Doctor VJ Vermin's Fantastic Discussamatorium & Great TiTS Submitions Thread!

Hi, I'm Doc Vermin, you may remember me from flaking out on such projects as 'Demon Soldiers for CoC; too little, too late!' and 'Mane Event; the hair salon that never was!'

I'm here today to take a third swing at actually finishing something for once in my wretched life, and finally succeeding in submitting content to one of Fenoxo's games.

However; this time around I've taken a different approach and started with something a bit more manageable; a simple transformative item. Also, I've already finished writing it up, and the Google-doc link is bellow, so even I will have difficulty screwing this one up.

Any feedback, suggestions, ad-homonym attacks or idle abuse will be gratefully received.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Tossed in a few comments for the sake of being logically consistent with other transformative descriptions. Also this sort of item seems like it would have some variants on how the PC feels about the changes based on their exhibitionsim score.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2016
Well I think the biggest issues are
1. Fenco have been trying to avoid TFs that add perks, however since you have to be completely nude for this one to trigger, it might work.

2. A bit (all) of your parcers (the bracket things) aren't correct.
^There you will find all the parcers you will use in your item.

EDIT: didn't read the effects of the main part of the tf correctly, made a fool of myself.
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@ Xeivous: Thanks! I've made the changes you suggested.

@ anniebannannie: I've changed some of them to be more in line with the parser guide, but it doesn't have much about conditional tags, so I've left those for now.

Also: this is a little embarrassing, but... uhm... how do I actually submit my thing? Do I just e-mail Fenoxo or what (and if so, where do I get his address)?

I had to ask this last time, as well; but it's been so long I've forgotten, and the forum crash of way-back-when means I can't just go back & check my old thread.

Edit: Next up, when I can be bothered to write it; MILF of magnesia, the thicc-er picker upper!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Hey weren't we already supposed to have Milfshakes?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Ah nerts; have I just wasted several hours writing up a redundant TF? Who was/is writing the MILFshakes, & where can I read about them?
I don't think there is any TF related to shakes of any kind, let alone MILFshakes.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
They don't exist, but I thought Lurkergg donated for them during the initial funding for TiTS.

...What the fuck am I remembering? @Savin please confirm.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One come with idea for item while other donated for it and...for long time isn't around. Tough thing to solve. Naturaly would like new item but not at cost someone stealing already founded item idea. So if not Lurkergg then who else may been the donator?
I don't want to tread on anyone's toes; if MILFshakes are bought-and-paid-for then obviously I'll scrap my MILF-y TF without complaint. On the other hand, though; if MILFshakes have been discarded for whatever reason (assuming that reason doesn't apply to MILF of Magnesia as well) or just outright forgotten, then I suppose the niche for a MILF TF is still open.

I did search the forums for the word 'MILFshake', but nothing came up except the mentions in this thread.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2017
So, under the assumption that thread necromancy is fine as long as one contributes something, I'm going Herbert West all up in this motherfucker.

Just hope I don't end up making an ass of you and umption, or however that goes.


Chernoballs; start a nuclear meltdown... in your pants!

Google doc here:

So, yeah; any and all feed-back is very welcome.
The name 'Chernoballs' didn't quite make me laugh, but it did make me grin.

As not so much of a suggestion, but an idea, maybe you could make different versions, or an entirely different TF, of Chernoballs that made your stuff glow colours other than green. I'd imagine some people would like cum that glows red, or perhaps blue.