Crew Interactions Brainstorming, and Outlining


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
General Information:

This document is a rough listing, and outline for potential crew interactions onboard Steele’s ship. This is not meant to contain sex scenes, but can list where they can occur. Content for this is meant to be ‘everyday’ interactions. Things that would organically happen if any of the characters were real. Don’t really know how else to phrase that, it just sounds cringy. Reason being is because it gives the potential for character development, humor, and can be a springboard for a larger variety of sex scenes. There will be a completely separate document created later for sex scenes, and organizing that madness.

I plan on writing some of these scenes (authors of the characters willing), and some of them I probably won't. Big reason why I’m posting this here is to let anyone give their yay, nay, I will do this myself, and hell no in regards to suggestions, and what's written here. Pretty much just to organize everything, and create a same page basis for this can of worms. I think everyone would rather have something to go by than blindly throwing things into the giant clusterfuck blind, and getting yelled at for it later.

To any authors of the characters listed, or not. Message me, comment on on the document, post in the thread below, if you want your character removed from this, don’t like the ideas listed, or just want them on here for ideas to expand their content. Communicate so the impending cluster fuck isn’t horrible. There’s going to be a lot of back and forth across multiple characters.

What helps when dropping a suggestion in the thread:

1. Do no flood the thread with multiple posts with single ideas, go back and edit it, and then slap a big Suggestions atop it when you're done adding to it, or have at least 10 something. You can also ping me if this thread gets too big, I haven't seen it, and in your last edit of that post. This helps sift discussion from posts that directly contribute to this. Try to avoid spamming me. No one like spam. It clogs your arteries, and makes your ass bigger.
2. Name of character who is dominant in the scene above your suggested scene in bold. This doesn't mean sexually dominant but the character who you feel the interaction is more based around. If there isn't one, or you can't think of one being that way, just pick one. It helps organize the document. Keep in mind the goal of doing this is so multiple people can use this in the future.
3. Not going on about bimbos. We do not need that here. Unless it's about a character interacting with another that has been bimbofied outside of a sex scene. Sex scenes will come later.
4. Respecting the decisions of the author. I would much rather have their cooperation so things don't end up bland, or just a flaming pile of half baked crap.
5. Filler text

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
An addition to my idea on the yoga class - this assumes Olympia, Gianna and Bess are crew, and that Gianna and Bess have been encouraged to full autonomy.
Olympia, Gianna, and Bess stand on the sidelines watching, being unable to improve their performance through excersise. As Paige does a particularly difficult pose, Gianna shakes her head, "There's NO way my chassis would do that!" Olympia nods sagely, "I am getting system errors just watching."

Assuming Pippa and Amber are crew and Amber has been cured:
Pippa helps Amber approximate the poses to the best of her ability, but there are some things taurs just cannot do. Maybe you can find sometaur that might have some advice?
(This could be a lead-in to a miniquest to talk to Sylvie or Ushamee about possible tauric practice).

Assuming Eitan and Ramis are crew: (spelling on Ramis are approximating her accent, as I understand it from other dialog)
Eitan has stripped to little more than a jock strap, but is still panting from the heat of exertion. He seems a bit dubious at first, but then Ramis punches him in the shoulder. "Ach! Don' you see, moves lik this are killer for grappling." She rubs Eitan's shoulder slyly. "Maybe we can practice later..."
(note: given Ramis's preferences I would expect she's be all over Eitan).

If Kiro is crew:
Kiro is having issues keeping her massive horsecock (if ball size is large) and balls (endif) under control as she goes through the poses, spending more time ogling the other crew than actually practicing.

If Azra is crew:
Your crew has learned to give Azra a wide berth, lest getting thumped by her wings or tail.
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Well-Known Member
Eitan tries to train Kase how to fight, he reluctantly agrees after some pressuring. To start, Eitan tells Kase to "give me your best shot"... and Kase gives him a solid jab with his stun baton. Both figuratively and literally shocked by this, Eitan says "good one" and falls unconscious. After checking that he's okay, Kase leaves.

*I'm not sure whether to classify Kase or Eitan as the dominant party here; Eitan is the one who initiates the interaction, but the scene is more about Kase already knowing at least some self-defence (which I feel a lot of people forget about due to it only being referenced in a single, non-repeatable line of dialogue), and I think the latter better matches the given definition of 'dominant'.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Idea: Eitan tries to train Kase how to fight, he reluctantly agrees after some pressuring. To start, Eitan tells Kase to "give me your best shot"... and Kase gives him a solid jab with his stun baton. Both figuratively and literally shocked by this, Eitan says "good one" and falls unconscious. After checking that he's okay, Kase leaves. (Note: this does not preclude other interactions between them.)
An addition to my idea on the yoga class - this assumes Olympia, Gianna and Bess are crew, and that Gianna and Bess have been encouraged to full autonomy.
Olympia, Gianna, and Bess stand on the sidelines watching, being unable to improve their performance through excersise. As Paige does a particularly difficult pose, Gianna shakes her head, "There's NO way my chassis would do that!" Olympia nods sagely, "I am getting system errors just watching."

Assuming Pippa and Amber are crew and Amber has been cured:
Pippa helps Amber approximate the poses to the best of her ability, but there are some things taurs just cannot do. Maybe you can find sometaur that might have some advice?
(This could be a lead-in to a miniquest to talk to Sylvie or Ushamee about possible tauric practice).

Assuming Eitan and Ramis are crew: (spelling on Ramis are approximating her accent, as I understand it from other dialog)
Eitan has stripped to little more than a jock strap, but is still panting from the heat of exertion. He seems a bit dubious at first, but then Ramis punches him in the shoulder. "Ach! Don' you see, moves lik this are killer for grappling." She rubs Eitan's shoulder slyly. "Maybe we can practice later..."
(note: given Ramis's preferences I would expect she's be all over Eitan).

If Kiro is crew:
Kiro is having issues keeping her massive horsecock (if ball size is large) and balls (endif) under control as she goes through the poses, spending more time ogling the other crew than actually practicing.

If Azra is crew:
Your crew has learned to give Azra a wide berth, lest getting thumped by her wings or tail.

Edited the post above in an attempt to try to make this more organized. Let me know if you think it's a good formatting idea.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
General Information:

This document is a rough listing, and outline for potential crew interactions onboard Steele’s ship. This is not meant to contain sex scenes, but can list where they can occur. Content for this is meant to be ‘everyday’ interactions. Things that would organically happen if any of the characters were real. Don’t really know how else to phrase that, it just sounds cringy. Reason being is because it gives the potential for character development, humor, and can be a springboard for a larger variety of sex scenes. There will be a completely separate document created later for sex scenes, and organizing that madness.

I plan on writing some of these scenes (authors of the characters willing), and some of them I probably won't. Big reason why I’m posting this here is to let anyone give their yay, nay, I will do this myself, and hell no in regards to suggestions, and what's written here. Pretty much just to organize everything, and create a same page basis for this can of worms. I think everyone would rather have something to go by than blindly throwing things into the giant clusterfuck blind, and getting yelled at for it later.

To any authors of the characters listed, or not. Message me, comment on on the document, post in the thread below, if you want your character removed from this, don’t like the ideas listed, or just want them on here for ideas to expand their content. Communicate so the impending cluster fuck isn’t horrible. There’s going to be a lot of back and forth across multiple characters.

What helps when dropping a suggestion in the thread:

1. Do no flood the thread with multiple posts with single ideas, go back and edit it, and then slap a big Suggestions atop it when you're done adding to it, or have at least 10 something. You can also ping me if this thread gets too big, I haven't seen it, and in your last edit of that post. This helps sift discussion from posts that directly contribute to this. Try to avoid spamming me. No one like spam. It clogs your arteries, and makes your ass bigger.
2. Name of character who is dominant in the scene above your suggested scene in bold. This doesn't mean sexually dominant but the character who you feel the interaction is more based around. If there isn't one, or you can't think of one being that way, just pick one. It helps organize the document. Keep in mind the goal of doing this is so multiple people can use this in the future.
3. Not going on about bimbos. We do not need that here. Unless it's about a character interacting with another that has been bimbofied outside of a sex scene. Sex scenes will come later.
4. Respecting the decisions of the author. I would much rather have their cooperation so things don't end up bland, or just a flaming pile of half baked crap.
5. Filler text

Removed by Author
Author May Write:

You're doing God's (and Fen's) work you magnificent bastard.

Best of luck to you, my friend.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Ok, so, as for suggestions I have I'm not really sure how to write them out in any way other than just an enormous list.

1) Poker game. Or blackjack. Or maybe monopoly, whatever idk. Card and board games are great ways to set up conversations and stuff.

2) Target practice. And maybe some competition.

3) Arm wrestling. They have it in the crash landing, so why not on the ship? Though that may be a rip off... idk.

3) Sparring or fighting or whatever.

4) Movie night.

Thats all i got for now lol
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
Ok, so, as for suggestions I have I'm not really sure how to write them out in any way other than just an enormous list.

1) Poker game. Or blackjack. Or maybe monopoly, whatever idk. Card and board games are great ways to set up conversations and stuff.

2) Target practice. And maybe some competition.

3) Arm wrestling. They have it in the crash landing, so why not on the ship? Though that may be a rip off... idk.

3) Sparring or fighting or whatever.

4) Movie night.

Thats all i got for now lol
For the first one, maybe bring Yoma to the ship and rope some of the crew in for a Caves & Cryptids session?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Honestly I feel like Yoma has been blueballing us with recruitment for a while now...
The problem I see with recruting Yoma is that Yoma is a proxy for his owner - a way for his very ill owner to experience the rush through Yoma's eyes. I think it's unlikely Yoma would consider serving on Steele's ship a suitable experience for his master. The only way I see that could happen would be that Yoma's owner finally dies, and since the laws of the Confederation do not allow artifical life forms to be self-owned, wills Yoma to the person Yoma thinks would give him the best life - Steele.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
The problem I see with recruting Yoma is that Yoma is a proxy for his owner - a way for his very ill owner to experience the rush through Yoma's eyes. I think it's unlikely Yoma would consider serving on Steele's ship a suitable experience for his master. The only way I see that could happen would be that Yoma's owner finally dies, and since the laws of the Confederation do not allow artifical life forms to be self-owned, wills Yoma to the person Yoma thinks would give him the best life - Steele.
Well they why is yoma just camping out on mhenga? We could take em all over the place.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Well they why is yoma just camping out on mhenga? We could take em all over the place.
I agree - ideally Yoma would be wandering all over, and Steele would encounter him on several planets. There is no in-game explanation I can see - the explanation is that the writers and coders haven't coded it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
*I'm not sure whether to classify Kase or Eitan as the dominant party here; Eitan is the one who initiates the interaction, but the scene is more about Kase already knowing at least some self-defence (which I feel a lot of people forget about due to it only being referenced in a single, non-repeatable line of dialogue), and I think the latter better matches the given definition of 'dominant'.
Don't over think it too much. It's just for listing purposes. Makes things easier long term, because with how many crew members there are it's going to get pretty big potentially. Eh, so future proofing now to keep things sane long term. Really though, it helps break up scene ideas for when I start going back and forth between here and the forum.
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