Disarmed forever

Nov 8, 2015
I could be wrong, but in the last few combats that enemies are supposed to only temporarily disarm basic attacks, it feels like I never re-arm.
Notably on Zheng Shi:
Fighting Minuet - she starts the battle by stabbing and disarming you. I thought the disarm was only for a turn but it never ended
Fighting Cyberpunk Security Operatives - they can hack your energy weapons and turn them off. But the combat text indicates that it should be a temporary disarm. I am more than 30 turns after being disarmed and still no sign of re-arming.

Thank you for all of your continued work on a fun game!


Aug 26, 2015
Hm, from what I can see, Disarmed should always tick down (and eventually expire). The only exception is if your character is on New Texas and has checked in with Oggy (to be disarmed on the planet). If your character never properly checked out to rearm, then that should be the only thing interfering with the status effect countdown of Disarmed.

If you have a particular save file that can replicate the bug, by all means, share it and I'll try to look into it further.