I was originally going to put this in the respective contest thread but I am nowhere near done with this and I decided the best way to do this would be to do it in parts with people helping me with the editing process before I move on to the next part as I was never very good at writing essays in school and the doc is probably chock full of punctuation, grammar, and wording errors so please just bear with me on this as this is the first time I've ever done anything like this. Wait... If you require help writing the submission does that not make you eligible for the contest? I hope not since I have a good idea I just need a little help executing it.
I wasn't even going to write for this contest originally but then this idea just suddenly formed in my head out of nowhere (as ideas are wont to do) and I thought that it would be perfect for this contest. Anyways the idea is for a pumpkin themed Venus Pitcher encounter in the jungles of Mhen-ga located in the area that Venus Pitchers are as a random encounter on and around Halloween. The PC encounters a pumpkin patch in the middle of the jungle and encounters The Pumpkin Queen (working title) a pumpkin themed Venus Pitcher that acts similar yet different to the normal Venus Pitchers.
Anyways here's the doc.
Sorry for the format of the document I know that it is very sloppy but this is a rough draft emphasis on rough.
I wasn't even going to write for this contest originally but then this idea just suddenly formed in my head out of nowhere (as ideas are wont to do) and I thought that it would be perfect for this contest. Anyways the idea is for a pumpkin themed Venus Pitcher encounter in the jungles of Mhen-ga located in the area that Venus Pitchers are as a random encounter on and around Halloween. The PC encounters a pumpkin patch in the middle of the jungle and encounters The Pumpkin Queen (working title) a pumpkin themed Venus Pitcher that acts similar yet different to the normal Venus Pitchers.
Anyways here's the doc.
Sorry for the format of the document I know that it is very sloppy but this is a rough draft emphasis on rough.