Dedicated Ship and Space Mechanics Thread


Aug 27, 2015
Here you can talk about spaceships, space combat and all the things you're hoping to see regarding them in-game.

A quick summary of what's currently known (note that this information is provisional):

* Ships will have a crew limit, so you won't be able to have every recruitable NPC with you at any one time. The starter ship, the Casstech Z14, is described as a 'space winnebago' which will only allow you to house 2-3 crew, once the ability to upgrade is implemented.

* Ships will have internal maps, similar to the vessels you already can board in the game.

* Ships are intended to be the major credit dumps, so will cost a lot. The ability to buy cruiser-sized vessels will eventually be implemented.

* Ships will have the following statistics: Hull (HP), Shields, Capacitor (Energy), Capacitor Recharge, Thrust, Systems, Targeting, Agility, Armor, Shield Hardness, Crew Slots, Module Slots and Inherent Gadgets.

* Modules will be upgrades that will improve your ship, one way or another. Extra shields, extra crew slots etc. Importantly, many of these your crew will be able to man, if they have the right specialty. You'll be able to slot them in and out in port, and you'll start off with a few basic ones.

* Gadgets will be 'specials' exclusive to that ship. It's likely you'll need a specialist crew member, or you yourself must have the specialty, in order to use it.

* Nothing is currently known about travelling between planets, or potential combat encounters. However anyone who's played The Silence will know the basic shape of combat.

* There's no current ETA for this update. It's obviously a complicated piece of work, and will probably be implemented in stages.

That's about it. Speculate away, space cadets.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2017
Can't wait to be hiring my own helmsman and flying military grade cruisers under the excuse of being a rusher.

Oh and where can I find The Silence? I've been doing some digging around the internet and all I could find were broken links.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
When ships are in the game, is there going to be some kind of guide to creating them? I already designed some and I'm going to have a fuckton of work to do to redesign them, I can see that, but I want to do it right. A guide to all the things ships need and stuff like that would be a big help.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Probably? You will see what a ship mechanically has and such when they're actually implemented in full. Why wouldn't there be?

Unfortunately, I still maintain not having the space bote be set in stone was a mistake. The sweet airship of any RPG is it's own character, too, especially in games where it comes in early like Skies of Arcadia or something, even while customizable. Now it has to be pretty lifeless much like the PC and you can't use it much for writing sequences, as then you have to accommodate anywhere between RV to whatever exactly a capital ship entails.

Still, we'll see how it goes.
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Amakawa Yuuto

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Quoting it here because Evil missed that the conversation has moved...
Dude, remember the MST3K mantra, relax it's just a game. Albeit one that's a long way from being 100% finished. A lot of what we see now is just a placeholder and isn't indicative of the end result. So chill and go with the flow for the time being and indulge your inner Captain Kirk.
Keep your MST3K mantra out of my analysis :p We were talking about "how could this fit once space requirements are implemented", and the answer is "no way, no how, you need a bigger space boat". MST3K is for when overthinking minor details take away the fun, not for when actually discussing announced future game mechanics.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
I would love for my tech specialist to you know, be special at tech sometimes.

Ship stuff would be a cool part to differentiate the classes a bit. I mean, the smuggler would smuggle, right?
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Well-Known Member
Won't they have to overhaul all current mentions of the Casstech such as flying between planets and the various distress signals you can pick up? For example what if you buy a bigger ship that the Casstech (a given really) and it is too big to fit inside the ships the Casstech can, such as Kiro's leaf ship or The Ice Queen?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Can't wait to be hiring my own helmsman and flying military grade cruisers under the excuse of being a rusher.

Oh and where can I find The Silence? I've been doing some digging around the internet and all I could find were broken links.
What did the ship combat look like in The Silence? Was it something like FTL?
Here's the link to The Silence. Just search "TiTS, The Silence" on FA if you want to find it again without digging up this link.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Won't they have to overhaul all current mentions of the Casstech such as flying between planets and the various distress signals you can pick up? For example what if you buy a bigger ship that the Casstech (a given really) and it is too big to fit inside the ships the Casstech can, such as Kiro's leaf ship or The Ice Queen?
Fit inside? I believe we dock with them via airlock, they're not fuck-huge ships we can park inside of even if they're bigger than the RV. Kiro's ship was described by Sylvie to have directly rammed into a slaver vessel with her own in a surprise attack. So no change there.

Speaking of, no mention of boarding raids? Twas wondering since boarding was mentioned in the past, if it'd be like Sid Meier's Pirates in which the only way to grab your sweet loot is to NOT blow them to space debris and take their ship directly. Mayhaps with Ramis, Dane, and/or Khorgan by our side? That'd be a great way to amass a fortune that wasn't whoring or scavenging, we'd take their loot, sell their ships, any slaves they manage to have (if you are of ambiguous morality and you could take their crew as slaves), and set their captain and crew out on their escape pods... after putting your swimming pool's worth of body fluids up their holes, of course.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
* Ships are intended to be the major credit dumps, so will cost a lot. The ability to buy cruiser-sized vessels will eventually be implemented.

Yeeeeess. Finally I can use all that prostitution money for something worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not too much of a money sink, I hope. I never really bothered with cum farming and butt selling so I imagine I have quite a bit less spending money than most.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
If you really want money that doesn't come from whoring yourself out, go to Uveto and collect Savicite. The drops from the Korgonne sell pretty decently too, about 9k for Yappi Straps and Insulated Coats.

Or bash that Dr Lash pinata if you dare.drlashbeaten.png

Can't wait... got a bunch of credits burning in my pockets, 13 crew members sleeping on top of each other and a desire for MOAR storage. 10 units isn't enough for all of my equipment!

General Drayfox

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
Same. I've got a habit of collecting unique items from quests and stuff as souveneers, so my storage is always full.
Man, a new storage labelled as 'Trophies' would be nice...
Also, we could always just have the Casstech converted into multiple configurations? Keep it's mechanical soul that way?

Pumping Lemma

Oct 31, 2017
Same. I've got a habit of collecting unique items from quests and stuff as souveneers, so my storage is always full.
We can now buy backpacks on Tarkus, Myrellion, and Uveto. This gives up to 10 additional inventory spaces which is nice!

About the 'Trophies" case, it would be good to be able to "destroy" objects and have them stored as text (like the Key Items) somewhere in the ship, without being able to use them anymore. I don't think it would introduce balance problem, and with some limitations memory problems could be prevented too (like saving only one time each item).
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Aug 26, 2015
Now it has to be pretty lifeless much like the PC and you can't use it much for writing sequences, as then you have to accommodate anywhere between RV to whatever exactly a capital ship entails.

If it were going to be like that, the ship would have to be a lot bigger than the Casstech is described as, which takes away from the idea that the player is starting from the bottom. Captain Steele is already part of the 1% in tons of highly visible ways even before taking into account narrative privileges from being the protagonist, but I think the idea was to experience at least most of what it's like to slum it. There's some competing narrative logic going on there, but a bigger starting ship would swing things more in the direction of "rich kid joyriding around the galaxy" and away from "intrepid space adventurer on a quest for fame and fortune".

I suppose you could have the player trade out their ship for bigger/better models at scripted points during the story rather than as a thing you buy, but you can only trade ships once during a story while retaining the sense of the ship as a character, and I think the demand for more levels is a pretty good indicator that players would want the ship upgrade much too soon.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
We can now buy backpacks on Tarkus, Myrellion, and Uveto. This gives up to 10 additional inventory spaces which is nice!

I got them as soon as I could. But I use the back packs for extra storage capacity when I'm out gem hunting. And I'm already lugging around Tam-Wolf, the Light Jetpack, spare armor and two other spare weapons along with my hover board.

And I have that annoying collector habit that wants to save every damn unique weapon there is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I got them as soon as I could. But I use the back packs for extra storage capacity when I'm out gem hunting. And I'm already lugging around Tam-Wolf, the Light Jetpack, spare armor and two other spare weapons along with my hover board.

And I have that annoying collector habit that wants to save every damn unique weapon there is.
Where do you buy these backpacks? I tried looking around on Tarkus and Uveto for them, and didn't see any.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I would love for my tech specialist to you know, be special at tech sometimes.

Ship stuff would be a cool part to differentiate the classes a bit. I mean, the smuggler would smuggle, right?

Well, we've got three classes now... Tech Specialist, Smuggler, and Merc.

Clearly, the Merc will have access to better weapons than the others. Smugglers have more storage capacity and a faster ship (gotta get your Totally-Not-Millenium-Falcon after all!), and Tech Specs have better shields (fits with their already existing focus on shields) and possibly more advanced gadgetry (teleport pads? Cloaking devices? Ion cannons? Drone swarms?)

Actually, tehre might be a offensive/Defensive split here too... Each class gets one defensive bonus, and one offensive bonus. Maybe one Utility bonus too?

For defense, Mercs could get better armor, Smugglers get better evasion, and Techs get better shields. Bing bang bom, this one is in hte box.

for offence, Mercs have harder hitting cannons, smugglers have ???, and techs have... maybe more specialist equipment? Ion cannons to strip shields or maybe stun the enemy, or something

For utility, mercs have ???, smugglers have more storage capacity, and techs have ???

Anyone have any ideas on how to add to this?

BUt clearly, the most important feature of the upgraded ships will be that you can finally get yourself a luxurious sleeping cabin with an Emperor sized bed, and a bathroom with all the shiny bits and bobs that Steele and his/her/its lovers deserve
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Wasen't Fen flirting that both Kiro and her ship the Leaf will be recruitable?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Ship perks for existing classes is a bad idea at this point in development. If it even becomes a thing, it would likely be best implemented after the base system's completion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Speaking of classes and class bonuses on ships, I do wonder what the ever rumored psyker class would get. As I can't really think of much that they could end up getting as the more mundane classes just have much more logical options.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Ship perks for existing classes is a bad idea at this point in development. If it even becomes a thing, it would likely be best implemented after the base system's completion.

Why's that?