I swear the ships used to have different storage capacities.
Also, in the stats it says I have a storage capacity of 10, but I'm getting a storage capacity of 30. This is on a brand-new character using the online player, too.
I'm assuming there was some kind of game balance change that I am unaware of.
Save-editing the storageLimits array changes what you see on the ship purchase screen, but the stats page gets its numbers from the independent variables wardrobeSizeRaw etc.
The function that seems to hard-code storage limits seems to be
EDIT: Oh, I'm guessing it's to facilitate transitioning between ships.
Also, in the stats it says I have a storage capacity of 10, but I'm getting a storage capacity of 30. This is on a brand-new character using the online player, too.
I'm assuming there was some kind of game balance change that I am unaware of.
Save-editing the storageLimits array changes what you see on the ship purchase screen, but the stats page gets its numbers from the independent variables wardrobeSizeRaw etc.
The function that seems to hard-code storage limits seems to be
function o() {
var e, a;
return (0, r.Z)(this, o), (a = t.call(this)).storageLimits = (e = {}, (0, i.Z)(e, w.Ec.Wardrobe, 30), (0, i.Z)(e, w.Ec.Equipment, 30), (0, i.Z)(e, w.Ec.Consumables, 30), (0, i.Z)(e, w.Ec.Valuables, 30), (0, i.Z)(e, w.Ec.Toys, 30), e), a
EDIT: Oh, I'm guessing it's to facilitate transitioning between ships.
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