Cruelty Squad


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Hello, I would like to discuss the game Cruelty Squad, a game that, despite not having played, I have found fascinating from what I've seen of it from the videos I've watched about it.

One element that makes it unique this is how it embraces "ugly graphics", something which is evident when this is a screenshot from the game:
As can also be seen, however, the screen is still pretty readable, giving all the information you need with your life, visibility status, and ammo clearly displayed on your HUD, despite the bizarre and outlandish sights. From what I've seen, the game also has very weird controls, but from what I've seen once those are figured out usually people do fine, and it also includes both a stock market and a fishing minigame, both of which are connected.

The story of the game is also fairly loose, where you perform assassinations for large corporations, which is what each of the games levels are about. A common theme of this game is that capitalism is awful; the corporate culture is the reason the world of Cruelty Squad is a horrific biotech dystopia where human life means nothing and that contains legally distinct funkopops and sewer pizza.

I'd argue this is sort of like the anti-Cyberpunk 2077; rather than being a surface-level pretty but shallow and buggy AAA game set in a generic sci-fi dystopia, Cruelty Squad is an indie game set in a world that is absolutely disgusting but incredibly intriguing, full of strange and horrific sights, as well as being actually invested in its themes, being a game where you can literally eat the rich, including your landlord.

If you want to know more about this game, I would advise watching the below videos, which I personally think gives you a good idea of what to expect from it:



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
I had trouble getting into the game mainly because of how it looks. From the designs of buildings, the characters, to even the designs of enemies. I'll admit when I first the more unique enemies, I was like, "Wh-what is that? What IS that? What the fuck is that?!" You know?