Dr. Lash fighting guide (still needs editing/rewriting to be up to date)


Mar 12, 2016
This is what iv used to beat lash manytimes

class Ranged Merc

lvl 7-8

armor: blackvoid TST but you can use te steele teck suit not as good though

weapon: aegis LMG   (if you go melee merc than use emmys jolthammer)

shield: reaper mk 1

acc: salamander coat

lowerwear: thermal under wear

for me in my runs so far this is the most effective on merc only iv try this with other class lash just shreds them


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Using this build I can beat him a good 75% of the time using lust as a techie.

lvl 8

armor: gray goo (enhanced)

shield: mk 1(this allows me to survive two rounds of Lash since I go with perks to max my shields at 160)

acc: aim assisting eye piece

weapon: single tailed bio whip

The most important part of this build is the use of paralyzing shock, which hits much more dependably thanks to the eye piece. Combining that with the goo clone (mine does 4 lust damage per round, maybe because of pheromone cloud?), and the bio whip which occasionally hits twice thanks to my mimbranes, and finally additional lust damage when combined with the myr venom perk. 
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Active Member
Mar 5, 2016
This is my Lash build for a Melee Tech Spec


Single Tailed Bio Wip

Transparent Zipsuit

Salamander Shield

Salamander Coat

Thermal Undies

Perks : Double Attack(Melee), Myr Venom

Items: Crystal Shard, Vial Of Gray Goo

With this setup and the crystal shard you will recive only 1dmg per hit from Lash, allowing you to simply attack him untill he gets 100 lust. Vial of Gray goo is for an emengency in case you won't have luck and miss a lot. He can recive up to 15 lust dmg per round if you hit both hits and Myr Venom.

Shame the lvl 4 perk "Armor Tweaks" aply only to armors Defence(and it's near useless becouse of that) and not Resistances, Tech really needs something like that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
This is what iv used to beat lash manytimes

class Ranged Merc

lvl 7-8

armor: blackvoid TST but you can use te steele teck suit not as good though

weapon: aegis LMG   (if you go melee merc than use emmys jolthammer)

shield: reaper mk 1

acc: salamander coat

lowerwear: thermal under wear

for me in my runs so far this is the most effective on merc only iv try this with other class lash just shreds them




I only took 1 damage! 


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I've already wrote up a guide a long time ago.  The key to beating lash is a) get a lust weapon, goovoler/biowhip/slutray, and b) 100% flame resist from thermal undies/salamanderjacket/black void plates. Bring a fungal extract for healing, salixia saliva for energy restore for more flurryesque attacks, and a dancing lesson for the extra evade and you've won.

There are two problems that make this exploit possible.  a) lash's weapon has 1 elec damage, 29 thermal.  If it was 15/15, this strategy and others like it wouldn't work.  b) thermal undies gives an absurd amount of resistance to one of the main damage types.  As a underequip option.  
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