Crowd-sourcing Fanfiction


Mar 18, 2016
Hello all! I've been a lurker for years and recently joined a Choose Your Own Adventure writing site where I got the idea to begin a story based on TITS (and maybe COC). It would either follow Steele or a author created character in the same universe. I've started it with an RPG-style setup in mind: stats, choices, loot. You know the drill. Any thoughts or feedback is more than welcome, and before anyone asks, Fen and Company have been credited and linked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Maybe have it focus on one of your favourite npcs in the game?
A couple of characters I think it would be fun to play as would be Saendra, Kaede and Kiro.

It could potentially also be about a random non Steele rusher.

Just a couple ideas I had :)

Are you planning on sharing links to this adventure of yours when you're done/come a good way in it?


Mar 18, 2016
Yep, that's the idea! I haven't had the story officially aproved on the site yet but I can link it as soon as it is. Basic set up is like the game where you pick your race, gender, class ( of which I have added a fourth one I call Ringer). The character I'm working on is a future version of my Steele when he has a bit more resources at his disposal than are available at present in-game.


Mar 18, 2016
Make it Syri and each choice is a different way to fuck Steele's ass.
As a joke maybe, I hate the stories that end up with the same choice for everything! In all seriousness, if you want to play as Syri ( and Savin doesn't ax me) you can. These are non-canon stories that happen within the verse that the Dev team has set up so well. One thing i plan to do is have my character start out with a few low end options for starting craft.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Role Play, CYOA and communal storytelling are all branches of the same tree. The labels are only useful for focus of purpose and boxing in the creative process. So I try not to make labels to . . . rigid, in creation.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Just read a bunch of chapters........ Now i dont mean to be rude but there seems to be quite a lot of copy and pasting in it. (Not saying you are as there is typos in it but writing what you see in the game on the site is almost exactly the same.)
You should not really focus on Steele him/her/other self. Try focusing on other characters or make your own. I'm just saying tread carefully and dont use other authors work.

Im not saying stop writing it. No. I love CHYOA. Its a website I go on all the time. Just use your original work. Write an original character or focus on a NPC's adventure. Not the player character for the game as thats been done already.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Agreed with Chimes. You're just making an inferior version of the TiTS we already have. Make a new character with a mostly defined look and personality. Don't bother with detailed stats unless you're willing to make them mean something. Don't bother with bodymods unless you're willing to add maybe a dozen alternative threads that differ only slightly. Give us meaningful choices instead of asking if we want to skip the tutorial three times in a row.


Mar 18, 2016
Okay, I went back and fixed my screw-up. I do apologize, I'm new at this. Here's an example of what I've come up with since:

Sojo NightStrike was an odd sort. Ausari Military veteran turned Black Void Ace-in-the-hole. He had been a well-respected Gunnery Sergeant in the Ausarial Imperial Marines. His men would follow him into hell itself (yeah, yeah, you’ve heard it before…) the problem was that’s what led Sojo into his current line of work. It had been a seemingly normal recon mission on a moon of some unknown planet, it didn’t end that way. He had gone ahead of his platoon to check out some anomalous readings on their scanners When he got hit with a stun round from behind. Sojo woke in a sealed room with an ultimatum: Join the Void or his platoon dies. As it turned out, the moon had been a reconnaissance outpost for a Dread Lord’s forward operations in the system. They were willing to let Sojo’s Marines live if he convinced them to join in his escapade. As Sojo often put it “I had no choice and they knew it. On one hand I condemn my unit to death, on the other I ask them to become outlaws. Damned if you do… damned if you don’t.”

I also added a fourth "class" known as a "ringer", this is not an "all-in-one" class but rather a mix of the others. I hope this is more along the lines of what was expected. Feedback is more than welcome. (My next chapter was going to introduce which Dread Lord ended up with this "Jack's" skills, ideas?)
Also before I forget here's the summary of a Ringer as It applies here:


As a quote “Ringer” you have the training of a Mercenary, the mindset of a Smuggler and the skills of a Tech Specialist. (Note: you do not get everything with this choice! This is basically a blend of the other 3 classes in style.) You start out with a buffed-up ship, (think of the CassTech as a gunboat or schooner, yours is a brig.) you have a military-grade codex that you requisitioned from an abandoned Ausari outpost along with a good bit of ammo and medium-plated body armor. Needless to say you’re a bit shady, but who are you using those shady skills for?