Curious About What People Choose To Do With Corrupted Creatures

What do you do with the "Corrupted" Bosses and why?

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Rising Hunter

Apr 10, 2021
Specifically, the bosses. While it isn't always a choice, when there is a choice to either spare or kill a boss, what do you pick and why? I've done every playthrough with usually killing them, from an in-game perspective that they are causing enough damage to justify their needing to die or else as a mercy kill. Out of character, it's because I tend to avoid scenes that get corruptions points and don't usually feel like I'm missing too much content. That said, doing that feels like it also ought to lock out any in-character justification for attempting to romance or redeem Kas- if you're not willing to give her victims a second chance, it's pretty hypocritical of to even think of romancing or trying to turn her to your side. I can see why you would spare the creatures and continue to act as her rival, however.

The poll has both options available to pick at the same time, because of course different runs can have different choices, but it would be super interesting to hear what the IC- and out of character- reasoning was either way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2024
On a journey
Depends on the playthrough, but I'm generally pro slay. On my pure run, everyone with corruption is a target for smiting but my corrupt guy only slays them if he isn't going to fuck them lmao.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I always slay male imps. I just don't like them. Also I kind of don't like the male centaur leaders for the marauding bands, the skulls just imply they are killing others. So I tend to slay them too on principle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
I always slay male imps. I just don't like them. Also I kind of don't like the male centaur leaders for the marauding bands, the skulls just imply they are killing others. So I tend to slay them too on principle.
Honestly same. Apparently female imps are canonically a thing, so it's a shame we don't see them. Then again, maybe best we don't get incentivized to spare those little shits


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Honestly same. Apparently female imps are canonically a thing, so it's a shame we don't see them. Then again, maybe best we don't get incentivized to spare those little shits
Fortunately for us we'll be get some female imps in the near future courtesy of B and Jstar.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
Fortunately for us we'll be get some female imps in the near future courtesy of B and Jstar.
Unfortunately for the rest of Savarra tho, realistically. Unless ofc we force feed them brown leaf or something
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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2020
Usually in games I like to play a righteous merciless paladin, smiting evil left and right.
In this game however, sometimes evil comes in the shape of a beautiful big booby lady, and in a miracle I suddenly find myself in a very merciful disposition. I'll even personally act in the reeducational activities to bring some purity into them.
Male characters still get the axe, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
This thread is really showcasing what type of audience plays this game huh? We are all hypocrites for some coochie.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2023
Spare because I usually play high corruption champions. On my rare pure champions it depends on if the character can be redeemed or not.


New Member
Sep 10, 2024
in COC2 ive only encountered the alarune so far, but i spared her and allowed her to serve me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Figured I'd go more into it.
Like I said before, I always kill male Imps. Even for more corrupt/tainted characters. Sometimes I don't kill the centaur maruaders but honestly more than often I do.
Never kill Alraune, she can be a good girl.
Always kill the Behemoth since your options are limited and I'm not interested in his current content. Maybe if you can turn him into a futa or herm. But outside of that, nope. Dead.
I always kill (or rather, let die) Quin. I've no interest in his content as he currently is.
Any actual demons I try to spare, either to try and redeem or because my character at the time finds them fascinating.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Depends. I don't want to lose out on further content if it comes. Like with Alissa, you can kill her but you lose out on sexing her and I'm all for the loving.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
If the male imps were hotter, and not some kind of Ugly bastards, I would leave them be. Same with Centuars. Basically, only ugly people die.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Case by case basis. If they can be redeemed, I'll usually do that. If they can't, or they're so evil that they deserve to die, I'll probably kill them. Imp and Centaur Ringleaders, for instance, are kill-on-sight.

There are exceptions though.

For instance, I'm always conflicted with the Behemoth & Fungal Amalgam. The former has a tragic Frankenstein's Monster quality to him, being forced to be angry and violent all the time, so killing him is a mercy, but the fact we can maybe save him is tempting. Likewise, the latter has an interesting take on death where their ghosts are freed from the fungal corruption and ascend, but I like to imagine bringing them to the Alraune's garden will lead to separation without killing them, even if not within the scope of the game.

Likewise, while Alissa absolutely deserves to die and can't be redeemed, I'm generally inclined to defer to Etheryn's choice because as the one most victimised by Alissa, ultimately I believe it should be her call and we shouldn't undermine it. Plus it's not like we're forgiving her and letting her go free. We throw her in the dungeon and leave her to rot while watching as the kingdom she ran into the ground rises from the ashes and remembers her only as a spoiled brat who sold them all out to the demons and bankrupted the treasury to build an extra-dimensional portal (and it didn't even accomplish its stated goal, which is just more salt in the wound). I'd argue that's much worse than killing her.


Dec 24, 2023
I don't play high corruption, but I still usually spare most corrupted beings, I don't know I just feel bad about killing named unique npcs, getting rid of their content too, I don't mind having them around if they stop being so aggro toward everyone after I defeat them and I keep them in check.
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Rising Hunter

Apr 10, 2021
I have to admit, I kind of expected this, but also DIDN'T expect this. I figured it would be either more even or much more lopsided so far. At the same time, who most people are sparing doesn't really surprise me; I was expecting people would spare the Alraune over the Behemoth, for example, and that people would generally kill imps and centaur ringleaders.

Also, gooddamn that imp is the whole bakery.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Like I said, the Behemoth is tragic, in the "I never asked to get made!" kind of way. And the Kill Him option is suitably sombre, as he finally is able to let go and rest after being hard-wired to feel nothing but battle rage and possibly lust by Kasyrra.

Alraune and her daughters are just flowery bimbos. If you let them live, they even become live-in maids for your Wayfort. Much more is gained by sparing them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
Imps: Slay. They're pests

Everyone else: Depends on my mood. The only character I've really committed play time to is pragmatic, moderately corrupted champion so they wrestle with sparing other souls that are going through what they are.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
Imps: death. yes, even girl imps

Alraune: sadly, death. i'm saving that virginity for later

Full Demons: are they minding their own business like Farrah? you live. causing problems? shape up or die. Vacia specifically? death but it makes my metaphorical dick sad
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