Disabling SSTDs Through In-Game Options?

Thoughts on SSTDs

  • I love their inclusion!

    Votes: 8 14.3%
  • I enjoy their transformations, but I'm iffy on the disease context

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • I don't care about them either way

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • I don't care for them, but I'm fine with avoiding them

    Votes: 26 46.4%
  • I hate them! I want to disable them as soon as I can!

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • I like 'em, but I would still like the option to disable them

    Votes: 12 21.4%

  • Total voters


I still wish we had the option to turn off SSTDs, either through the options menu or through a cheat. I'm sorry to harp on this issue, but it really is one of those aspects of this game that consistantly stress me out. Especially in light of what's been happening in the real world lately - the implications of being a walking epicenter of an intergalactic pandemic are too real right now for me to even consider finding it sexy. And that's on top of it being on of the very few ways that players can be forced into transformation sequences without their consent. Sure, there are a number of ways you can get treated now, and you can get immunized through an expensive procedure a ways into the game, but quite frankly: that just comes across as a band-aid for the problem instead of the cure. Having to go through Mhen'ga while potentially getting infected is bad enough, in my opinion. Personally, I just don't want to be reminded about infectious diseases when I'm trying to play a porn game...

So far, I've always dealt with it by using the save editor. That's really the only thing I use it for at this point, but considering how out of date it is, now I find myself stressing out over something going awry down the line due its use.

I don't know anywhere near enough about coding to say how difficult it would be to make that content an optional part of the game, but I figured I had to make one last plea on the subject. I hate harping on things, and there's a good chance this'll just get ignored like my previous comments on the subject. It's consistantly proven to be my biggest bugbear with this game ever since it was introduced, and I find it hard to believe including the option to disable them outside of an in-universe context would hurt the game.

*Sigh* This'll be my last post on the subject. I'm sorry. I made this thread so others could give their own opinion on the subject, and I'll be including a poll, if for nothing else than catharsis...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Just go to Dr Lash on Tarkus, pay for a treatment and bingo, you're immune to SSTDs. Nothing to worry about.


Just go to Dr Lash on Tarkus, pay for a treatment and bingo, you're immune to SSTDs. Nothing to worry about.

I dislike them conceptually, and I still have to go through Mhen'ga to get to Tarkus. Quite frankly, I just don't want to be reminded that they're even in the game.

...crap. Well, this is now my last comment on the subject, since I guess I just wasn't clear enough before...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I would have liked a poll option that said, "I like 'em, but would like to have the option of turning them off in-game".


Well-Known Member
I like their inclusion from a world-building perspective, since they make the TiTSverse feel more realistic while still maintaining the sexual nature of the game. That said, I am also not keen on forced TFs in general, though at least SSTDs give ample warning before the TFs actually start; enough time to go to V-Ko on Mhen'ga to get them cured.

Also, if you're using the save editor to remove your SSTDs, it's easier to use it to get the STD Immune perk so you don't have to deal with them ever again.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Well, I enjoy the Sneezing Tits, and Furpies would be cool if there was a "Bunny" variant, but I don't really care for Locofever or Cooties. So it would be nice to pick and choose what to turn off and when.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Well, I enjoy the Sneezing Tits, and Furpies would be cool if there was a "Bunny" variant, but I don't really care for Locofever or Cooties. So it would be nice to pick and choose what to turn off and when.
Picky, picky! :p

Especially in light of what's been happening in the real world lately...
If we change entertainment to suit real-world issues, then the terrorists win.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I personally like them since they add a degree of realism to sleeping around with randos without being actually horrifying irl shit like syphilis. They are literally CONSEQUENCES to having unprotected sex with random aliens. I get not wanting to be infected, but I think removing literally all mentions is a tad too far, especially since they literally just reflect certain kinks and the tfs/statuses can happen voluntarily with specific items.

It takes barely any time at all to get to Tarkus and be fully immunized by Lash, so meh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just go to Dr Lash on Tarkus, pay for a treatment and bingo, you're immune to SSTDs. Nothing to worry about.

It would be great if getting immunity didn't come with a fertility penalty, however small it is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
And that's one that is easily overcome. A few fertite+ and your fertility and virility is back to normal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
It would be great if getting immunity didn't come with a fertility penalty, however small it is.

Just pop a fistful of fertite and BOOM! Problem solved! :p

No, seriously, Fertite is cheap af so it’s really not as big a deal as you seem to think. ^^;
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I didn't say it was a huge obstacle to overcome, just that the penalty shouldn't be there in the first place. I even said it is a small penalty.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I didn't say it was a huge obstacle to overcome, just that the penalty shouldn't be there in the first place. I even said it is a small penalty.
Makes perfect sense when you consider who's giving you the treatment.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I didn't say it was a huge obstacle to overcome, just that the penalty shouldn't be there in the first place. I even said it is a small penalty.

Weeeeeeell.......considering the fact Dr. Lash is allergic to all things sexual including reproduction..........

I think it’d be weirder if it wasn’t there. :v

And I said you were making it a huge deal, not that it’s a major obstacle. It’s really not a big deal any way you slice it, whether mechanically or lorewise. ^^;

Sorry it bothers you this much, but them’s the breaks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nowhere did I make a huge deal out of the fertility penalty. I simply said that it is a small annoyance that does not need to exist.

The treatment could just as easily be given by the Vko on Mengha (or any of the multiple doctors and medical droids across the game, since every single one can cure SSTD infections). There's no reason that Lash has to be the only person capable of doing it. The penalty just comes off as a weird little jab at people who don't want to deal with the diseases.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
The penalty just comes off as a weird little jab at people who don't want to deal with the diseases.
Again, you mean the tiny, inconsequential and easily fixed penalty? I highly doubt one of the writers has a personal grudge against people who are anti-SSTD.

At this point, let's just agree to disagree. No one's trying to change your stance on them or how they're cured.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Is it really this hard to get what I'm saying? I have literally agreed that the penalty is an easily fixed annoyance. The point is that there is no reason for it to even exist in the first place. It is literally a, small easily fixed, penalty shoved in your pocket because you don't want to worry about STDs in a silly porngame. Disabling the sandworms on Tarkus costs absolutely nothing, why does disabling SSTDs have to?

And yea, it does come across as only existing because of some weird little grudge. Why else would this easily fixed penalty even exist in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
And yea, it does come across as only existing because of some weird little grudge.
Sure, a grudge held by a fictional NPC in a game.

And it's very easy to get what you're saying, but I don't think you get what we're saying. You're the only one so far who seems to give two shits and unless Fen and/or Adjatha (Dr Lash's creators) pop in and are somehow swayed by one person's dislike of an admitted negligible gripe, it ain't gonna change.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sure, a grudge held by a fictional NPC in a game.

Are you familiar with the drama surrounding Helspawn in COC and the canon (Savin-approved) ending for her that was written for FOE, specifically to mine salt from a specific group of COC players (ones foaming at the mouth to fuck their own daughter)? Or Hirud Grun in COC2 being a silly reference to a specific person who always comes by to complain about patch content? Writers taking jabs at parts of the playerbase have happened, good-natured and otherwise.

I fully understand that you don't think it's a big deal. I took issue with my argument being misconstrued this entire time. I am under zero illusions that SSTDs will change, since it's been three years since they were first introduced, and three years since this complaint was first brought up in response to them. We're allowed to think that certain game systems have problems, regardless of whether the staff or other players agree (reminded of the reaction to when having a big belly was changed to give a stat penalty).


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Lolwut? Please elaborate, sounds like juicy goss :D

Let me dish:

Once upon a time, Savin was a young fella who found either Unnamed Text Game or Corruption of Champions proper. Being a feisty and creative type, he wrote up Helia and submitted her. Fenoxo put her in the game and the player base ate her the fuck up. Savin followed that up with MOAR, and included preg content. Thus, Helspawn was born. Originally, it was planned that Helspawn could be made sexable. But time crept up on Savin and he was doing other shit while players bitched about it. Savin RAGED and thought to himself fuck it, not doing it. Fall of Eden comes out headed by Alder. The Observer writes for the game and includes Cassidy, a salamander. It turns out that canon Helspawn ending is that she ran away from home into an unknown portal because she was squicked out by the fact her daddy wanted to bang her!

As for the Hirud Grun thing, no idea. o_o

Back on topic, I don't mind the SSTDs, but I almost ALWAYS get the Immunity perk from Lash. Makes sense that there's weird shit out in the Galaxy at large that you the player may not be down with. I do like Locofever though, if only because it doesn't physically mutate by beautiful snow flake Steele.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Was cassidy helspawn?

Really want to know the Hirud one too.

Nah, she was like the Granddaughter. Sorry I didn't make that clear.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
As for the Hirud Grun thing, no idea. o_o
He came about because the person who he's based on would always be complaining about not being a "one man army" due to CoC2's party focused system, hates Cait's sluttiness and tends to refer to her as used (Which is where the "Used goods" in CoC2's cat harem dialogue game from), and hating characters who sleep around/are polygamous. He also gets a rage-on regarding futas and trappy men, which I'm surprised wasn't slipped in somewhere along that either because I was waiting for it, and if it was I very much missed it. :p
Not to mention he wasn't even the slightest bit offended that such a jerkass abusive character was based off him, was perfectly fine just "being in the game." It's hilarious to see a character be a parody of someone else and it's sad they don't care to notice it's a parody. :UU
Anyways I'll stop the CoC2 talk.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Are you familiar with the drama surrounding Helspawn in COC and the canon (Savin-approved) ending for her that was written for FOE, specifically to mine salt from a specific group of COC players (ones foaming at the mouth to fuck their own daughter)? Or Hirud Grun in COC2 being a silly reference to a specific person who always comes by to complain about patch content? Writers taking jabs at parts of the playerbase have happened, good-natured and otherwise.
No, I wasn't aware, but if that's the case here with Lash retarding your virility and fertility, I like it even more. :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Just go to Dr Lash on Tarkus, pay for a treatment and bingo, you're immune to SSTDs. Nothing to worry about.

Guys? Girls? Gently pointing out of that there is already a cheat disabling SSTDs, as Evil said - there is an option to disable them via Dr. Lash, and although it does cost a bunch of credits, there is a cheat to gain credits, so yeah. And it's not that bad if you need to wait until Tarkus to become immune to SSTDs, since Tarkus is like one of the first planets to explore...

And although the treatment decreases Fertility and Virility by half, just eat a bunch of https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Fertite_Plus to regain the lost stats :)
The pills don't even have any bad side effects other than it removes the Infertile, firing blanks, sterile perks. (But then if you want to keep those perks, you shouldn't be giving a shit about fertility and virility in the first place...)


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Guys? Girls? Gently pointing out of that there is already a cheat disabling SSTDs, as Evil said - there is an option to disable them via Dr. Lash, and although it does cost a bunch of credits, there is a cheat to gain credits, so yeah. And it's not that bad if you need to wait until Tarkus to become immune to SSTDs, since Tarkus is like one of the first planets to explore...

And although the treatment decreases Fertility and Virility by half, just eat a bunch of https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Fertite_Plus to regain the lost stats :)
The pills don't even have any bad side effects other than it removes the Infertile, firing blanks, sterile perks. (But then if you want to keep those perks, you shouldn't be giving a shit about fertility and virility in the first place...)



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
See the lesson here is that it's always better to be known as a weirdo that plays their MC a certain way than it is to be a jerk.


"And in business news today, Meadow Steele has bought a controlling share in the Tamani Corp subsidiary that produces Fertite Plus. Could SteeleTech be looking to get into the pharmaceutical industry, or was it cheaper than Ms Steele just buying the Fertite Plus to restore her fertility after a visit to notorious Tarkus quack, Doctor Lash. More after the weather and the cute, slutty Pupper report."