Cons4You, ConsRUs, or whatever...


Nov 19, 2017
I started down a slippery slope writing the content for this idea, and I wanted to float it out there before I get too far. It was a lot of fun to write thus far, and I'm hopeful.

The basic idea, with a LOT of content that would go with it when finished, is a set of side missions each tied to the convicts accessible to the player in Gastigoth prison, ending in the player's ability to indenture the NPC through a partnership between Gastigoth (or FAANGNIS, whatever) and Sentient Acquisitions on Tavros called something silly like the "Purposeful Prisoner Program" or PP Program. Completion of this side-mission arc allows the player to take the NPC (Tam-Tam, Khorgan, Khaska, Sam, etc) as a companion (willingness dependent on the character). This would share a lot of the idea behind Sentient Acquisitions that goes into Sera, but with more restriction on the NPC (story-wise).

Right now, I have some material written for Tam-Tam, including the side-mission hook, requiring the player to look for a robotics technician who's willing to be shady. There's some red-herring material allowing the player a few extra bits of dialogue with various characters other than Tam-Tam, and then several new sex scenes with her specifically (leaning a little towards letting her be in charge to a degree), leading into fishing for information. After this point, the idea is mentioned by the Gastigoth guard about the PP Program and unlocks that portion of the story. I've gotten through the purchase of the Sentient Acquisitions contract for Tam-tam and her response to it, but obviously there's a slew of content I would have to add for interactions on the ship.

Obviously, it's a work in progress, and I'm hand-writing it with pencil and paper right now. I'm doing my best to incorporate a broad spectrum of player features with appropriate tags, without making it too convoluted. Does this seem like a worthwhile idea?

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Well-Known Member
If you think you can do it then I say go for it! However someone is already working on a way to recruit Sam so keep that in mind. Also you’re going to want to put it into a google docs at some point and the sooner you do so the better because of you write it all out on paper then it’s going to be a pain in the butt to type it all out in the google doc. Also it would probably be a good to read the stickied threads at the top of this sub forum if you haven’t already


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Firstly, just to add what TFMaster said, talk to the people who created the various prisoners, ask them if they wouldn't mind you working on their creations and discuss with them what you have planned. Because as it was mentioned, Sam is getting content, so who knows what else might be in the works. I mean, you don't want to write several thousand works and be halfway through, only to find that one of the content creators has put the kibosh on the thing because they have something entirely different planned.

Secondly, I know we've joked about releasing some of the prisoners into Steele's custody, but realistically, none of them (bar Sam) are getting out, they're just too dangerous. Tam-Tam is a little pink ball of crazy who needs to be restrained at all times. Kaska is addicted to her own cum which just cuts her usefulness to wet tissue levels. Now, of course, that could change in the future, but their fates is going to be something that will have to be discussed with their creators.

Thirdly, and this isn't to discourage you, this sounds like a massive project. Too massive for a first project. Start smaller - maybe Steele helps capture a hacktavist or a low-rent embezzler and they get sent to Gastigoth. Because they're a low grade prisoner compared to the three nutcases who tried to split a planet or TiTS' very own Kurtz, they're eligible for a work-release program. The added bonus is that you have carte blanche for creating a new character, rather than building on what someone else did. And you've got proof of concept and something to work from later on.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2016
I like to think I have a refined appreciation for the delicate textures and flavors of the Evil(tm) brand of products and services; but something about the whole Sera slavery thing just made me deeply uncomfortable, not in a good way.
The Gastigoth Experience(tm) kind of took it from opportunistic hardass, straight past Jaba the Hutt, and into Twilight Zone meets well, unsupervised bureaucrats. Even most Supervillians wouldn't come up with something quite that twisted, disturbing, and utterly inhuman.

That said, I really liked Kaska's old art, and my Steele pays her frequent visits to um, keep her spirits up.
If an opportunity to... improve her quality of life aboard my ship, I think a sleep temperature technician position may have just opened up.

Well, I would actually prefer a more unapproved change of custody. Something involving lots of guns, explosions, detailed multi-layered plans keeping The Man perpetually chasing their own tails while doing the heavy lifting for us, possibly culminating in unscheduled mass airlock debarkation of the facility staff. The only real problem is that my Steele kind of wants to nail Brandt as well; but in principle, the idea may still be worth exploring.
As far as I am concerned, Sentient Acquisitions and Gastigoth represent such inexcusable institutionalized depravity, that there's just no real point in Steele keeping even nominally to the law abiding side of things; and there's a whole world of content and plot if Steele is allowed to go eat dark side cookies.
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Active Member
May 19, 2017
Would you possibly write something for Lah in the future? I was really hoping that his character might one day be a companion/lover npc


Nov 19, 2017
Thank you all for the replies!

There are some very good points. I will have to try to contact the content creators. Unfortunately, I got carried away, so scratch the "avoid writing thousands of words" part (lol). But, meh. It was fun to write.

As for concerns about the Sera content, I obviously use the connection to Sentient Acquisitions (since it adds content to that concept), but I have a much friendlier writing style, so really, Tam-Tam (what i've been writing so far) would end up more like a misguided mischief-maker who got sucked into Khorgan and Kaska's craziness. While the player has some say on controlling Tam-Tam, a hefty portion of what I have written deals with letting her "be in charge" to a degree, which pretty much is just her trying to be mean and giggling the whole time. Otherwise, her dialogue is rather light-hearted and teasing, rather than there being any real S&M stuff.

My intent was to test the waters with a Tam-Tam expansion, and then, if anyone actually liked it, do my take on the others. But, as I said, there are some good points I have to consider, starting mainly with talking to the character creators.

I'm an aspiring writer of sci-fi books, so I got carried away with everything I was writing. The project has become quite a bit larger than I originally envisioned, trying to give Tam-Tam mischief and story-telling on the ship, as well as the scenarios where the player tells Tam-Tam "no" and then the scenes involving pregnancy content on the ship, as well as Tam-Tam in the nursery (which, with the direction I take Tam-Tam through dialogue, makes enough rational sense). That all said, we'll see.


Nov 19, 2017
Would you possibly write something for Lah in the future? I was really hoping that his character might one day be a companion/lover npc

After the good things to think about pointed about by the others on this thread, I will have to try to contact those character creators and see about my idea in the first place. Obviously, longer term, I'd like to see all of the gastigoth prisoners have this option, with any new characters added down the road. But, since I didn't create any of those characters or Gastigoth itself, this may be out of my hands.


Nov 19, 2017
I like to think I have a refined appreciation for the delicate textures and flavors of the Evil(tm) brand of products and services; but something about the whole Sera slavery thing just made me deeply uncomfortable, not in a good way.
The Gastigoth Experience(tm) kind of took it from opportunistic hardass, straight past Jaba the Hutt, and into Twilight Zone meets well, unsupervised bureaucrats. Even most Supervillians wouldn't come up with something quite that twisted, disturbing, and utterly inhuman.

That said, I really liked Kaska's old art, and my Steele pays her frequent visits to um, keep her spirits up.
If an opportunity to... improve her quality of life aboard my ship, I think a sleep temperature technician position may have just opened up.

Well, I would actually prefer a more unapproved change of custody. Something involving lots of guns, explosions, detailed multi-layered plans keeping The Man perpetually chasing their own tails while doing the heavy lifting for us, possibly culminating in unscheduled mass airlock debarkation of the facility staff. The only real problem is that my Steele kind of wants to nail Brandt as well; but in principle, the idea may still be worth exploring.
As far as I am concerned, Sentient Acquisitions and Gastigoth represent such inexcusable institutionalized depravity, that there's just no real point in Steele keeping even nominally to the law abiding side of things; and there's a whole world of content and plot if Steele is allowed to go eat dark side cookies.

While this would certainly add a whole level of gameplay and expansiveness, I can honestly say I don't see myself taking on THAT big of a project any time soon. With the structure and story using Sentient Acquisitions, which is already an in-game concept, and because my writing of the relationship with Tam-Tam would be a lot... friendlier than that with Sera, it ends up pretty much being more like house arrest on your ship/in your presence, rather than slavery. Though, I can certainly see the argument you make. I think your suggestion, personally, would be more fitting further down the road if the T.I.T.S. team implements a system of outlaw-ness, similar to like a GTA type or even EVE online type wanted system to make it have both perks and consequences. Obviously, everyone wants to run into the gold hoard, steal all the money, take on the corrupt government, and punch the Black Sun mercs in the face. Problem is, this delves into the areas of "Well, now I have the government AND mercenaries trying to kill me. And they're offering bounty hunters lots of money for my butt. Ohp, there's Boba Fett now. FML." Lol. In this sense, it's a lot to add to make it "realistic" and have that extra flavor to doing these things.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I said this before and I'll say it again, if I were you, I would say go with a clean slate. Write a new character, one who ends up in Gastigoth. Use them as the proof of concept for what you're going for. Make them someone who has committed a serious crime but not "locked-up-forever" levels of serious. Say, someone who embezzled a fortune from their employers. A soft crime compared to attempting to crack open a planet.
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Nov 19, 2017
I said this before and I'll say it again, if I were you, I would say go with a clean slate. Write a new character, one who ends up in Gastigoth. Use them as the proof of concept for what you're going for. Make them someone who has committed a serious crime but not "locked-up-forever" levels of serious. Say, someone who embezzled a fortune from their employers. A soft crime compared to attempting to crack open a planet.

A very good point, of course. I sent a message to Savin, since that's who created Tam-Tam, but I may just shift towards another character. Arguably, since I don't have any of it typed yet (still handwriting content), I could restructure it fairly simply towards another character. Thank you for your input, as it is certainly good advice!


Nov 19, 2017

Found out yesterday that they already have this basic idea in the works, but directly from Gastigoth. Also, the direction I was taking isn't in line with Tam-Tam's character (who I was starting my writing with). So, I will be returning to the drawing board, so to speak, to come up with a new character and decide whether or not I want to mess with this idea, since I don't know the scope of how they intend to implement their version of the idea.

Thanks again for all the input!