Couch's Cluster of CoCs


Aug 26, 2015
Because all the cool kids are doing it.

I currently have no projects planned for CoC2, but you can expect I'll go back to writing TF items. Characters of the depth Savin's looking for are beyond my skill level, so I'm almost certainly not going to do any barring a gigantic surge of inspiration.


Alchemical Transformatives: The base system for using alchemy to focus the results of TF items. Everything is handled with tags, so a new TF item is really just a list of what effects it has in what categories, along with text for any brand-new changes being added.
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Aug 26, 2015
I already said I'm not writing characters for this game. If you want to make alchemist characters, more power to you.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Few hours later so I'm not going to edit the above post, another reason why Couch isn't writing characters for CoC2 is because and it's listed in the OP

Characters of the depth Savin's looking for are beyond my skill level, so I'm almost certainly not going to do any barring a gigantic surge of inspiration.

He might do a character as he stated if he gets inspiration to do it but I doubt it. Savin is controlling this project and wants the best writing possible when it comes to characters, he wants to minimize the amount of one-timer writers just writing characters to never return or are unwilling to add new content for said character. Characters are very writer intensive and I think Couch is just plainly saying he doesn't want to devote the time and effort into taking on that kind of project as he is plainly saying he doesn't have the experience for such an undertaking. Yeah sure Ceria in TiTS is a character he created but she's not got a whole lot of content and her character isn't all that important and in-depth besides being a salon character you can fuck and pump full of sticky goodness. Plain and simple with Ceria is is that she's a simple NPC character.