya paused and looked away from them, embarrassed. "Weeeeeell, I was so tired after five fights that I took a… long nap. That's why I wasn't here to fight with you when Mommy was defeated," she admits, a bit crestfallen.

"Oh, don't feel bad, sister; you were out there having adventures, helping Mommy spread the Garden! And I always need a nap after just one fight," one of the effigies says, trying to cheer her up.

The others join in, hugging their sister and giving her encouraging words; in no time at all Sya perks up.

“Still, I can’t believe you could face all of that alone!” One of the sisters says when the hug ends. "All that action and fun… now I wanna go on an adventure!"

"Me too, but we need clothes to look as cool as Sya!" Another one pipes in, Sya herself looking smug at the praise.

"I think I still got a few scarves in the trunk where we used to put the slaves' clothes!" A third adds, guiding the group out of the clearing.

The excited effigies leave; Sya stays behind, looking at their receding figures with pride. Turning around, she yelps in surprise, only now noticing your presence.

Clearing her throat, the girl composes herself, pretending she wasn’t startled at all. “H-hello there, fellow [party.isSolo|adventurer|adventurers]! Welcome to the Alraune’s Garden, home to our great Mother and her beautiful daughters! I am Sya, the Effigy Warrior. May I have the honor of knowing who you are?”

You’re [pc.name]-

"Oh, you're Mommy's [pc.mf|Master|Mistress]! Nice to meet you!" She says, dropping the slightly formal attitude and grabbing her weapon with her tentacles so she can use both her hands to give your [pc.hand] a strong, energetic shake.

[pc.strengthRange 66| Her grip is something else; though she doesn't look like it, the girl is quite strong. Lesser [pc.race] would have been conquered by her might, but you can withstand it.

Sya eventually lets you go, the wide and honest smile in her face suggesting she's completely unaware of the challenge she just put you through.|

Your muscles strain, your bones tremble; you can't help but let out a scream as you try to pull free. Surprised, Sya lets you go.

You groan while rubbing your [pc.hand]; the girl's way stronger than she looks.

"O-oh, did I hurt you? Sorry, I thought you… sorry," Sya apologizes, reaching towards you but stopping and taking a step back, rubbing her arm while looking to the side.

The pain subsides into a dull feeling as you shake your hand. "It's ok; you just took me by surprise."

Stealing a glance at you, Sya recovers a little, facing you again with an apologetic smile. "Still, I'm sorry. I wanted to be nice to Mommy's [pc.mf|Master|Mistress], not hurt them. You. Hurt you."

…She's kind of adorable when she's not trying to be so formal.

"Heh." That wide smile forms again as Sya cheers up.]

[party.som||Sya turns to your companion and greets them with the same enthusiasm, though her gaze keeps coming back to you.|Sya turns to your party and introduces herself to them, though her attention keeps going back to you.]

With the greetings done, the Effigy looks you over, taking in every detail of your appearance.

"You know, ever since they told me that Mommy had been defeated and now had a new [pc.mf|Master|Mistress], I've wanted to meet you.


"Yeah, and you are just as [pc.mf|handsome|beautiful] as they told me you were!" Sya reveals, not hiding her interest.

[pc.dcb|So she's as horny as the rest of her family. No surprise there.

Sya just smiles at you, not denying it at all.|
Why, thank you. She's beautiful too.

Sya giggles as the compliment.|
You are? Awwww, thanks! She's beautiful too! Her petals are so colorful and her eyes are just the prettiest!

Sya giggles and blushes at the compliments.]

Your chat gets interrupted when an effigy comes running up to Sya, grinning at you as a quick greeting before whispering something in her sister's ear.

Sya blinks several times before growing more serious and turning towards the newcomer. "I'll be there in a minute."

The effigy nods and sprints away.

"Sorry to leave now, but one of my sisters got stuck inside a trunk; we really need to find wider ones to hide our things," Sya apologizes, musing the last part while looking to the side.

A trunk? Does that happen often?

"Once a day, usually. We don't want to break them to get our sisters out, so they call me to lift and shake the trunks until they fall out," the Effigy explains, not noticing your bemused expression. "But duty calls, [pc.name]; I can't leave my sisters trapped and defenseless. If you need me, I'm always here in the afternoon. See you later!"

Dropping her serious attitude to cheerfully wave at you, Sya sprints away, disappearing between the trees.

You suppose you'll have to visit later if you want to talk again with this warrior.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
When she notices you walking closer, [effigytrio.loveRange 0 5 10|the girl waves at you, her sisters departing while chatting excitedly among them about her latest adventure.

"It's good to see you again, [pc.name]. What brings you here?”
Sya smiles and cheerfully waves at you as she walks closer; her public giggling before taking their leave, giving you both knowing smirks.

The girl stops in front of you, beaming. "I'm glad you're back, [pc.name]. What do you want to do?”
Sya smiles lovingly before sprinting to meet you halfway; the effigy traps you in a warm, tight hug. Her public coos and giggles at the display of affection before leaving you alone, chatting all the way about the smitten warrior.

"It could be for only a second, it could be for a hundred days, but I miss you every moment we are apart. Welcome back, [pc.name]," the effigy says, taking a step back while staring at you with eyes brimming affection.

"How do you want to pass our time together, my love?"]
Sorry for the lack of updates here.

Sya will come with a parser measuring her affection for the PC. At 0-4, she's just another horny effigy; at 5-9, you're fuckbuddies and she enjoys your presence, whether it leads to sex or not; at 10 (the maximum) she falls in love and does her best to be romantic.

She never stops being a horny flower, though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
After a couple of minutes, you reach the riverbank.

Taking off her hat, Sya leaves it and her sword on the grass as she rests against a tree. One of her vines coils around your arm and gently pulls you in, guiding you to her side.

Taking the spot next to the effigy, you lay against the tree as she rests on your side. One of her hands finds and idly plays with yours with a calm gentleness that seems out of place in the energetic and strong warrior.

She’s so warm, so firm yet soft… it’d be relaxing to cuddle with her if it wasn’t for her floral scent, that sweet fragrance that carries just enough aphrodisiac to make your heart beat just a bit faster.

Sometimes you can forget that this girl is the result of Kasyrra corrupting the Alraune, that she was a threat to Hawkethorne.

You [pc.mf|chuckle|giggle], bringing Sya out of her own musing.

"What's on your mind, [pc.name]?"

You were just thinking about your quest. Fighting Kassyrra for the sake of your soul, facing the demonic corruption of these lands and its people… you've found something good that came out of this entire mess.

The warrior leans towards you, curious.

[pc.dcb|Your arm hugs her by the hip and pushes her more against you. “You, my dumb and slutty flower.”

“Oh,” Sya realizes before smiling at you. “I don't know what adventures and problems Grandmommy is giving you, but I’m glad she’s here. Thanks to her, I’m here; I have a family.

“I have you.”

Yeah, enough sappy emotions for the rest of the day. You pull Sya towards your lap and she shifts to straddle you, eagerly meeting your lips.|You give her your most loving smile."That you were born. That you are here, with me. And I would never change that."

Speechless, Sya's eyes grow shiny with unshed tears. A trembling smile threatens to split her face in half before she gives up on words and throws herself at you.

Trapping you in a hug, she desperately kisses you over and over. She's so overcome with emotion that it's clumsy and messy… and you don't care in the slightest, kissing her back with as much passion as you can muster.|”You, silly!” You beam at her. “I'm so glad I met you, my pretty flower.”

“Oh!” Sya smiles back, blushing a little. “I’m glad I met you too, [pc.name].”

If she wanted to say more is a mystery, as you give in to the desire to kiss her; you can’t get enough of her warm lips or her yummy nectar. Sya doesn’t seem to be able to get enough of you, either, if the way she hugs you and pushes deeper into the kiss is any indication.]

The sun sets, its fading light dancing on the waters of the river. Soon you’ll have to go back to your quest; Sya will need to rest for another day of adventures tomorrow.

But you can both spend a few more minutes together. Tomorrow can wait.
And with this last scene, Sya is done and submitted.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
With Sya I want some form of Alraune purification even more.
Why her daughters are cute horny flowers, but she is THAT corrupt and there is no way around it with all magician and alchemists we know.

Can't wait for her implementation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
With Sya I want some form of Alraune purification even more.
Why her daughters are cute horny flowers, but she is THAT corrupt and there is no way around it with all magician and alchemists we know.

Can't wait for her implementation.
Well, the effigies are just as corrupt as their mother. They are more childish, but they ARE corrupted beings.

You can find hints of that here and there in their content.

Hope you'll like Sya.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
The succubus smiles with lustful mischief at your request, letting her clothing slide off her blue skin as she moves around the counter, hips swaying hypnotically as she walks towards you. “So you want to feel these hugging your mighty member, my dear patron?” She teases, fondling her tit with one hand while the other removes the golden chain connecting her nipples with her clit.

“Now lay down, [pc.name],” Farrah says as she pushes you down into one of the lush pillows spread through her Emporium.

“Let me show you what I can offer… my services are of the best quality, I assure you,” she purrs as her nimble fingers help you take off your [pc.underwear].

Already growing erect at the sight of her naked body, your [pc.cock12b|[pc.cock] rises to full mast| cocks harden to full length and thickness| tentadicks rise and thicken, three swaying members of impressive size and girth throbbing Farrah’s way] as she sultrily kneels in front of you, smiling widely.

“Ready to go just by admiring the merchandise? You flatter me, [pc.mf|Master|Mistress],” the succubus giggles as her hands tease your [pc.crotch]. You bite your lip as she slowly massages every inch. “But don’t rush, [pc.name]. We’re just getting started…”

The start of Farrah's titfuck scene. From here you can either continue with her or have Cait join in of she's in the party.