Do these transformations currently have uses?


Sep 11, 2015
I was looking through the various possible mods on the wiki, and I was surprised by some of them. Specifically, I didn't realize that wings, fuckable nipples or antennae were even options.

According to the wiki, the wings can serve as clothing in some situations. They also theoretically allow you to fly and swim faster, but I have no clue where that would come into play, if it does at all for the time being.

Obviously, the game is far from finished. Still, I was curious if anyone's come across any current content in it for those three body transformations.



Aug 26, 2015
Wings and antennae are purely cosmetic.  Some scenes, such as masturbating in the shower, may make note of them if you have them.

Fuckable nipples require their own scenes and as far as I know no such scenes currently exist aside from masturbating.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wing would have uses when more of Uveto content will come or that palce in game where PC would need have jetpack. I think there could be in future some encounter with enemies always flying above ground so without any means to reach them melee style fight fans would need wings or jetpacks. Also I could see some places on map that are unaccesable without using jetpack/wings to get there and by that perfect place to stuff some good item(s) to loot.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Jade's Boob-to-boob scene, that you can unlock by helping her grow some nipples of her own, has the most significant amount of dedicated fuckable nipple content I know of.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Wings are currently mentioned in the shower scene (not just shower masturbation) as well as when running away from an opponent, and standing up from being tripped. They give you a different scene when traversing the 'bottomless pit' on Myrelion, which I believe may make the trip take less time. They also unlock a means of getting into the warehouse's upstairs window during Fazian's quest.

That's all I know of, off the top of my head.


Aug 26, 2015
The usefulness of anatomy parts varies depending on the author who writes content relating to said anatomy part. Some parts can be useful (like saving in-game travel time, accessing certain minor parts of a particular event, temporarily giving coverage for nudity, varying degrees of temperature damage for harsh weather, etc.) but mostly they are cosmetic and shouldn't break gameplay from what already established stat checks can do (like having an upper-hand in combat or any kind of extraordinary in-game advantage).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Of all those three meantioned things wings could be mostly involved in giving minor bonuses for PC but I agree it can't be anything game changing advantage to the point of making wings a must get bodypart for PC -_-'

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wings and antennae are purely cosmetic.  Some scenes, such as masturbating in the shower, may make note of them if you have them.

Fuckable nipples require their own scenes and as far as I know no such scenes currently exist aside from masturbating.

Like Nik said, Jade has a scene supporting it. Cockvines also support nipple fucking. Venus Pitchers also... I believe. There's a few others but I can't remember which.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Fuckable nipples (both mouths and cunts), have tons of blurbs sprinkled through the game (like Ditz Speech), way more than in CoC, anyway. As for entire scenes, they might exist too but I can't remember them off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Worst thing about wings: I feel like I shouldn't be able to use the jetpack if I have wings, but the jetpack is probably the best accessory in the game right now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I agree of no need to use wings and jetpack at same time. Even if it not look weird assuming future jetpacks won't be all in some weird shape that amkes it impossible to wear while having wings. But having it it could be seen as additional safetly as I mean...some enemy can damage your wings to the point it won't be usable to fly (not like we got soooo sophisticated pattern of attacks for any enemy so far) and make PC fall down (again we not have any fight so far that is happening in mid air and NEED to be done above the ground for whatever reasons).


May 22, 2016
Combining wings and the jetpack could result in a more efficient flight mode, with the jetpack working as propulsion and wings used for lift and maneuvering only.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Maybe, but the primary purpose of the jetpack is increaing Evasion by 10 POINTS, and in that capacity, I feel like having limited use of your wings would cause drag, which would cause you to fall down and go boom.


Aug 26, 2015
Maybe, but the primary purpose of the jetpack is increaing Evasion by 10 POINTS, and in that capacity, I feel like having limited use of your wings would cause drag, which would cause you to fall down and go boom.

Well the jetpack's description is pretty ambiguous, so it could be one of many configurations, with the booster jets located on the hips, shoulders, or feet, and the pack itself not necessarily strapped to the back. Besides, wings don't always have to be unfurled, so the the concern about drag can really be ignored for the sake of convenience. Just use your imagination to fill in the logistical gaps, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well aside possible setup of inc evasion using jetpack to increase sepeed of flying along with wings...would barely use now. Faster travel? Well so far many times of move between one to toher room are so short so would cutting down 1 or 2 min worth of all coding? Maybe after we would get some part of map on one of planet that will noraml way on walking not flying cause moving taking like 15-20 min min. And then if spending longer in tha area will be causing some harm that can be minimilized by faster moving around. Then using jetpack and wings would have sense.

@Jacques00: that jetpack config you meantioned would be closer to this that cosmic suits now have with all those small engines to push user in right direction in alsmot 0 gravity. Then that version would be hardly named jepack I think :D

Unless we using imagination and think about those future jetpacks as slight upgraded today astronuts suits (with less of armor and slight stronger point engines located at joints and etc.) That I could imagine that Jetpack from Uveto could look like. Quite funny to imagine thing too I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Well aside possible setup of inc evasion using jetpack to increase sepeed of flying along with wings...would barely use now. Faster travel? Well so far many times of move between one to toher room are so short so would cutting down 1 or 2 min worth of all coding? Maybe after we would get some part of map on one of planet that will noraml way on walking not flying cause moving taking like 15-20 min min. And then if spending longer in tha area will be causing some harm that can be minimilized by faster moving around. Then using jetpack and wings would have sense.

I don't think actually cutting down on travel time is what he was talking about; rather, more of a headcanon thing.

As far as coding it goes, though, we already have something that does that: the hoverboard.

As far as keeping wings furled while maneuvering, I think they would still cause you to be highly un-aerodynamic. You'd end up tumbling, rotating, or tipping over, depending on what kind of wings you have. Worse, you might get your wings or tail in the hot jet exhaust -___-


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I don't think actually cutting down on travel time is what he was talking about; rather, more of a headcanon thing.

As far as coding it goes, though, we already have something that does that: the hoverboard.

As far as keeping wings furled while maneuvering, I think they would still cause you to be highly un-aerodynamic. You'd end up tumbling, rotating, or tipping over, depending on what kind of wings you have. Worse, you might get your wings or tail in the hot jet exhaust -___-

The jetpack probably doesn't work with rocketry, as that's just asking for trouble.

Also wings are aerodynamic as fuck. If anything, the rest of your fleshbag body is what is keeping you down.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
The jetpack probably doesn't work with rocketry, as that's just asking for trouble.

Also wings are aerodynamic as fuck. If anything, the rest of your fleshbag body is what is keeping you down.

Yeah, when you're going forwards, up, or down. But if you're going sideways or backwards to evade attacks in combat (its primary purpose see: + 10 freakin' evasion), not so much.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Yeah, when you're going forwards, up, or down. But if you're going sideways or backwards to evade attacks in combat (its primary purpose see: + 10 freakin' evasion), not so much.

Evading is only going to be short bursts of power out of the jetback. Wings would probably just make it easier for you to maintain balance and control with flapping and maneuvering as you turn the thing on and off.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Evading is only going to be short bursts of power out of the jetback. Wings would probably just make it easier for you to maintain balance and control with flapping and maneuvering as you turn the thing on and off.

Doesn't matter.

Observe what happens to this model aircraft as it stalls around 30 seconds in. After it runs out of airspeed and starts falling - essentially flying backwards in an unaerodynamic way. What happens is that air pressure immediately calls you on your bullshit and flips your ass around until you're traveling in the orientation of least resistance - and for a low-mass, high-surface-area object like a little model airplane (and most configurations of a Steele-with-wings), this happens in a heartbeat - it snaps around 180 degrees in the blink of an eye. This is (probably) what would happen to you if you tried to fly sideways with a big pair of high-surface-area wings; doesn't matter if they're folded up behind you or flapping to try and stay stable. Whichever wing is leading as you travel to the left or right is going to be pushing a whole lot of air out of the way in its path, and that air is going to push just as hard back on your wing, which will want to rotate you around until you're pointed headfirst in the direction you're going (or, since you're not a rigid aircraft frame and your limbs can flop around, you might just tumble uncontrollably like some kind of space tumbleweed).

There are other factors at play here (position of the jet nozzles and how fast you're trying to move chief among them) But assuming you're using this to quickly 'jet out of the way' of an attack, it's safe to assume you're going to land on your head, or on your side, or hit a wall, probably going boom spectacularly. The only way this wouldn't happen is if you're not traveling fast enough to generate enough force on your wings to flip you around - but then it's not very effective as a dodge, is it?


Also - you're getting shot at while you're trying to pull this off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Doesn't matter.

Observe what happens to this model aircraft as it stalls around 30 seconds in. After it runs out of airspeed and starts falling - essentially flying backwards in an unaerodynamic way. What happens is that air pressure immediately calls you on your bullshit and flips your ass around until you're traveling in the orientation of least resistance - and for a low-mass, high-surface-area object like a little model airplane (and most configurations of a Steele-with-wings), this happens in a heartbeat - it snaps around 180 degrees in the blink of an eye. This is (probably) what would happen to you if you tried to fly sideways with a big pair of high-surface-area wings; doesn't matter if they're folded up behind you or flapping to try and stay stable. Whichever wing is leading as you travel to the left or right is going to be pushing a whole lot of air out of the way in its path, and that air is going to push just as hard back on your wing, which will want to rotate you around until you're pointed headfirst in the direction you're going (or, since you're not a rigid aircraft frame and your limbs can flop around, you might just tumble uncontrollably like some kind of space tumbleweed).

There are other factors at play here (position of the jet nozzles and how fast you're trying to move chief among them) But assuming you're using this to quickly 'jet out of the way' of an attack, it's safe to assume you're going to land on your head, or on your side, or hit a wall, probably going boom spectacularly. The only way this wouldn't happen is if you're not traveling fast enough to generate enough force on your wings to flip you around - but then it's not very effective as a dodge, is it?


Also - you're getting shot at while you're trying to pull this off.

You're assuming that wings don't have any sort of strength of structure nor control of movement. While you may not think it, your arms don't just dangle off your shoulders. Your muscles are unconsciously still tensing and relaxing to give support. A wing would be subconsciously set to a position to reduce friction. Also, flying animals are able to twist and maneuver to quickly fix a stall/stumble unlike rigid body aircraft. Hell, gymnasts are all about positioning and there's a stat dedicated exclusively to stuff like that.

And as Xeivous said, it may not be conventional rocketry working here but some space-magic anti-grav or something.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah speaking of organic structures that can adjust they position to inorganic rigid structure isn't best thing -_-'

If it was true than even current day birds would have way more limited way to move in air. So it would also count what type or propulsion is that jetpack using. Something like current day or seen in all those sci-fi movies or some more 'weird'. So talk about if wings would be more trouble than help when using jetpacks in TiTS could lead to pure academic disscussion. And then only way resolve would be word of god appearing to solve issue :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Given that sticking a rocket on one's back when one doesn't have heat protection is stupid and TITS has the tech levels for some impressive shit, I'd wager that the device works on the same principle as grav-cuffs and the hover hole. Furthermore given the diversity of the populous, it would behove one to design equipment to fit as many different sentients as possible as is seen in the clothing industry. Though I'm not sure how it works out for taurs and nagas, but they've always been the first to fall short when you start applying logic to these things


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Yeah speaking of organic structures that can adjust they position to inorganic rigid structure isn't best thing -_-'

If it was true than even current day birds would have way more limited way to move in air. So it would also count what type or propulsion is that jetpack using. Something like current day or seen in all those sci-fi movies or some more 'weird'. So talk about if wings would be more trouble than help when using jetpacks in TiTS could lead to pure academic disscussion. And then only way resolve would be word of god appearing to solve issue :)

Like I said, it doesn't really matter whether they can bend or twist or flap or whatever. As long as you have this jetpack pushing you sideways, the back side of your wing is going to be pushing a lot of air out of the way, and that pressure is going to want to rotate you around. How many birds do you see flying sideways? Not bleeping many. :p The only way this wouldn't be the case is if you could flatten your wing and point it in the direction you intend to travel such that it presents as little surface area in that direction as possible. And good luck trying to concentrate on that in the middle of a fight.

And as Xeivous said, it may not be conventional rocketry working here but some space-magic anti-grav or something.

Given that sticking a rocket on one's back when one doesn't have heat protection is stupid and TITS has the tech levels for some impressive shit, I'd wager that the device works on the same principle as grav-cuffs and the hover hole. Furthermore given the diversity of the populous, it would behove one to design equipment to fit as many different sentients as possible as is seen in the clothing industry. Though I'm not sure how it works out for taurs and nagas, but they've always been the first to fall short when you start applying logic to these things

A better argument, but where do you stop with that kind of reasoning? If these devices are so space-magical that they can completely give the laws of physics the finger... they'd be ubiquitous. Everyone would be using that shit for all kinds of purposes. Why bother with wings or walking or elevators or cars or planes when you can just slap on an antigravity bracelet and float fucking anywhere? Why bother hiring transport ships when you can just strap a hover-cunt to your cargo and send it off to its destination? >_>


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
How many birds do you see flying sideways?

Flying? Not many. But I've seen plenty of birds jump sideways (not just little hops) and of those I can't think of one that doesn't open their wings, though it is because they flap a bit to emphasize the jump. Wings and other limbs aren't as much of a hindrance as you're making them out to be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
A better argument, but where do you stop with that kind of reasoning? If these devices are so space-magical that they can completely give the laws of physics the finger... they'd be ubiquitous. Everyone would be using that shit for all kinds of purposes. Why bother with wings or walking or elevators or cars or planes when you can just slap on an antigravity bracelet and float fucking anywhere? Why bother hiring transport ships when you can just strap a hover-cunt to your cargo and send it off to its destination? >_>

In order; It's bad for your health and probably would be ludicrously expensive given that the cuffs are a grand for a set of two and the hover hole is 500 creds and they don't seem to be too powerful, elevators might use them if they're in situations where cables aren't viable and I think there's a hover car in the christmas event with the puppysluts, again the tech seems expensive and I don't think it's potent enough for a bracelet to be powerful or comfortable to use for that purpose, space is dangerous as shit and pirates aside you have to contend with micro meteors and other space crap and having someone to keep an eye on your shit and make sure the people who unload it are the people who should be doing so is rather smart.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Like I said, it doesn't really matter whether they can bend or twist or flap or whatever. As long as you have this jetpack pushing you sideways, the back side of your wing is going to be pushing a lot of air out of the way, and that pressure is going to want to rotate you around. How many birds do you see flying sideways? Not bleeping many. :p The only way this wouldn't be the case is if you could flatten your wing and point it in the direction you intend to travel such that it presents as little surface area in that direction as possible. And good luck trying to concentrate on that in the middle of a fight.

Flying by using some equip and using your own body still not always the same. Well ok but that again nto good argument. About those birds...they not see point of fly sideway. IF evoultion would force them to fly that way then we would already had such birds and thus know what solution will alllow living beings fly sideway without bending wings or whole body due to air pressure.

A better argument, but where do you stop with that kind of reasoning? If these devices are so space-magical that they can completely give the laws of physics the finger... they'd be ubiquitous. Everyone would be using that shit for all kinds of purposes. Why bother with wings or walking or elevators or cars or planes when you can just slap on an antigravity bracelet and float fucking anywhere? Why bother hiring transport ships when you can just strap a hover-cunt to your cargo and send it off to its destination? >_>

Something that is good and functioning in small size may not be so effective or even working in larger scale. Plus I would find it hilarious to imagine mighty spaceship with whole back covered in tiny compared to it sized thousands if not millions of antigravity bracelets ^^

Plus what in small sized device would be energy effective when made into bigger size may start to use more and more of energy to generate apropriate to it size effect causing some other different solutions more effective economically. So maybe TiTS spaceships, cars and etc. not use that tech used in grav-cuffs/hover hole due to high energy usage when compared to toehr accesable technologies of propulsion for such size of objects.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
In order; It's bad for your health and probably would be ludicrously expensive given that the cuffs are a grand for a set of two and the hover hole is 500 creds and they don't seem to be too powerful, elevators might use them if they're in situations where cables aren't viable and I think there's a hover car in the christmas event with the puppysluts, again the tech seems expensive and I don't think it's potent enough for a bracelet to be powerful or comfortable to use for that purpose, space is dangerous as shit and pirates aside you have to contend with micro meteors and other space crap and having someone to keep an eye on your shit and make sure the people who unload it are the people who should be doing so is rather smart.

How is it bad for your health in a world where we inject robots into our bloodstream so we can eat alien candy? How is it expensive? Given a drink costs a few credits, a grand for a device that can ignore mass and gravity and make anything it touches ignore mass and gravity sounds like a steal! It's powerful enough to lift a person up in the air, so...

Yes, there's a hovercar in the xmas event and hovertrucks on New Texas but why would you bother when you can just float your family down the road or over the buildings between you and your destination?

Anyway it's kind of silly to argue further about this since we have no idea how powerful the cuffs are, how much energy they use or if they even need to be recharged, and other such details. All we know is that we never need to recharge them and they work on the player no matter how big you get.

And ironically, you guys went from 'well the jetpack could be grav-cuff-technology-based and whip you around willy nilly without the need of combustible or compressed fuels, therefore there would be no thrust vectors' to 'well it's really not all that powerful or practical and the battery life sucks and it probably wouldn't work for a whole lot of applications'. :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
How is it bad for your health in a world where we inject robots into our bloodstream so we can eat alien candy? How is it expensive? Given a drink costs a few credits, a grand for a device that can ignore mass and gravity and make anything it touches ignore mass and gravity sounds like a steal! It's powerful enough to lift a person up in the air, so...

Yes, there's a hovercar in the xmas event and hovertrucks on New Texas but why would you bother when you can just float your family down the road or over the buildings between you and your destination?

Anyway it's kind of silly to argue further about this since we have no idea how powerful the cuffs are, how much energy they use or if they even need to be recharged, and other such details. All we know is that we never need to recharge them and they work on the player no matter how big you get.

And ironically, you guys went from 'well the jetpack could be grav-cuff-technology-based and whip you around willy nilly without the need of combustible or compressed fuels, therefore there would be no thrust vectors' to 'well it's really not all that powerful or practical and the battery life sucks and it probably wouldn't work for a whole lot of applications'. :p

We're a rich kid in a high-risk high-reward job and various npcs frequently mention needing to save up for their transformatives or to pay off debts. Both price points a typically a couple grand a pop. Again the cuffs don't seem to be all that powerful and probably can't move all that fast while holding onto a person, which they probably manage to do mostly by having the person's limbs bound in a position where they can't get leverage.

laws, safety, again power efficiency. 

Also the jetpack is a device that is engineered to jetpack around and is not only 10x the cost of a pair of grav cuffs, but is likely far larger depending on the exact model you headcanon it as having.