Curious Questions


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
I've got questions. They could range from anywhere about the mechanics of the game to asking about the lore, or just nitpicky questions about TiTs in general.

So I'll start with a few questions:

  • What's the current power source that is mostly used in TiTs, the type that powers space stations, shield belts, energy weapons, etc.?
  • Why are kinetic weapons still used by most the galaxy? We're 5,000 years after finally achieving light-drive travel, according to the wiki.
  • Is the Leithan homeworld basically Tuchanka?
  • Are the Leithans basically Krogan, except friendlier?
  • What happens if you go through 1000+ transformations in a 24-hour period?
  • If someone is wanted, but they have TFs beforehand and change their appearance, how does the U.G.C. catch them?
  • Was Tech Specialist the first class?
  • What are the two themes between Tech Specialists perk tree?
  • Why doesn't energy regenerate per round in combat for every class?
  • What is energy even supposed to be: actual energy or stamina?
  • (My personal favorite :toot:) Why is it, despite advertised as being the most intelligent class, Tech Specialists aren't smart enough to Take Cover?
  • Why are Mercenaries optimal damage gated behind kinetic damage? Aren't they masters of the gun/sword, regardless?
  • Are Stealth Belts illegal for civilians?
  • The Treatment is supposed to be illegal to take off-world, if I recall correctly. How, then, has Ogram and Amma kept their jobs, considering we can just waltz right off and fly away?
  • Why is there no sexual rodeo on New Texas, considering how long it's existed?
  • The Treatment, for the most part, rewrites you into a kind, friendly person, if I'm right. Can it cure sociopathy and psychopathy?
  • No idea re: power source
  • Because energy weapons are more expensive and regulated.
  • No
  • No, not at all. The Thraggen are Krogans.
  • You'll probably get cancer.
  • DNA testing.
  • Yes.
  • Shields and Drones.
  • Because Fenoxo hates fun.
  • Who the fuck even knows. It apparently powers both your rechargable Flashbangs and your ability to kick people in the balls.
  • They have shields to cower behind, you filthy peasant.
  • Because Big Guns Are Better and also to distinguish them from Techs, who are the opposite.
  • No.
  • You can take the Treatment off-world (see The Treatment story). You can't land anywhere with it, though.
  • There was a plan for that but it never materialized. Feel free to write it.
  • I dunno if it'd cure it, but the Treatment might suppress those problems.
[*]What's the current power source that is mostly used in TiTs, the type that powers space stations, shield belts, energy weapons, etc.?
> Unknown. Probably nuclear fusion for stationary and bioenergy of the user for portable (I'm serious).

[*]Why are kinetic weapons still used by most the galaxy? We're 5,000 years after finally achieving light-drive travel, according to the wiki.
They are reliable. Simple solution is sometimes the best one.

[*]Is the Leithan homeworld basically Tuchanka?
[*]Are the Leithans basically Krogan, except friendlier?
No. Tuchanka is a wasteland. Leithans are not mentally challenged and their homeworld is just unfriendly.

[*]What happens if you go through 1000+ transformations in a 24-hour period?
Lore-wise - it won't end good. For Steele this problem is waved off by nanobots which should maintain primary funtions no matter what (still can get bad end from TFs, though).

[*]If someone is wanted, but they have TFs beforehand and change their appearance, how does the U.G.C. catch them?
There are scanners which detect something unique and static for the person. Mentioned in Penny content.

[*]Was Tech Specialist the first class?
No. Smuggler was first, Merc second, Tech third.

[*]What are the two themes between Tech Specialists perk tree?
Basically shield specialist and drone specialist. Shield specialist is for now vastly superior.

[*]Why doesn't energy regenerate per round in combat for every class?
Bad design.

[*]What is energy even supposed to be: actual energy or stamina?
Stamina. It is commonly used by character for physical activities.

[*](My personal favorite :toot:) Why is it, despite advertised as being the most intelligent class, Tech Specialists aren't smart enough to Take Cover?
Add all smuggler's gadgets to "why not" list. And a lot of other things which make no sense.

[*]Why are Mercenaries optimal damage gated behind kinetic damage? Aren't they masters of the gun/sword, regardless?

[*]Are Stealth Belts illegal for civilians?
Likely yes. In core worlds. Frontier... Looks like no one cares there.

[*]The Treatment is supposed to be illegal to take off-world, if I recall correctly. How, then, has Ogram and Amma kept their jobs, considering we can just waltz right off and fly away?
It is illegal to import into other worlds, not export from NT.

[*]Why is there no sexual rodeo on New Texas, considering how long it's existed?
Who even cares about NT?

[*]The Treatment, for the most part, rewrites you into a kind, friendly person, if I'm right. Can it cure sociopathy and psychopathy?
You are wrong. Not becoming kind, not making a big deal from violence and unable to really restrain themselves from taking pleasure. So it would make a psycho into that kind of murderer sho would sincerely don't understand what wrong is in dismembering children alive and screaming.
Well, the current questions were answered both by Savin and Etis, thank you kindly. For the most part, the answers resonate with each other, with a possible contradiction.

Let's see if they can't be ironed out along with new questions. Won't be as numerous.

  • First off, this is courtesy of Galgano, who raised a legitimate point. Time to be specify on an earlier question: Was the Tech class the first to be designed or implemented?
  • CoC didn't have classes, as far as I can remember. If that changed, forgive my ignorance, but this question would still be legitimate question: Why did TiTs go the route of classes?
  • Celise. From what I've seen, despite her bimbo-like nature, she seems pretty damn OP if you look at her stats. Is that for all Galotians, or is she just a special case?
  • Psionics. They seem to be the mental powers of this game. Is it just typical psychic power, or does TiTs has its own type of flavor in it?
  • Apparently, having followers in combat outside quests is a no-go. Is this for writer sanity or is it some different reason I can't think of?
  • Mega-Corporations have a lot of power in this game, if I'm correct. Do they, perhaps, secretly fight each other over some valuable resource, or are they so specialized in what they do, there's no point in fighting each other?
  • Would NEXT-like, humanoid-sized robots fit well in this game, considering corporate dystopia?
  • Am I annoying anyone?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
That's fine. The questions in bold are pretty much aimed at the developers. Everything else is free for anyone else to give a shot at a definitive answer or theory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I would say some of this questions...even Fen not have idea how to answer. And most of them are for now handwaved with: Because it work as I said so not ask exactly why.

But yeah given it's kinda primaly sex game not some indepth and complicated game some of those question are interesting to know the answer.

On questions itselfs I may be helpfull with one:
Tech themes are:
-Tech that using super strong and long lasting shields while attacking enemies (pref. with energy weapons) so thus we got perk giving that +8 shield points per lvl.
-Tech that is supporting himself with personal drone thus having not much better shields than other classes (merely 1 bonus shiled point per lvl) but in theory got "strong and usefull" drone (also using energy weapons to beat up enemies). Note that curently this second one theme seems to be really falling off behind the other one tech theme (super shield tech).


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
On questions itselfs I may be helpfull with one:
Tech themes are:
-Tech that using super strong and long lasting shields while attacking enemies (pref. with energy weapons) so thus we got perk giving that +8 shield points per lvl.
-Tech that is supporting himself with personal drone thus having not much better shields than other classes (merely 1 bonus shiled point per lvl) but in theory got "strong and usefull" drone (also using energy weapons to beat up enemies). Note that curently this second one theme seems to be really falling off behind the other one tech theme (super shield tech).
So, you're saying Tech Specialists' perk tree are split between Drone Specialist and Shield Specialist, correct? I actually recall someone else saying that, but I can't remember when or where.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, I can answer at least a few of those. The first class was the Smuggler way back when Mhen'ga was the only planet and cunt snakes and Zil. The two themes of the Tech Specialist are Shield Techs (Choosing Shield Booster) and Drone Techs (Choosing Attack Drone). The general consensus is that techs are fucking trash, with shield techs being considered slightly better. As for why energy doesn't regenerate for every class? Hell if I know, that sounds like a design thing.

No one is really sure what energy is. It seems like it's supposed to be stamina, seeing as it decreases every time you orgasm (unless you have Amazonian Endurance) yet also decreases when using your special abilities...which is dodgy. It seems to count for both stamina and energy. I have no real idea why, unless it was for convenience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Dualitas Well that was orginal plan for them. But now all is about picking best range energy weapon plus shield perk not drone since either drone perk or melee fight is...barely even optimal choice for Techs. So theory went it own way some time ago when reality forcing slowly people to go for range shield tech.

@JohanLitvisk Wasn't Mercenary first one class then Smuggler and last Tech added to the game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nah. When TITS was first around I remember seeing only smuggler. I may be remembering wrong, though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Now, see, you're both saying Techs have Shield Tree and Drone Tree, yet the wiki has different specializations listed for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nononono, depending on whether you choose Attack Drone or Shield Booster, you become a Drone Tech or a Shield. The specializations with robotics and what not, which won't be in the game for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well that not canonical names of specializations for Tech. But I think barely anyone using those names for "paths" for Tech that are put on wiki. It is easier to say shield or drone tech than using those from wiki and everyone still know what it mean.

So that two paths of Tech are base on which one perk PC took on the first lvl-up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
But, see, here's the thing: Someone went and put down the Specialization Themes not just for Techies, but for Mercies and Smuggies as well. Unless someone just decided to just create specialization names on the wiki for fun, the themes "Offensive and Defensive" implied there was a different path for Techie perk trees. Now, if someone actually does come in here and confirm someone just put down names for whatever reason, I'll drop this tidbit of argument.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That honestly makes no sense. There are offensive and defensive perks on both sides, so whoever put that is wrong. That needs to be changed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
That honestly makes no sense. There are offensive and defensive perks on both sides, so whoever put that is wrong. That needs to be changed.
Hold on, now, while I do agree those names doesn't make entire sense, the same could be said for Drone Tech and Shield Tech.

Mercenaries have the Close-Quarters and Range Fighter themes. Their implications cannot get any simpler short of calling it Melee and Ranged. And if you look at the perks, for the most part, you'll find that the tree fits perfectly for the theme, from level 1 and onwards.

Smugglers are a bit fancier, but with a little thinking, anyone can see how it'd fit: Covert and Overzealous. Look at their perks, you can see why the themes are called that. Again, level 1 and onwards.

But then you Offensive and Defensive for Techies. If the same person could get it right for the two classes mentioned above, how could they've gotten Techies wrong?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I've got questions. They could range from anywhere about the mechanics of the game to asking about the lore, or just nitpicky questions about TiTs in general.
  • What's the current power source that is mostly used in TiTs, the type that powers space stations, shield belts, energy weapons, etc.?
  • Why are kinetic weapons still used by most the galaxy? We're 5,000 years after finally achieving light-drive travel, according to the wiki.
  • Is the Leithan homeworld basically Tuchanka?
  • Are the Leithans basically Krogan, except friendlier?
  • What happens if you go through 1000+ transformations in a 24-hour period?
  • If someone is wanted, but they have TFs beforehand and change their appearance, how does the U.G.C. catch them?
  • Was Tech Specialist the first class?
  • What are the two themes between Tech Specialists perk tree?
  • Why doesn't energy regenerate per round in combat for every class?
  • What is energy even supposed to be: actual energy or stamina?
  • (My personal favorite :toot:) Why is it, despite advertised as being the most intelligent class, Tech Specialists aren't smart enough to Take Cover?
  • Why are Mercenaries optimal damage gated behind kinetic damage? Aren't they masters of the gun/sword, regardless?
  • Are Stealth Belts illegal for civilians?
  • The Treatment is supposed to be illegal to take off-world, if I recall correctly. How, then, has Ogram and Amma kept their jobs, considering we can just waltz right off and fly away?
  • Why is there no sexual rodeo on New Texas, considering how long it's existed?
  • The Treatment, for the most part, rewrites you into a kind, friendly person, if I'm right. Can it cure sociopathy and psychopathy?
  • No idea re: power source
  • Because energy weapons are more expensive and regulated.
  • No
  • No, not at all. The Thraggen are Krogans.
  • You'll probably get cancer.
  • DNA testing.
  • Yes.
  • Shields and Drones.
  • Because Fenoxo hates fun.
  • Who the fuck even knows. It apparently powers both your rechargable Flashbangs and your ability to kick people in the balls.
  • They have shields to cower behind, you filthy peasant.
  • Because Big Guns Are Better and also to distinguish them from Techs, who are the opposite.
  • No.
  • You can take the Treatment off-world (see The Treatment story). You can't land anywhere with it, though.
  • There was a plan for that but it never materialized. Feel free to write it.
  • I dunno if it'd cure it, but the Treatment might suppress those problems.
  • Like
Reactions: Dualitas and Brock


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Okay, I should've added this to my "Eureka" post, but @Savin, you said the idea behind Techies were Shields and Drones, right? Well, I just have to ask, since it was all alluding to this one question: What, exactly, happened?

  • They have shields to cower behind, you filthy peasant.
Considering that Mercenaries have shields, too, I think that's a moot point, sir. :smuggo:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[*]What's the current power source that is mostly used in TiTs, the type that powers space stations, shield belts, energy weapons, etc.?
> Unknown. Probably nuclear fusion for stationary and bioenergy of the user for portable (I'm serious).

[*]Why are kinetic weapons still used by most the galaxy? We're 5,000 years after finally achieving light-drive travel, according to the wiki.
They are reliable. Simple solution is sometimes the best one.

[*]Is the Leithan homeworld basically Tuchanka?
[*]Are the Leithans basically Krogan, except friendlier?
No. Tuchanka is a wasteland. Leithans are not mentally challenged and their homeworld is just unfriendly.

[*]What happens if you go through 1000+ transformations in a 24-hour period?
Lore-wise - it won't end good. For Steele this problem is waved off by nanobots which should maintain primary funtions no matter what (still can get bad end from TFs, though).

[*]If someone is wanted, but they have TFs beforehand and change their appearance, how does the U.G.C. catch them?
There are scanners which detect something unique and static for the person. Mentioned in Penny content.

[*]Was Tech Specialist the first class?
No. Smuggler was first, Merc second, Tech third.

[*]What are the two themes between Tech Specialists perk tree?
Basically shield specialist and drone specialist. Shield specialist is for now vastly superior.

[*]Why doesn't energy regenerate per round in combat for every class?
Bad design.

[*]What is energy even supposed to be: actual energy or stamina?
Stamina. It is commonly used by character for physical activities.

[*](My personal favorite :toot:) Why is it, despite advertised as being the most intelligent class, Tech Specialists aren't smart enough to Take Cover?
Add all smuggler's gadgets to "why not" list. And a lot of other things which make no sense.

[*]Why are Mercenaries optimal damage gated behind kinetic damage? Aren't they masters of the gun/sword, regardless?

[*]Are Stealth Belts illegal for civilians?
Likely yes. In core worlds. Frontier... Looks like no one cares there.

[*]The Treatment is supposed to be illegal to take off-world, if I recall correctly. How, then, has Ogram and Amma kept their jobs, considering we can just waltz right off and fly away?
It is illegal to import into other worlds, not export from NT.

[*]Why is there no sexual rodeo on New Texas, considering how long it's existed?
Who even cares about NT?

[*]The Treatment, for the most part, rewrites you into a kind, friendly person, if I'm right. Can it cure sociopathy and psychopathy?
You are wrong. Not becoming kind, not making a big deal from violence and unable to really restrain themselves from taking pleasure. So it would make a psycho into that kind of murderer sho would sincerely don't understand what wrong is in dismembering children alive and screaming.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think the real issue here is that no one really knows what most things are supposed to and/or the devs and the rest of us have different understandings of what these things are supposed to do. What doesn't help is all the inconsistencies. It makes some sense with the PC because plot armor, but everything else is dodgy at best. The biggest offender is the treatment, which in-universe is supposed to rewrite your brain to be basically the same but with different prorities, less sexual inhibitions and friendly dispositions. In-game however, it rewards you with dudebro/bimbo speech and massive intelligence losses if you get the bimbo/cumcow variant. This is probably why some people are turned off from it, outside of the whole forced nonsense which is still up in the air.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Two specializations for each class...well I think it was about that when lvl-up perks are put in column let one column and right one column are supposed to be belonging to each of respective two specializations for each class. That was orginal design but as it all ended...we all see that it not ended well in the end ^^ Maybe devs will try fix it in future or maybe their will not 'gaf' anymore and leave it as it's now.

On that what happened on Techs specializations of Drones and Shields my quess is that Fen and Savin not reached enough satisfactionary compromise for both of them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Drone Techs get a scaling buff in one of the earlier patches? If so, it looks like it wasn't enough, but yeah Drone Techs are a continuous source of conflict and there seems to be no real solution in sight. It doesn't help that some people belief techs overall are shit while others thing techs are OP with the fuck-huge amount of damage than can do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Two specializations for each class...well I think it was about that when lvl-up perks are put in column let one column and right one column are supposed to be belonging to each of respective two specializations for each class. That was orginal design but as it all ended...we all see that it not ended well in the end ^^ Maybe devs will try fix it in future or maybe their will not 'gaf' anymore and leave it as it's now.
Just asking for clarification: Are you saying that originally you could only stick to one specialization?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

[*]Was Tech Specialist the first class?
No. Smuggler was first, Merc second, Tech third.

I think this question is worded incorrectly. It depends on what you mean by first. First to be thought up and written down? Maybe. First to be implemented into the game? Probably not. Both answers could be true. It's just a matter of perspective.

As for the Take Cover question. In stories, high intelligence can lead to hubris. The Tech Spec. probably doesn't see a need to take cover, because he or she is too smart, that nothing would be able to reach them in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just asking for clarification: Are you saying that originally you could only stick to one specialization?

It is more about superficial division in each class since PC can still mix perks from those both supposed specializations. Their never made it that picking one of 2 perks at lvl 2 will leave pc with oly one possible to take perk on lvl-up. But that whole thing with 'specializations" in each class may be already relict of the early TiTS times.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
On the subject of having kinect weapons still being popular, there's always the 40k excuse of good armor using super ceramics that are resistance to the heat of energy weapons.


Aug 26, 2015
Just asking for clarification: Are you saying that originally you could only stick to one specialization?
No. However, on any given turn you can only either use a melee attack or a ranged attack. This means that you generally want all of the perks that strengthen one or the other: Bloodthirsty implies you want Power Strike, Cleave, etc. The abilities that synergize in this manner are usually all in the same column as each other.

There are exceptions to this: the choice between Carpet Grenades and the single-target grenade, for instance, is unaffecred by your prior choices because neither option relates to melee or ranged attacking.

Tech Specialist is different, as it has no way of fighting in melee and so most of its options are between two widely distinct types of technology. You're going to be an energy gunner regardless of anything else you decide on as a tech. This pigeonholes the class as a whole, but it does also mean that techs have much more option diversity within their class. Unfortunately those options are mostly between garbage and junk, but that can be fixed in theory.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, I should've added this to my "Eureka" post, but @Savin, you said the idea behind Techies were Shields and Drones, right? Well, I just have to ask, since it was all alluding to this one question: What, exactly, happened?

I originally designed the Tech Specialist before the "two columns" approach to class abilities came about -- I was under the impression Classes would be unique perks chosen from a dropdown, like in CoC. Basically nothing other than "Lots of Shields" and "Drones, yo" really made it in. You'll have to track down Fenoxo for the specifics of how and why he built the class.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
I originally designed the Tech Specialist before the "two columns" approach to class abilities came about -- I was under the impression Classes would be unique perks chosen from a dropdown, like in CoC. Basically nothing other than "Lots of Shields" and "Drones, yo" really made it in. You'll have to track down Fenoxo for the specifics of how and why he built the class.
So, basically, you designed Techs as you saw them, unaware of the coming two-column perk selection; said selection came in, and Fenoxo all but redesigned the class. Did I get that right? And you don't know why he designed Techs this way?


Aug 26, 2015
But, see, here's the thing: Someone went and put down the Specialization Themes not just for Techies, but for Mercies and Smuggies as well. Unless someone just decided to just create specialization names on the wiki for fun, the themes "Offensive and Defensive" implied there was a different path for Techie perk trees.
That was me. I initially named them that way because I had no idea what the branches were intended to be, but noticed they each had an obvious theme--I also didn't want to pull directly from the perk names since some of the perks weren't centered around just "drones" or just "shields". The Tech Specialist was the class I generalized the most because I didn't have good names to label the branches with at the time. If and when I am able to edit the wiki again, I'll try to change them.

Do keep in mind that the wiki is not set in stone (and is only meant to serve as a general guide with some lore and world-building concepts sprinkled in)--any of the information there can be changed at any time if new information comes to light, especially since the game is still being developed on. The wiki itself is primarily there for the community to contribute to, so if there is something inconsistent with what is in-game, feel free to change it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
The Tech Specialist was the class I generalized the most because I didn't have good names to label the branches with at the time. If and when I am able to edit the wiki again, I'll try to change them.
Well, to be fair, changing the theme names to "Drones" and "Shields" instead of "Offensive" and "Defensive" wouldn't be much of a difference, considering current perk tree. While the consensus has already decided for "Drones and "Shields," I'd like to believe "Offensive and Defensive" is better for the things Techs can potentially do. But that's just me.

Just saying that before you take the time to edit it.

Do keep in mind that the wiki is not set in stone (and is only meant to serve as a general guide with some lore and world-building concepts sprinkled in)--any of the information there can be changed at any time if new information comes to light, especially since the game is still being developed on. The wiki itself is primarily there for the community to contribute to, so if there is something inconsistent with what is in-game, feel free to change it.
Noted. I'll do what I can when the opportunity arises.
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