Drawing for my TiTs Character

Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
Hello, I'm new to the forums, but not new to the TiTs Game.
I wanted to start creating a bit of fan art for such, starting with my very own Character.
He doesn't look look like this but it's more of what I want him to look like.
He is a femboy, he has small breasts, dark skinned and is a Femcubus (Femboy Incubus/Trap Incubus)
His name is Utena Steele aka Pastel.
I drew a bust of him for now and I might change things up a little here and there in the future. I'll start drawing other characters from TiTs and from CoC II, already started drawing my CoC II person


I updated his look, recreated the face to a more cuter expression with sharper and bigger eyes.. I've not yet to come up with a story for him, yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hi there and welcome! Do you mind some critique?
  • I think the wings are too low.
  • The horn looks as if growing from the hair instead of the character's head.
  • There's something unbalanced in the protuding ribcage-donut belly-large crotch space-hips and thighs line.

Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
The wings are hip wings
Hip wings are more seductive and sensual and are also called exotic wings.
The belly is because his tummy comes out a little below, like a pouch
i like the hips I don't see what you see, sorry.

But sorry that you dislike the wings and thank you for your critique.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're welcome :) I don't dislike the wings. It's just that such tiny wings on such a low point makes them useless and doesn't make sense for this body to have them grow there.. As for the hips, they look too large in comparison to the micro upper body.

Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
They're not there to be useful in anything other then being cute and a point of sensitivity. But as an incubus, he can make them grow at will, with a will of thought.
But before I saw you critique as an opinion but now I feel like you're being pretty rude.
You don't agree with my wings, that's fine but you, at this point, are not critiquing me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's no rudeness in saying that such puny waist wings would be useless for flight. Plus you said nothing about the character having such power (I don't remember if TiTS says something about it). If they're there for cuteness, you do you and screw logistics.
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Utena Vee

Mar 1, 2019
The game says nothing about hip wings, which is why I said it's what I want it to look like, so it's not int he game.
YOU might not like cute small wings but I happen to like them. I never said anything about flight and this isn't you, it's me.
What I see from you is you're telling me that My wings are puny and worthless and my hips are too big, because it's my personal person
I never said anything about him taking flight, no it's for sensual pleasure, sensitivity and cuteness. He is an incubus of my own report.
So I do see you as being rude towards me because you're telling me what you don't like because you don't agree with it and calling them useless
because they're not on his back and large. They're hip wings, they're meant more for giving him pleasure and made small to not get too much in the way.

The overall point of them is cuteness.