Creation of a TiTS/CoC game engine?


New Member
Sep 1, 2022
I've been kind of half-following the work on these various games for a long time, and have noticed lately (where "lately" is rather relative - more "in the past few years") that not only have these games become more widely known, but other developers have begun to adopt a similar style for other NSFW text-based sandbox games. Lilith's Throne is the most obvious example, but there are doubtless others I'm unaware of. Concurrently, a lot of would-be game devs have been using Twine to create text-based games, most likely on account of its accessibility, portability, and well-developed editor - but Twine is imperfect for sandbox games, and said developers often have to jump through a number of hoops to make things work. All this is to say: I think there would be real value in taking the code for TiTS/CoC2 and trying to develop it into a proper game engine. With these new editions of the game being wholly hosted in the browser, it brings the portability that made Twine so attractive; a robust scripting system could make the development more accessible to newbies (while possibly relieving drudgery from the Tits/CoC2 dev teams? wishful thinking, most likely, but one can dream); and the "fenoxo-like" is almost a genre of its own among NSFW games at this point.

I know I'm new here (I literally made an account just to post this), but I am a software dev with a lot of experience in js/ts, react, etc., and would be happy to help out with the coding side of things. I think it would be really cool to see what people do with a toolkit other than Twine for making text-based, sandbox-style browser games.

tl;dr: I think it would be cool to see a game engine developed based on the code for TiTS/CoC2, and would be willing to put in the work to make it happen. Thoughts?


New Member
Sep 1, 2022
The immediate next question being, of course, "are there any plans to release the source code for the javascript versions of these games?" I understand a desire to avoid spoiling what should be patreon-only content, but I've seen people - wiki maintainers, interested developers, and just curious folks with a bit of knowledge of js - asking for source code access for a while. Especially now that the source maps for large portions of the game code have stopped being hosted, it's very difficult to inspect the game content, and without source code a project like this one would essentially have to start from scratch - which is possible, but not terribly pleasant as a prospect.

And a follow up: would there be anyone - whether they are a current game dev or just a fellow coder invested in giving people more tools to play with - who would want to help out on a project like this? What I'm proposing is not a small task, and any help would be appreciated.