[CONTEST] Merry Jizzmas Writing Contest Entries Thread


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This time, we're going with a similar format to the Halloween contest, but a little broader. Entries should be either dreams or a scene for an existing character doing something holiday-themed with you. Rules below:
  • Grand Prize: $100, Judge’s Choice Entries: $75. Neither of the above but used in game? $50. Payout must be done via paypal.
  • Entries should be written as a dream the player can experience while sleeping or as an interaction with an existing character.
  • Entries should still be titillating in addition to holiday-themed.
  • Entries should consist of no fewer than 500 words and no more than 7777 words.
  • No more than two entries per author.
  • All entries are to be posted in THIS FUCKING THREAD.
  • Please submit your entry before the clock strikes midnight on the night of Saturday the 15th (of December, ofc).
  • Discussion about the contest is to be posted in the comments of the blog post for the contest. THIS THREAD IS FOR POSTS CONTAINING ENTRIES ONLY.
I recommend submitting entries as links to google docs. Please make sure you have anonymous viewing permissions enabled, and giving me editing or commenting permissions so that I can suggest typo corrections is preferred.
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Active Member
Oct 22, 2017
Holly's Jolly Fuckmas

Fen Note: Cow-girl with a big ol' donger? I feel like I'm being pandered to, but it's pretty solid TBH. My only concern is the lack of agency for the player - they're just automatically into everything. If I use this, I'll have to gate it behind the PC slutting it up for herms elsewhere...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
[[Sorry, I punked out and didn't have enough confidence in my writing to finish my submission.
The plan was for a scene where Steele dreams they are a whore working at The Mess, which has been newly revamped to include brothel housing for newly indentured sluts. Steele awakens late on X-mass morning, rushes down to the tree, and begins to exchange gifts with the other whores. The semi-wholesome ritual is broken up by Miss Carver wearing a mistletoe bikini and begins demanding erotic kisses from the whores. When it comes to Steele's turn, Beth suddenly produces a "yule log" and facefucks him/her until Steele wakes up in their bed.]]

I have an idea for a dream sequence and I'm currently writing it, but I'm two paragraphs in and it's occurred to me I might need a writing coach or to do a lot of editing before this is anywhere near acceptable.

(I'll edit or delete this post once I'm ready to post, it's just I wasn't able to find a board where I could discuss Jizzmas entries and/or the writing of same with anyone.)
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New Member
Aug 18, 2018
Hello there! This is Rosie, and this is my first time entering a contest like this or even writing porn tbh. Haha, anyway I tried to do a Hanukkah dream sequence with a dzaan named King. I figured Hanukkah isn't a holiday that's used very often in one of these things so I thought I'd give it a shot. Sorry if it's bad and stuff! ;-;

Fen Notes: I enjoyed reading this one last night. 100% fetish bait for me. That said, I feel like it would've been better to have the PC's body shift slowly over the course of the events. It also doesn't read quite as cleanly as I'd like.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2018
A Very Desperate Present

Steele gets to dom a male herm with some tentacle self-fucking ;)

Fen Note: Not my fetish at all. Quite the opposite on so many fronts, but it is very well done. My only complaint is the way that it's framed - it's buried deeply out of the way AND also kind of presents itself as an introduction for a new character who people would undoubtedly be disappointed to discover only existed as a setup for a dream.
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Oct 21, 2017
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New Member
Dec 9, 2018
Christmas Morning Surprise

I had to give it a try and this is what came out: A dream sequence for a fem-steele.

Fen Note: Another dude-focused entry! Lot of these. This one's pretty decent, though I feel the two ideas contained within would've been better if they were positioned as their own thing.
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New Member
Dec 15, 2018
Christmas Dishes
This is my first attempt at writing porn, even though I have some sort of background with writing. If you count building universes and short tales for your friends to play tabletop RPGs and never publishing anything as a background. I hope it's good enough. I also have an idea for a second tale, but I don't know if I'll have the time to write it.
Also, non-native english speaker here. I'm a self-taught. So while I don't think there are typos in there, there might be some mistakes in regards of all the verbs and the tenses and whatnot.

Fen Notes: Yep, definitely some grammatical and tensing issues present in there. It's a lovely scene though!
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Dec 11, 2018
Your story is amazing Legrasse. The sex scenes are sensual and erotic. You also emulated the characters superbly, especially Anno. Cheers


New Member
Dec 7, 2018
A Festive Tree
This is my first time submitting a story like this but I've been writing space/monster tentacle porn for my wife for years now. So hopefully those skills have developed enough to make this piece meet Fenoxo's standards. It was a pleasure to write creatively for the TiTS universe. Thank you for the opportunity.
My story is a dream sequence with branching path options for either taking cockvine love or having your way with a dryad's flower vagina.
My favorite porn stories in TiTS are the lovey ones so I did my best to make this one warm, lovey, and magical.
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aVV6hVkozkNK6I10Vs0BWrI4sfF9KUHqsha4qcUPqAI/edit?usp=sharing

Fen Note: thoroughly enjoyable. Nothing like a surprise plant woman to celebrate a holiday!
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Dec 15, 2018
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Self-realization/The God of Gifts

A PC with an unoccupied womb can have this dream after receiving a dubious e-mail mentioning a "God of Gifts". The content has some very niche things, like infestation, losing control of ones own body and growing new vaginas. Also impregnation. And other things.

A warning is included and the player can choose against having the dream with no consequences whatsoever. But where's the fun in that?

I already said so in the thread I made for this piece of content, but I'll just repeat myself one more time and thank Petscop Youtuber, Thebiologist and Anonym for commenting on the doc and helping me out!

Thank you!

Fen Notes: Gating a character behind a Christmas dream is a BAD IDEA. It'd pretty much lock people out of the content unless they played during that brief span. With that said, this was a fairly hot (if weird) read. I just think tonally it would fit better with halloween
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Silver Horned Deer

New Member
Dec 15, 2018
Hi everyone!! Very first time doing anything like this, I hope it's good enough!
I know it's very last minute but it's honestly a miracle that I managed to find the time for it.

Jolly Jolts with Inessa

It's a repeatable scene with 2 possible paths to be found in Inessa's "Order" submenu.
I tried my best in formatting everything correctly, as well as using parsers and alternate descriptions in a way that hopefully will make it easier for coders to implement everything.
Some typos might have slipped and I may have fucked up some of the formatting but I hope it's still okay for the most part. Of course you have my full permission to edit anything as you deem appropriate for better flow and readability.
Unfortunately I've been unable to contact JimThermic in time to ask them for permission to write it, but I still tried my best to maintain her dialogues and scenes as in-character as I possibly could. She's one of my favorite characters in the game so far and I just wanted to pay tribute to that, in a way. I really, really hope they'll be okay with this and I deeply apologize for not asking for permission sooner.

Anyway, thanks so much for the opportunity! I had lots of fun. Till next time!

Fen Notes:
  • Some noticeable typos, ie "reimaining" and such.
  • Introduces a bunch of x-mas bondage items but railroads you into one specifically. Wouldn't be so bad if it the NPC was pushing it on you, but the way it is written makes it seem like the player's choice despite the player having 0 choice.
  • With all that said, there's some good stuff there. I enjoyed the bit about feeling the electrical buzz through her body while being dick-deep in her throat.
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Jun 18, 2017
Here we go. I'm nervous, but this is what I got. It's called A Naughty Night's Dream. As the name suggests; this is a dream sequence peace that focuses on gay sex. I hope you all enjoy it, and thanks for hosting this contest.

Fen Notes: Hi Nervous, I'm Fen. This is more of a short story than proper content for the game - especially since it's written in past tense rather than present.
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New Member
Dec 4, 2018
So here's my first time ever writing. Just decided to give it the good old try. Also not sure if it has to be directly associated with a dream or not but it did involve interacting with a character so I'm pretty sure I didn't break a rule. Thanks for hosting the contest as it gave me a lot of inspiration to try myself. Merry Jizzmas everybody! (If the Link doesn't work let me know please so I can fix it, I don't use google docs often so I'm going purely off guesswork right now.)


ALSO NOTE: Player character does have to be non-tauric or other creatures that stray too far from the human form! Just wanted to say that thank you.

Fen Notes: Paragraph breaks man! That wall of text slapped me in the face.
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New Member
Dec 15, 2018
Hi! I imagined this dream as being playable by any character, so long as they have met Big-T; Steele starts the dream with a speciifc body to get around the issue of how the scene would work for players that have used lots of transformatives. Sorry if there a too many mistakes and grammar issues, I didn't have time to edit it unfortunately.


Fen Note: I feel like this had a really good setup, but there are just too many grammatical flaws to ignore. I won't be able to make use of it - which sucks because I really like the actual content as far as smut goes: transformation, slutification, going herm, breast growth... it's all 100% my jam.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
So I snorted six pounds of sugar and wrote this wholesome long boi, hope you all enjoy it (0w0)

Our dear Captain returns to the ship after a long day of adventures.
Only to learn that the crew has been preparing a Christmas party while he was away, organized by your robotic waifu.
Diabeetus inducing moments are ensured.

Fen Notes: Very ambitious but saddled with awkward/passive-seeming language and grammar that's not quite up to par.
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New Member
Dec 16, 2018
This got a bit away from me and I'm worried it might have lost some of the holiday theme. If I can finish it in time I plan to submit another writing that's stricter to the holiday cheer.
Feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts y'all!!

Your Steele helps Inessa out in her shop during a Black Friday-esque sale and ends up getting more than bargained for. (Must have genitals. Can't be a taur or naga)


Fen Note: This started off on the wrong foot with some missing periods, and as it went on I eventually decided to move on due to many grammatical issues.
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Cynical Uke

May 19, 2016
So I just saw the notice for this writing contest a few days ago while I was tweaked out on stimulants and mildly sleep deprived, and immediately wrote most of this thing on a whim that day. This is my first time writing smut so that aspect was more of an experiment to me than anything else.

In brief:
Female Submissive Steele x Dominant Sera
Must already have children with Sera
Heavy on the preggo kink
Contains sex, fluff, a fight scene, and then some more fluff, in that order.


Let me know if there's any issues with the document permissions, etc. I set it so anyone can comment.
I'll appreciate any and all feedback you folks have to offer.

FEN NOTES: I think you've already got a lot of pleased feedback on this one from other people, but let me just say that sex scene you wrote was quite lovely. With that said... I feel like this would've been better set up as a sexy scene for anyone who is Sera's breedable sub that could optionally lead into extra kid stuff for the very few who have that much time (and kids) with Sera. The very time intensive prereqs make this one difficulty to justify spending much time on... I do hope to see you write more in the future, however.
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