Dark Knight Personality


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
The wiki page regarding this is blank, and I couldn't find the exact answer in here, so...

What's the exact rule to switch to the Dark Knight personality and back to Champion? In TiTS I'd just pick the hard personality and roll with it, but here it seems to be more fickle.

I've been experimenting, using the "Hey, bitch.I got you something" line for giving Ryn items (sounds dark knightly to me and is easy to access, so I'll go with that).

I started at 66 corruption and I got that line. I went to the cloister, meditated and got it to 56 (yes, same phrase), 36 (yes), then 23, no longer Tainted and back to talking nicely to Ryn.

Right. So I started increasing my corruption again to see if I got the Dark Knight line again. I checked with Ryn at 33 corruption (Tainted again, but not calling her a bitch yet), 43 (no), 53 (no), 56 (yes, finally being a douche again).

The hypothesis was: "I rise my Corruption to a certain threshold then I get flagged as a Black Knight, then it will persist until I go down a certain value, whereupon I will return to the Champion personality again". So I experimented: 41 Corruption (yes, I was being a dick), 25 (no, still Tainted, but back to the Champion personality).

Well, 25 must be near the threshold I was looking for. Now time to increase Corruption again to double check. At 34 Corruption: "Hey, bitch..."

I'm at a loss here. Perhaps any one of you know more about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
I found myself being a douche at 30 Corruption or so, because 10 Virility Boosters is 3x10 = 30, which is when "Hey bitch, I got something for you" came in - hello, Dark Knight...
So basically very weird, I guess.


Well-Known Member
IIRC, you switch from the Champion personality to the Dark Knight one when you reach 75 Corruption, and from Dark Knight to Champion when you get back down to 25 Corruption. That said, the exact numbers might have changed since I read that, and individual scenes can have variants (including dialogue) for specific Corruption ranges independent of personality.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
IIRC, you switch from the Champion personality to the Dark Knight one when you reach 75 Corruption, and from Dark Knight to Champion when you get back down to 25 Corruption.
Yeah, this is what it says in the primary design doc:
The player's personality is measured by Corruption. Particularly high (75+) or low (25-) will automatically move your personality type, but certain events can also trigger movement on the scale. If your Corruption score moves within the 26-74 zone, it won't change your personality type (though specific corruption gates can impact individual scenes at the author's discretion).


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2021
Oh, okay. I was wondering how could I have my champion be a proper dastardly villain and also keep a reasonable breathing room in terms of Corruption.

I guess it's going to be reaching 75 Corruption and then praying Hail Lumias over and over until I get to... let's say 66-68.

So if scenes & dialogue all have different cut-off points for the Dark Knight content... what are they?

It seems "The Code is more that you call guidelines, than actual rules"


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
The "other cut off points" aren't for dark knight, but for corruption bits and pieces as a whole, often used to categorize how your character reacts to what they're seeing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
So if scenes & dialogue all have different cut-off points for the Dark Knight content... what are they?
It's the difference between the [pc.dcb] parser and the [char.corruptionrange] one. The former is written for the personality types, the latter allows the writer to define certain corruption ranges and adjust outputs accordingly, being capable of much more fine-tuning. For example, the Painted Demon uses the latter parser with four thresholds during her introduction, to react to whether the Champion is Pure ('I'm lost, can you help me?'), a bit tainted ('You're like me, but just starting'), seriously corrupt ('You're like me!') and Demonic ('Fuck me now!').

TLDR: The personality types are for broad distinctions while [corruptionrange] is for more fine control. They're both tools for the writers to use, depending on what they need.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Speaking of corruption,

Would becoming one of the Seven's champions lock your current corruption where it's at, or would that reset it and hardlock it at 0?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
Speaking of corruption,

Would becoming one of the Seven's champions lock your current corruption where it's at, or would that reset it and hardlock it at 0?
No. You're just immune to the consequences of corruption IE losing your soul and turning into a demon. Corruption is mainly a mental thing.
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