Cum All the Way Through?


Jan 6, 2016
This other day I was playing CoC and trying to meet a few NPC's I left behind in a crazy quest to level up and find out what the main story had for me. That's when I decided to go all the way with Loppe, and she have this crazy sex scene in which if you take her in the ass, the cum is so much that it not only inflates you but also makes some of it to spill through your mouth. And damn, was that hot!

As far as I know, in TiTs every cum-heavy NPC that you take in the ass only make you inflate and the rest spills out of your anus. Now, I'm not saying I want you guys to tell me where or who (that's cheating for me), I'd just like to know: there actually is any scene like this in TiTs as well?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
not currently, it's just like the womb fucking fetish which has only I think one scene in the game where Burt's mechanical bar tender decides to stick it's tentacles into your womb if you have a female or herm character. No ones just written this kind of content because I think it's one of the more extreme but hot fetishes out there. Just like the all the way through fetish.


Apr 4, 2016
No ones just written this kind of content because I think it's one of the more extreme but hot fetishes out there. Just like the all the way through fetish.

Maybe make an option to enable certain kinds of fetishes in settings then people can write/submit alternate scenes that incorporate those scenes


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Maybe make an option to enable certain kinds of fetishes in settings then people can write/submit alternate scenes that incorporate those scenes

While this would be nice, the amount of effort it would take the authors to modify scenes to include adjustments for these  would probably be work than necesary. Also you need a writer that wants to write theses scenes, which not many really want  to write.

zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I seem to be proclaiming what I don't like once again, but that sort of "would absolutely kill you in real life" (womb sex, all the way through, etc.) stuff kinda horrifies me. Like I always say, no judgement, it's just not for me personally. Anyway basically I wouldn't want to see it as part of any "main" sex scenes for story/relationship progression/whatever. By that I mean, for example, I like Kiro and she has a very cum-heavy scene to introduce her, and you have to take her if you don't have a dick/aren't a tech specialist. Apart from her somewhat hyper balls it stays relatively vanilla. I'd prefer to keep it so the aforementioned extreme content isn't necessary in situations like that.

However, I don't see any reason this sort of thing can't be included for people who like it. As has been pointed out, having more variations is only creating even more work for writers who already have to contend with a crazy amount of possibilities in scenarios. So my suggestion would be: if people wanted to write this kind of thing, it can be confined to particular scenes that are flagged as such in their tooltips, much in the way Kelly's hyper scene is.  To continue my previous example, an all-the-way-through scene with Kiro that appears when she's really backed up. This way people who like it can find it and wimps like me who can't handle don't have to.


Jan 8, 2016
Scenes like this and womb-fucking are ones I want to write but I'm never sure where to put them. I guess something like [Rough] [REALLY rough] is an option.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Perhaps this could be a thing if the giving or receiving end would be unlikely to kill the other/be killed with this kind of sex (goo being the most likely example)

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Scenes like this and womb-fucking are ones I want to write but I'm never sure where to put them. I guess something like [Rough] [REALLY rough] is an option.

hmm it appears Kelly's scenes have the support for W-fucking, noticed this during her DP scene.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Perhaps this could be a thing if the giving or receiving end would be unlikely to kill the other/be killed with this kind of sex (goo being the most likely example)

I can't remember the name but I read a story where the protagonist had sex with a goo girl and the cum shot out her back. While impossible for most, Goo's could have these weird but extreme situations


Jan 6, 2016
Well, alright, guess that at least for a while I'll have to settle down with the mild scenes...

(Though if one of those scenes is ever added, I guess I'd be one of the first people to jump into the update to test it)

In a related note, when the writers add new fetishes to the game they notify people about it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well when some atypical akak not been in already popular fetishes scene is added to game fen meantion about it in changelog notes. So I would say not per se they direct say: we added X or Y fetish but it's about people read and from description finding out if it scene for new/the one fetsih they were waiting for.


New Member
May 26, 2016
>-> Dont we alredy have a lot of events where caracters end up looking preg after being filled. >.> If we are first going to be super connected to the real world... I think that in itself would kill. It would probably even make more sense, if a huge assfilling like that went all the way insted of making the person a cumbaloon. So why not. if the amount of cum baloons the caracter to x amount, it starts dripping out the mouth? For those who would not want that, they could just keep their cum production lower.

This would only work if its the npc that fills I guess.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
>-> Dont we alredy have a lot of events where caracters end up looking preg after being filled. >.> If we are first going to be super connected to the real world... I think that in itself would kill. It would probably even make more sense, if a huge assfilling like that went all the way insted of making the person a cumbaloon. So why not. if the amount of cum baloons the caracter to x amount, it starts dripping out the mouth? For those who would not want that, they could just keep their cum production lower.

This would only work if its the npc that fills I guess.

erm what? the games fantasy, there is no way this is connected to the real world.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
In the real world cum all the way through would be disgustingly messy if not dangerous (think what that cum has to push out of the way before it reaches the mouth), but in the cartoon world of TiTS stuff like that doesn't matter. I'd  support many more cum inflation/cumthrough scenes if they chose to put them in.

I kind of wish there were a temporary appearance modifier for being a waddling cum balloon. For so many hours after being inflated, say, you'd be described as having an appropriately bloated stomach.


New Member
May 26, 2016
Exacly. I realy don't see how its, much more extream to have the cum go all the way in the setting of a fantasy world. Not if becommong a cum baloon, or have cocks that hammer your stomach so the cock clearly show.

I mean, its not like they would have to add that the caracter is spewing out their dinner or anything like that. How many times do you get a status effect like "shit on your dick" after anal in this game? 

I do repect it if the writiers dont find such things interesting tho. If they do it just to please then I doubt it will get as good. And its not like they can please every wish. :3

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I kind of wish there were a temporary appearance modifier for being a waddling cum balloon. For so many hours after being inflated, say, you'd be described as having an appropriately bloated stomach.

funnily enough THAT is actually in game, getting a cum stuffing from Kiro, Kelly or otherwise very productive NPC will bloat the PC up for quite a few hours.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I mean, its not like they would have to add that the caracter is spewing out their dinner or anything like that. How many times do you get a status effect like "shit on your dick" after anal in this game?

I recently asked Savin about the possibility of adding a non-descriptive 'needs' system that would discourage you from exploiting Second Wind and other such abilities to stay out in the field fighting 24/7. Something (to the tune of an exp gain debuff) that would make you want to return to town/ship to eat, sleep, and use the little Steele's room (in the most non-descriptive way possible). I still got an unequivocal 'nope' back from him. So, it seems they're quite adamant about ignoring such concepts, no matter how much you try to avoid getting into details.

So yeah, I wouldn't be at all surprised if a scene like this got added, as they will simply choose to ignore any reason why it would be harmful or unpleasant.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
funnily enough THAT is actually in game, getting a cum stuffing from Kiro, Kelly or otherwise very productive NPC will bloat the PC up for quite a few hours.

So they do! I'd  never noticed before, though so far it seems like Kelly's filling only lasts while in her apartment, because as soon as I'm dropped off outside Xenogen my belly is back to normal.
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