As for previously being cheaper, that's probably because its base price was lower back then (currently 5300, looks like it used to be 3500).
I can’t understand this. The closest competitor in the form of Smart Jacket And Pants has fallen in price (which is not surprising due to the appearance of a lot of armor with a better shield score), but for some reason the Steele Tech Suit has risen in price.
Steele has the option...
Oh, another one is Zaalt.
Also, Amara doesn't die at the end of KQ2. Under the correct circumstances, Shade's first-time Uveto meeting can reveal that she was merely hospitalised.
"He felt better" (or whatever the trope is called there), yes, I could have guessed that the bullets in the chest were not considered valid after falling from a height...
If it was Sneezing Tits, it's because they sneezed on you. Maybe.
If my memory serves me, then in addition to this, I repeatedly picked up Furpies and once seemed to be Cooties.
You do know that Dr. Lash can make you immune, right?
Yes, but something in my memory fell for the quest from “Bloodlines” where “Yes, vampires can’t get sick, but they can serve as carriers of the disease” or how the phrase was said by the Damsel. Therefore, I prefer to know when I catch a disease than not to know and accidentally infect the same Syri or Anno (yes, I know that the NPC cannot get infected from me, but still...).
I'm pretty sure no enemies have Stun weapons, and all enemy abilities do allow a save, factoring in Steele's stats.
Thus, the same Raskvel Gang are stunned, not because they are armed with blunt weapons, but because the chance of a stun has their usual attack?
"factoring in Steele's stats", Amara looks at it with a smile: I don’t remember successful saverolls against her stunlock.
Because it would be overpowered.
Or not. Many opponents own ranged combat or can fly. Thus, the flight can help against certain opponents / attacks, but still not break the game balance. In the end, there are other accessories that are useful in most fights (some locality), Flash goggles, for example.
Because he's hot. Hot guys can always be reformed.
Zaalt is also hot, but it is possible to kill him with much less (zero) fault. The war criminal, to whom Captain Steele has personal accounts...
Also, unless you intervene, he doesn't get released early.
But can he be sentenced separately from his people only by acquittal? I would prefer the opposite, execute him with his assistants, release the rest.
And most of those result in Steele being taken prisoner, not killed.
For some reason, it seems to me that in some cases (if not all), Captain Steel would have preferred death to continued existence.
I wasn't using the FZR at that point.
Why, the level did not allow? It took me some time to collect 25K for Shekka. Thus, for me, the seventh level became the usual level for arriving at Mirellion, at this point you can buy a shock rod and a fire suppression system.
I went Attack Drone in part because conventional wisdom said it was inferior to Shield Booster, and I wanted to see just how bad it was. Result: It's perfectly viable.
Lose 50 shields, take extra damage due to the drone. Not the worst exchange. Although in the early versions, where the shields are smaller and the damage of the drone is weaker, this option actually looked worse, even if you do not remember the loss of 70 shields...
Best if you recruit Anno, but why would you not recruit Anno? Best merchant in the game.
Does that make it difficult for Anno to date Kaede?
2K for returning the Satellite Hard Drive.
Even two and a half. Or do you count only thousands?
I recently learned Kase doesn't start his leaving timer until you talk to him in Burt's.
An experienced player, but does not know some things about the first planet (and it came as a surprise to me that he disappears if he is not recruited). Perhaps this is an indicator of the current volume of the game?
Another 2K if you feel like kidnapping and enabling a Soulless Corporation's Sapient Experimentation.
The first time I was just starting to play, I didn’t think much about morality and just completed the quest. But when I later saw the crowd in front of the building, I realized that I had acted... not nice.
...sell the Strange Eggs to V-Ko for 750. Don't take them off planet
Lol, my experience is inferior to yours, but I already know that trying to take an egg to another planet will not lead to anything good.
Given the context, I'd guess increase. It was fine when there wasn't anything to buy anyway, but we're long past that point.
Profitable: 10-19.5K guaranteed, 750 for each egg found, 100 for honey, 50 for rations.
Lifetime access: 10K to the gym, 1,500 to the beach.
Equipment: 5300 armor, up to 1870 lingerie, 750-862 accessory.
Crew: 5000 Reaha contract, 5000 Kase, 7000 Yammi debt.
Hairdresser: 8850 hair extensions (to the floor), 500-600 coloring, 1200 hairstyle.
TF: unlimited.
But from a practical point of view, we only need armor, a crew and a gym, and the size of the crew is limited to the ship.
Equipment: 5300 armor, up to 1870 lingerie, 750-862 accessory.
Crew: 5000 Reaha contract, 5000 Kase, 7000 Yammi debt.
Hairdresser: 8850 hair extensions (to the floor), 500-600 coloring, 1200 hairstyle.
TF: unlimited.
But from a practical point of view, we only need armor, a crew and a gym, and the size of the crew is limited to the ship.
Therefore, I would say that we need 5300 for armor, 5000 for Reaha, 10K for the gym, something like this. We should have enough money to earn on Mhen'ga, and then Tarkus and Anno will be there.
P.S. It seems to me, or is the topic from the very beginning not only about difficult battles?