Costum Follower-NPC feedback/opinions


Sep 2, 2015
Hiya there Boys and Gals,

I'm one of the 2 Folks who pledged for the custom Follower-NPC during the Offbeatr of TiTS, and I'd to get some additional thoughts/feedback from the good folks of the forums in regards of said Follower-NPC to see how likeable/useable (or not) the  potential candidates I came up with are. I admittedly have a hard time to make my choice,  and that's why I'd like to get some additonal opinions and feedback on the matter.

Even though my main goal and intention is create a new Character for TiTS that as many of ya fellow pervs are able to like and enjoy as possible, and not just me for my own enjoyment, ultimately I'll most likely go with a Character Idea who I'll most likely going to  like and enjoy most. Though of course hearing and knowing that a certain Character Idea is potentially more liked and well-received by the community in general would increase the odds of me choosing that Character instead over one which I personally might like more.

Please also be advised that any of the stuff below is still WIP and subject to change since Fen has not responded to my emails on the matter yet, so we've not had the chance to properly talk and discuss about any of the NPC's and their content see how things could work out or not etc.

Well, busy Fen is busy afterall, so there's really nothing I can do about it other than to wait until he responds to my emails.   

Since I know that I'm not good at designing stuff, I can only provide you folks with a rather brief and rough summary of the Characters I had in mind,  so I already appologize for the textual mess below. Of course if you got any questions and such, please feel free to ask them. I'll happily try to answer them as best as I can.


On a general Note:

Since I only play dicked Characters in TiTS, and I want to get the most out of my pledge in terms of covering the content, kinks and fetishes I love and enjoy the most, there will be no Scenes/Support for pure female Players, at least not for the initial release of the Character.

Sorry for being so selfish there, but it's my pledge/money afterall.

Though, depending on how pleased and satisfied I'm with how the finished product has turned out, I will commission somebody to do and add the missing female player support to the Character.

1. Centauress Follower à la Edryn

I just love Centaurs, they're one of my most favorites Species. If you love and like Edryn from CoC, or any other Centaur/Centaur-like Character in Fen's Games like Jim's Aina or Savin's lovely Ellie for example, that's what I'm trying to aim for with my Centauress as well quality-wise and such. So there will be lots and lots of heady and tasty Marecunny to either eat out to your heart's content or to fuck and stuff full of Jizz.

Kinks/Fetishes: Excessive Marecuntmunching (Oralsex), hot n' heavy Breeding/Impregnation-Sex, Preg-Sex, Incest with adult offspring (if possible/doable), Exhibitionism/Public Sex

- pretty big Gal (9'+ tall), strong and sturdy build (Draft Horse-like lower body)

- ex-military, now freelance mercenary/bounty hunter

-strong-willed, spunky and dominant, but also very affectionate and loving towards folks she likes and cares about

- utterly devoted and passionate once achieved Lover/Follower Status, becomes extremely lewd and kinky

- starts as a Virgin (only has used toys to sate her lust thus far) and gets turned into a lewd n' lusty nympho-breeding mare in no time

2. female/herm Siren/Minerva-esque Follower

Minerva is one of my favorite Charaters, if not even my most favorite, from CoC of all time, and I especially love and adore Pure Minerva. I'm trully sad about it that she's never got completed in CoC, but that's ok I guess.
This Character would obviously be heavily based upon the wonderful original template Kinathis created with her, and hopefully result in the creation of a TiTS's Version of Pure Minerva. Siren-Waifu is best Waifu!

Kinks/Fetishes: Breeding/Impregnation-Sex, Preg-Sex, Breastfeeding/Nursing, Incest with adult offspring (if possible/doable)

- big gal (9'+ tall)

- very feminine/curvy body, will bloom/fully mature even further with her first pregnancy

- Breasts will grow a cup/few cups and constantly lactate with her first pregnancy

- cilia-filled vagina,  able to sting and inject a strong aphrodisiac venom

- if herm, has big n' meaty anemone penis + a nice pair of overflowing and super heavy testicles

- her bodily fluids and genitals contain/exude strong lust inducing/enhancing pheromes, especially potent when being horny/during pregnancy

- once properly romanced/courted and achieved Lover/Follower Status, enters super affectionate lovey dovey Waifu-mode

3. Sharktopus MILF

Tamani and Sophie were sorta the role models I had in mind for this Charater, and my main goal is to create a sexy, experienced, dominant, but also very loving and affectionate Sharktopus MILF. Some visuals that I'd like to use as potential template to base this Character upon are below, so please give it a look when you like.

Kinks/Fetishes: Groupsex/Orgies, Breeding/Impregnation-Sex, Preg-Sex, Breastfeeding/Nursing, Incest with adult offspring (if possible/doable)

- freelance freighter/salvager/smuggler, owns a sizeable cargoship

- already has a harem of adult Daughters from her previous 'conquests', who all live and work together with her mother as her crew

- strong-willed,  confident, experienced and very much knows what she's doing and/or 'wants'

- very loving, passionate and caring towards people she knows and cares about, is very protective and deeply caring in regards of her Daughters, shares and sleeps together with all of them in a single big room on her ship, likes and enjoys sex with her Daughters

- her bodily fluids contain a biological agent which grants perpetual sexual arousal and temporarily boosts and increases virilty and sexual stamina of her 'prey'

4. female/herm Baphomet-esque Follower

This was the latest Character-Concept I came up with, and I kinda really like the Idea of Goat/Caprine-Hybrid Follower for TiTS as well. Undertale/Toriel is also partly responsible for this too I might add. Love me some Goat Mom! :3
Some visuals that I'd like to use as potential template to base this Character upon are below, so again please give it a look if you like.

Kinks/Fetishes: Breeding/Impregnation-Sex, Preg-Sex, Breastfeeding/Nursing, Incest with adult offspring (if possible/doable)

- maybe shop-owner or perhaps could be a doctor/care-taker and that's in charge of Steele's Nursery (?)

- very curvaceous and fertile appearance, big n' ripe tits, wide and childbearing hips etc

- really loves and enjoys being milked/nursed on

- if herm, balls are super productive and quite sensitive, really loves massaging them/getting them massaged

Got nothing left to describe Her a bit more indetailed here now, sorry for that. I'm just not good with being creative and such, but I'll add more details when I got some.

(5. Allay, Kinathis's Cyberdrider)

Honorable mention here, as I'm not sure what happened to this Submission after the old forums crashed and burned down. Even though Allay is not my creation, I really liked and enjoyed her, that's why I wouldn't have minded to use my pledge on her instead of creating a new NPC of my own, of course only if her original Creator gives his approval and such for it.

Anyway, my plans for this would have been to get Allay's base content all properly polished and finished up first (if I recall correct, her base content was nearlly all done and finished already and was only missing out on a few more minor things), and then add more special Content to her as a followup, Pregnancy and Preggo-Sex Stuff, more special Sex Scenes, maybe Incest Stuff if possible etc for example. Her Creator's approval is of course needed for any of those additions once again as well.


Jan 8, 2016
Oh man. I get the feeling you don't know the significance of what you're doing when it comes to offering up your pledge to the forums - I highly recommend just making your own decision for what follower you want instead of letting anyone tell you.

That said, for hypocrisy points I'm immediately voting option 1.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hm... Does "not interested with anyone from the list" counts as legitimate feedback?

BTW... Baphomet? One by Glitched Puppet's design.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Counting votes would be much easier if you made the thread with a poll.

Personally, I'm interested in all characters, but so long as they are full female.


Aug 26, 2015
Briefly returning from my fearful hiatus to say i support option 3 and have a race made up that could explain her octopus half

Hm... Does "not interested with anyone from the list" counts as legitimate feedback?

BTW... Baphomet? One by Glitched Puppet's design.

You do know that baphomet is a pagan religon thing right? that guy didnt make the design. Morbi has a baphomet character as well. most artists just pick the full fur route instead of creepy goat head on human body
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Briefly returning from my fearful hiatus to say i support option 3 and have a race made up that could explain her octopus half

You do know that baphomet is a pagan religon thing right? that guy didnt make the design. Morbi has a baphomet character as well. most artists just pick the full fur route instead of creepy goat head on human body

That particular pagen religion being Wicca. Speaking of Wicca we all celebrate a certain Wicca Holiday every year in October :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And here I was thinking my rant on Baphomet was a bit farfetched... Baphomet as a "horned god" Wiccan archetype taken from Eliphas Lévi's occultist works is not exactly related to the deity Knight Templars were accused of worshipping. Wicca is a XXth century attempt at recreating certain beliefs of old, so there's no way that Halloween (if that was what Ethereal Dragon was refering to) is a holiday from Wicca-even if it's a feast for those who are into Wicca.

On topic now: your money, your rules. As long as we don't get a Mary Sue (even if Minerva is the inspiration under one of the ideas), I won't complain. Plus I suspect the game could do with more pure females. In case you're interested, these are the traits I like the most from the ideas:

*Sexual features: tasty marecunt to either eat out/stuff with aphrodisiac juices. If herm: has a meaty anemone penis + a nice pair of super productive, sensitve testicles.
*Kinks: breeding, preg sex, incest, public sex, group sex.
*Personality: strong willed, lewd/kinky, affectionate and passionate. Knows what she’s doing/wants. Cares for the offspring.
*Game role: nursery caretaker/doctor.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah it's best to be selfish given that it's your money.  Go with what most gets your rocks off. It's all good as long as they hopefully doen't end up as a Special Snowflake Sue. Heh that said,  personally I find pure females much more apealing than herms and out of your list I really dig the idea of pure female number 4 followed by number 2 the most. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I agree with the other people here. Being selfish is probably the better option.

However, if you really have a hard time choosing, maybe putting up a poll, like @Klaptrap said, would be more helpful.


Sep 2, 2015
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I do appreciate it.

Just to clearify, I never did say that I'd offer up my pledge to the forums, I only asked for feedback/opinions in regards of the Ideas I got for the potential Follower-NPC's and in order to see how good/bad the concepts are received by the vocal members of the community.I just wanted to hear some feedback from the community in oder to provide me with a litle decision aid on the matter, since I'm admittedly still quite indecisive about which Character I should finally choose in the end.

Also, ultimately it's of course still going to be my pledge and I'll obviously reserve the right for myself to make the  decision of which Follower gets done in the end, and not the forums at that. Sorry if there was any misconception about that.

With that being said, I at least indeed did get some useful feedback out of this thread so far, like that pure female are most likely prefered over herms or to be mindful not to create some special snowflake. So thanks again for that folks! :D


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Unless you really need a tiebreaker that badly, offering your pledge reward on the forum seems ill advised.  A suggestion thread for traits/kinks within set parameters would probably be a better idea. 

Personally, i really like the goat esque option. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I had such high hopes for this thread when I thought you misspelled "costume" in the title...
Aren't centaurs pretty rare? I'm pretty sure Aina said so when you meet her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aina could say about centaurs been rare from her pov meaning like place she lived was rare to see centaur. Which not mean in universe as whole there is very little centaurs. Depending on future writing from people it may become outdated info from her about taurs rarity ^^


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
It could also mean that taurs are rare outside societies that have a focus for accommodating them, such as Lethian cities.  Tarvos aside, i imagine that 90% of the architecture of the areas Steele meets are designed with bipedals specifically in mind. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
id like to go number 1 or 2 personally but for the centaur maybe something different from a horse say like a deer body as well would be more unique (and well id rather go herm but thats just me)


Sep 2, 2015
I've already made my decision and picked my personal favorite Character, folks. Just went with the Character that my heart was kinda telling me to go with all along.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've already made my decision and picked my personal favorite Character, folks. Just went with the Character that my heart was kinda telling me to go with all along.

So which character did you end up going with? Was it a female or herm version?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
Well I can't wait to see what it is and if it still matters I would choose for number 1