Cute Axolotl bois for Mhen'ga

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm just spitballing here, but maybe in addition to the Kerokora's we could have a male race of Axolotls, all breed hungry like Keraokora's, giving PC's with vaginas the option to submit or fight. Stuff like that. But honestly, look at these cute little things (Pictured below).

Of course I'm just spitballing, just tossing an idea out that I may or may not write.


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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
omg they're amazing. I love their tentacle manes. I'd be interested in a project like this. The only real problem i see with it is that Mhenga is getting a little crowded.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
omg they're amazing. I love their tentacle manes. I'd be interested in a project like this. The only real problem i see with it is that Mhenga is getting a little crowded.

Maybe a different marshy area with a larger population of Kerokoras and Axolotl bois?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Maybe a different marshy area with a larger population of Kerokoras and Axolotl bois?

That could work, because I don't see them fitting into another environment as well as M'henga, and Kerokoras encounters are a bit overwhelming in lower levels.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
A Mhen'ga expansion. A lake area west of the city. Or south of the Vanae. Someone please make my Sacae dream come true D:

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
A Mhen'ga expansion. A lake area west of the city. Or south of the Vanae. Someone please make my Sacae dream come true D:

Isn't it mentioned at some point that Syri is there as an engineer on a bridge project? Perhaps at some point it gets completed and you can go back for a new higher-level Mhen'ga area.

I kinda feel like Mhen'ga could benefit from a bit of expansion at some point in the future, it's obviously still good and does its job as a starter planet well but to me it doesn't feel quite as complex or fully realised as the newer planets (especially Myrellion). Honestly though I can't say I blame devs for putting the time they have into making cool new planets instead, or even that I wouldn't prefer that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well it could be done similar to entrance to Vanae area when drone inform pc about entering frogg girls/axols spawning pool area. So there it would be similar to wexxler cave in myrelion caves that will have high chance for that two types of enemy enocunter. Well speaking of Mhen'ga generaly it would be vcool to be able visit some zil hive or naleen colony or vanae sky tree (last Jim had in plans to do somedya but now it's quite unrealistic thing :( )


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Well it could be done similar to entrance to Vanae area when drone inform pc about entering frogg girls/axols spawning pool area. So there it would be similar to wexxler cave in myrelion caves that will have high chance for that two types of enemy enocunter. Well speaking of Mhen'ga generaly it would be vcool to be able visit some zil hive or naleen colony or vanae sky tree (last Jim had in plans to do somedya but now it's quite unrealistic thing :( )

Naleens are comprised for the most part of solitary hunters and huntresses that don't gather in large numbers outside of mating balls. Other than that, I'll be fully on board with all the things you've mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahh ok you're right Naleen won;t form any type of pernament I changing for chance to PC meet mating ball just like Steph meet in her holovid ^^

I suppose few people will be happy about meeting this mating ball.

Or maybe just not whole colony but some of this solitary hunters lair to have fun with him or her in it own home.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Isn't it mentioned at some point that Syri is there as an engineer on a bridge project? Perhaps at some point it gets completed and you can go back for a new higher-level Mhen'ga area.

I wouldn't be opposed to that at all, though I'm not sure how much I like gating a large content brick like that behind Syri's stuff -- the bridge is a major focus of her quest line.

Because of course it is.

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I wouldn't be opposed to that at all, though I'm not sure how much I like gating a large content brick like that behind Syri's stuff -- the bridge is a major focus of her quest line.

Because of course it is.

I agree, I didn't mean you would have to help her finish it to access the area, just that it's already established in-universe that a bridge is being built. Though if it's planned that you can help her with it it would be tricky to include a mechanic for it being finished without you (since that would presumably lock you out of a lot of her content). Maybe if it isn't built there's a boat you can cross on but you have to pay - then once it's built you can go for free? Kinda an extra reward for completion as well.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I wouldn't be opposed to that at all, though I'm not sure how much I like gating a large content brick like that behind Syri's stuff -- the bridge is a major focus of her quest line.

Because of course it is.

That awesome to know. I'm definitely looking forward to Syri quest, but yeah unless the content beyond the bridge is high levelled with a boss I don't really want to see it gated either.

Was there a plan to have the bridge lead somewhere after Syriquest though? Or was there jsut going to be a 'Whoo, we finished the bridge. I can leave the planet now if you talk to my boss for me.'?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
TBH Vanae exp area was also planned to be gated behind lvl 8 (or just 7) miniboss fight. And yet noone who was reading those gdocs or comment in thread for this gdoc was complaining. So maybe that brigde gating higher lvl aerea on Mhen'ga may not be so bad idea in the end.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe the bridge could be a shortcut to the end of the marsh section and the "beginning" of the marsh section could be deep in the jungle.

I feel that such section should have atleast two new encounters. If you write the region I might be able to comeup with something to go with it.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
TBH Vanae exp area was also planned to be gated behind lvl 8 (or just 7) miniboss fight. And yet noone who was reading those gdocs or comment in thread for this gdoc was complaining. So maybe that brigde gating higher lvl aerea on Mhen'ga may not be so bad idea in the end.

Weren't the Vanae going to be stronger than they are now though? That wouldn't have been a problem. The problem with the gate in Mhen'Ga being something that takes a long time is that Mhen'Ga is so early on in the game. If the bridge blocks off an area the area should be high level. But then that gives early high level stuff for such an early planet.

I think if the bridge gates off an area, the area should be high level. And if there is a high level, then the bridge itself should be gated behind a later planet completion. Like Syri only approaches completion after you've gotten the third probe.

Maybe the bridge could be a shortcut to the end of the marsh section and the "beginning" of the marsh section could be deep in the jungle.

I feel that such section should have atleast two new encounters. If you write the region I might be able to comeup with something to go with it.

I think the bridge and where it leads to may already be planned, whether or not it leads to anything though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Weren't the Vanae going to be stronger than they are now though? That wouldn't have been a problem. The problem with the gate in Mhen'Ga being something that takes a long time is that Mhen'Ga is so early on in the game. If the bridge blocks off an area the area should be high level. But then that gives early high level stuff for such an early planet.

I think if the bridge gates off an area, the area should be high level. And if there is a high level, then the bridge itself should be gated behind a later planet completion. Like Syri only approaches completion after you've gotten the third probe.

I think the bridge and where it leads to may already be planned, whether or not it leads to anything though.

I think such region should be the same level as the Vanae region, unless it was an extension of the Vanae region.

I don't know enough about the bridge to know it's location. I just threw a suggestion anyway.

One curious thing about axolots is that they are technically "infants", unable to metamorphose into adult version in natural habitats. They can be artificially forced to metamorphose with iodine, basicly turning into what looks like a different species of salamander. It could be a good idea for a different type of enemy of the same race. Like some sort of pollution got in the water and some of them metamorphosed for the first time.

I think this is how they look like

Axololt adult.jpg
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I think such region should be the same level as the Vanae region, unless it was an extension of the Vanae region.

I don't know enough about the bridge to know it's location. I just threw a suggestion anyway.

One curious thing about axolots is that they are technically "infants", unable to metamorphose into adult version in natural habitats. They can be artificially forced to metamorphose with iodine, basicly turning into what looks like a different species of salamander. It could be a good idea for a different type of enemy.

I think this is how they look like

View attachment 3580

So they're the key to finally putting Salamanders into the game.

Space Helia doesn't have to be Saendra any more.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Well except Altair's plan is an all male race.

But a TF could be produced, thus still qualifying my previous statement.

On a side note, if they're an all male race how do they keep their population? I get that they have sex with females of other races, but do they also hold those females captive until the child is born? Because otherwise they would never see almost any of the children and thus their population would dwindle unles the raped party was kind enough to raise the Ax itself. Or unless they have some kind of deal with the Vanae where they get the kid if it's an Ax and the Vanae get the kid if it's a Vanae?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Well I guess, but it would probably come with masculinity tfs, since that's what happens with tfs for feminine-only races.

But that doesn't mean it automatically adds a dick, or that you can't remove the dick later and then feminize in another way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Since Jim was as Vanae creator commed with male counterpart of TF then this for case race is all male come with female item. Like for Vanae when Xenogen doc on the planet making Vanae TF for males xD

About that few post earlier start Mhen'ga hav only lvl 1-2 enemies with robot and rival enounter been higest lvl one. Then Jim submited first part of Vanae area and lvl of enemeis jumped to 4. Now in this not added part enemies which would be still Vanae but with 1 or 2 new types of them would be again slight higher lvl. So yes for vanae area atleast gated after miniboss fight was area with higher lvl enemies. Heck reason for boss been there was to...if PC can't beat him then will not survive in new are so it was gate that PC needed pass to get into higher lvl area in starting planet.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Since Jim was as Vanae creator commed with male counterpart of TF then this for case race is all male come with female item. Like for Vanae when Xenogen doc on the planet making Vanae TF for males xD

About that few post earlier start Mhen'ga hav only lvl 1-2 enemies with robot and rival enounter been higest lvl one. Then Jim submited first part of Vanae area and lvl of enemeis jumped to 4. Now in this not added part enemies which would be still Vanae but with 1 or 2 new types of them would be again slight higher lvl. So yes for vanae area atleast gated after miniboss fight was area with higher lvl enemies. Heck reason for boss been there was to...if PC can't beat him then will not survive in new are so it was gate that PC needed pass to get into higher lvl area in starting planet.

I've been around long enough to know all of this.

I'm saying a level 3-5 area beyond the bridge would be worthless as we have a level 4-5 area on NT witht he Varmints, in the jungle on Mhen'ga, and on Tarkus. We really don't need another low level expansion, especially with an alternate starting planet besides Mhen'Ga coming up.

That's why it needs to be a higher level area. We're already overloaded with pre-5 stuff. We need more content level 6+, and I'd even like to see this after the bridge area be a level 10 area, with a boss that will wreck as hard as the Frost Wyrm or Lash.

In no way am I insinuating that there even is an after-bridge area in the works anywhere as I have no information on it. Everything I've said is only an opinion and is CLEARLY biased, as I am extremely biased.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh sorry for assuming you not been oldtimer of old and this new fourums -_-'

With lvl of eneemies in new are...yeah adding 1-2 lvl higher than current ones on mhen'ga aka lvl 4 of vanae would be pale compared to others area that have similar lvl of enemies. For it been lvl 10 now...not sure if devs are up to give such challange knowing cap for pc is still at 8 (and just rising to 9 some in near future due to uveto content). So such high lvl area like lvl's 8-10 of enemeis will tips people that always cry for higher lvl cap. SO if that area after bridge would be indeed such high lvl we won't see it till pc will be able lvl up to similar lvl's :/

Even Vanae area we not know exaclty how high lvl could have been there. Vanae huntress for sure would be there so this one enemy lvl we know. As for planned but never completed I think Vanae matrona it wasn't set lvl yet so she could have been lvl 6-7 enemy...

Heh the more we talk about Mhen'a the more I wish someone take over Jim materials made for next part of vanae area and try it best to finish it and then submit to been added ingame. If that would happen then :perfect:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Ohh sorry for assuming you not been oldtimer of old and this new fourums -_-'

With lvl of eneemies in new are...yeah adding 1-2 lvl higher than current ones on mhen'ga aka lvl 4 of vanae would be pale compared to others area that have similar lvl of enemies. For it been lvl 10 now...not sure if devs are up to give such challange knowing cap for pc is still at 8 (and just rising to 9 some in near future due to uveto content). So such high lvl area like lvl's 8-10 of enemeis will tips people that always cry for higher lvl cap. SO if that area after bridge would be indeed such high lvl we won't see it till pc will be able lvl up to similar lvl's :/

It's fine, I didn't make a forum account for the new forums until just this week anyways. I've been lurking instead sicne I was in school, but now I'm a working adult with lots of free time so I went ahead and made one.

I'm not expecting the new area, which hasn't even been talked about yet and may not even be made at all, to be made before Uveto, Phaedra II, and whatever planet the 4th probe is on.

In short I'm expecting the Mhen'Ga X-pack to happen, if it ever happens, after level 10 is already a thing; Maybe level 11.

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Heh the more we talk about Mhen'a the more I wish someone take over Jim materials made for next part of vanae area and try it best to finish it and then submit to been added ingame. If that would happen then :perfect:

I would also like to see more Vanae content in-game, I think they're a really cool race but right now they just kind of sit there without much of a purpose apart from getting Vanae TF items (no quests or points of interest in their area except the camp with that one armour suit). I would even try to do it myself but although I have tried writing a scene or two I haven't even submitted anything yet. So a long way to go before I'd be confident in writing anything that significant.

Also if people want Salamanders in game, well, the Vanae are pretty close already, give or take a few tentacles. To real world salamanders, I mean, not to fantasy fire-lizards. Especially since IIRC the Sacae were meant to be aquatic and salamanders are typically either aquatic or tree-climbing.

All this general Mhen'ga talk is a bit OT though so I'll just say Axolotls are adorable and it's a shame we basically wiped them out in the wild.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Would love to see an all male mob! And axolotls are so cute!

Having trouble imagining what they would look like though. Maybe like this or a more humanized version like this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Space bunnies mob on Tarkus would already fit this wish fo yours. Unless you meant to wish of seeing all male mob on Mhen'ga?

I don't really count the Raskvel gang because they do have female counterparts.

I'm imagining that having an all male race would finally give vagina-wielding PCs the chance to be impregnated by an actual male. (maybe not, but I think it seems more likely)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you bringing argument of all-male race we actualy not have so many all-female races. Jim Vanae is one and others...well not able recall right now another all-female race only those where males are quite rare that all may think they are mono-gender race. And races like goo family that appear like females all it not count since they not have males and females to begin with.

So the thing would be that writers prefer write female/herm npcs over male ones.