Doll my Love


Feb 27, 2018
Hello everyone. I've been making games for a while now and decided to
try my hand at an adult game.

It is a visual novel about a guy and a love doll. The doll "awakens" and the
way you treat her will determine the way the story goes and what dialogue
options and ending you will get.

Note: This is still early in development so there is no "ending" yet.

Grab it from my Patreon page.

Enjoy :D

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
No info, no screens... errr...
Yeah, sorry man, you gotta give SOME of the story away if you want to pique our interest. This industry is so flooded at the moment that we can't check out EVERYTHING, and we definitely need more of a hook than "I'm making a game about a guy and love doll, check it out", ESPECIALLY for the early versions that invariably have almost no content yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If I were in charge of the forums, I'd delete any and all game threads that didn't follow that rule. I mean, it's in one of the stick'd threads.

"Now, there are a few recommendations when you make a thread, either in here or the showroom, showcasing a game. The most obvious is a link, preferably to the site/blog and not just a download link. The second is a brief synopsis of the game; internet fetishism comes in all sorts of stripes, after all, so you can't really say "DIS A PORN GAME" and have any tangible meaning from it. The content in it is not required, though you'll probably have the same few people rolling around demanding you say whats in it or whatever. If it's the type of game that has visual media, screenshots aren't a bad idea either. Even if you're bringing in discussion or asking a question about something out of the blue it still would be a good idea to give a brief for the game for the uninformed, as those questions will inevitable get posted."
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Feb 27, 2018
Kesil, I thought those are recommendations rather than rules. :confused:

> Can you put a list of kinks or something

The game does not have fetishes (yet, or maybe never), so I did not know how to answer that - maybe having sex with a doll can be seen as a fetish/kink? But the game is not far developed yet.

> No info, no screens... errr...
> ESPECIALLY for the early versions that invariably have almost no content yet.

I understand this. I guess you can check it out later when there is more content and I do have more info to post here?
The game is early in development so I do not have much to show or say yet. I just wanted to get a thread started for those people who would like to follow it and see how things are progressing.

The game is not that big, about ~20Mb to download, so give it a go when you have some time.
I'd especially like some feedback on the writing. I feel like I do not write enough dialogue but am not sure how I could improve on this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They are reccomendations. I meant the "No kinks? No information? No thread" rule I'd vote for.

As for the kink question, I take that, as ironic as it might sound, "vanilla" is the kink that should be advertised in the first message as well as whichever goes with it (anal, vaginal, outercourse...). Similarly, I take the pairing would be MxF.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
If I were in charge of the forums, I'd delete any and all game threads that didn't follow that rule. I mean, it's in one of the stick'd threads.

"Now, there are a few recommendations when you make a thread, either in here or the showroom, showcasing a game. The most obvious is a link, preferably to the site/blog and not just a download link. The second is a brief synopsis of the game; internet fetishism comes in all sorts of stripes, after all, so you can't really say "DIS A PORN GAME" and have any tangible meaning from it. The content in it is not required, though you'll probably have the same few people rolling around demanding you say whats in it or whatever. If it's the type of game that has visual media, screenshots aren't a bad idea either. Even if you're bringing in discussion or asking a question about something out of the blue it still would be a good idea to give a brief for the game for the uninformed, as those questions will inevitable get posted."

I am with Kesil on this one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
The game is not that big, about ~20Mb to download, so give it a go when you have some time.

OK, that's true, so I downloaded it and tried it.


...dude. Really?

There is not even THREE MINUTES of gameplay here yet. This doesn't even count as a DEMO. And this is "Build 002"? What was Build 001, just a blank title screen?

That aside, I have to say you REALLY need a more in-depth description, because the incredibly vague description you already have is jarringly misleading. You said it was about a guy and a love doll. Frankly, no it isn't. I was expecting maybe something like 'Lars and the Real Girl' crossed with 'Pygmalion', about a guy actually forging a substitute relationship with an inanimate love doll (as he was clearly intending on doing) which would eventually come to life, but she "awakened" as soon as I got her out of the box. Combined with the way my character constantly drew attention to the fact that her skin feels so real it's impossible to tell that it's "silicon", that she's warm, and that she clearly has a mind and personality of her own (even if she has no memory), it makes my character seem like some kind of naive moron for immediately wondering if he'd been sent some kind of advanced AI-controlled android prototype, rather than the far more obvious and plausible suggestion that he'd accidentally bought into a human sex slave ring that brainwashes women into living love dolls (kind of like 'Dollhouse'). Even if it turns out that, no, she actually IS some kind of hyper-advanced love doll, it doesn't actually mean anything- she's just your sex slave, basically robbing the game of anything to differentiate it from any other 3D fuck sim slave trainer. At least based on first impressions, which (let's be blunt) is all there is to go on.

Also, the animations are jerky and unnerving.

Needs much more work. There's just not enough here, and what there is here isn't as interesting as it sounded like it could have been.
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Feb 27, 2018
Thanks for the feedback, especially Jash's. The comments about Lars and the Real Girl and Dollhouse make sense.
Kinda glad I am not too far into the development now since I have second thoughts about the direction I wanted to go.
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