Compiling Questions


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
As Fen is not answering my message (summons :p ), I will post my question here for the admins and mods to ponder at:

I wish to talk about TiTS and its Official Editor. I wondering if it may be possible for you, or someone who is able to, to let me turn the dream into a reality. I am well armed in java, and soon Flash. The thing is I don't want a simple quick and dirty editor. I am looking forward to making a polished, thoroughly well designed and very functional editor. But there is, as always, a problem. I don't know how and where the objects and references etc. comes and goes. I can't just replicate it from Minerva. To make it simple, I need access to the source to be able to code it to do my bidding. Some ideas for the editor:

1 More organised and thoroughly designed tabs (think COCed)

2 Descriptions for every possible thing, as in breast sizes are available in numbers e.g. 0 to 96 or in cup sizes flat to whatever the max is (zz + i think)

3 Story and missions editor (for when you fucked upped the Bess quests) will allow changing objectives and missions and their flags smartly so that it will not fuck up the game

4 Speaking of Flags, Will give the proper descriptions to what they do and such

5 Possibly a character viewer, will need ONE artist as multiple may make it difficult to be able to dynamically alter the viewer as most of the images will be vectors, thus enabling DYNAMIC TITS FUCK YEAH  :perfect:

6 Inventory editor self explanatory, mission items will have warning if need be.

7 etc.. whatever i can think of.

So please consider this request, and a reminder, i need access to source code for a well made editor. I want you, or admin / mod person, to think this as my way of being a backer, because I cannot afford it, as I am still a student and receive no pay. No Credits will be necessary, And no I won't redistribute the code blah blah blah, i know the pain of someone stealing code and calling it their own, so hereby I say it wil strictly be used offline on my pc alone. any changes and so forth will be securely zipped and sent via a means you, or any other admin / mod, need to determine. Also I am an IT Student, just saying so you, the reader, don't need to dumb down any requests and answers. Please respond ASAP as I am eager to work on this "project".

Also I am open to any recommendations/ ideas / etc if this thing happens. :allears:  

@Fenoxo; @Savin; @Gedan;
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
5 Possibly a character viewer, will need ONE artist as multiple may make it difficult to be able to dynamically alter the viewer as most of the images will be vectors, thus enabling DYNAMIC TITS FUCK YEAH 

Better have a very dedicated artist who won't just up and disappear like the last few who tried when the team tried to have a character viewer. Also the funds to back up the artist making the parts/pics of what the character could look like.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Better have a very dedicated artist who won't just up and disappear like the last few who tried when the team tried to have a character viewer. Also the funds to back up the artist making the parts/pics of what the character could look like.

Yeah I know, I do have a friend who can help but don't know his consistency yet. Otherwise I can make'em myself by cropping them from existing images from artists who will allow me, and then vector them using Inkscape. But that part will probably last on the to-do B|

Character viewer, (lol) I thought i was lazy.

What, it will be there for the not so imaginative. :gitgud:
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Aug 26, 2015
The source code is freely available to look at on Github.

Also you're biting off ridiculously more than you can chew here.  Start with just #1 and #6: a character stat editor with a tab for inventory editing.  Then, once that's done, you can add #2 if you want to.  #3 and #4 should be left for a later project.

Forget #5.  Many have tried to make a viewer before.  Most of them failed.  The only one I remember succeeding produced ungodly nightmares that would look at home in a 2000s Newgrounds game.

Focus on what you know you can do, and what you know you can do is a simple, easy to use character editor.  If you can do that, you'll have contributed a huge amount to the community with something nobody else has done.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What couch said.

The character viewer can be done, you will need some capable, determined person. You will need some one like Zun for porn. Fen is close but hes not an artist (nether is zun) or a musician.

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
My advice on the character viewer, dont make it display the whole pc, but rather start by haveing it display parts seperately. So instead of haveing to fit everything in one coheirant body you can cheat by bypassing the need to get 10 cocks fit on the body at once when you can just display each cock seperately.

But for now I think your best place to start would be to add the option to add and temove perks, maybe even edit the value of the perks.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Not much patience in this one. Freaking out before I even woke up from my weekend and had a chance to catch up on stuff.

TiTS is already open-source, so the code is out there.

Best of luck - The character viewer has killed everyone who tried it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
well from the response i assume the character creator stretch goal is not happening?(looking on the TiTs offbeatr the viewer was the 80K goal)


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
I wish you the best of luck :)

Not much patience in this one. Freaking out before I even woke up from my weekend and had a chance to catch up on stuff.

TiTS is already open-source, so the code is out there.

Best of luck - The character viewer has killed everyone who tried it.

Ummm Fen what did happen to the last person? she was doing really well and then her leg got hurt but then she just disappeared ?
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I wish you the best of luck :)

Ummm Fen what did happen to the last person? she was doing really well and then her leg got hurt but then she just disappeared ?

With the bad leg, she couldn't run when the character viewer came for her. Her remains are yet to be found.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Not much patience in this one. Freaking out before I even woke up from my weekend and had a chance to catch up on stuff.

TiTS is already open-source, so the code is out there.

Best of luck - The character viewer has killed everyone who tried it.

I need link please as i can only find the android version.


Feb 1, 2016
With the bad leg, she couldn't run when the character viewer came for her. Her remains are yet to be found.


I agree with the advice given here, a simple CoCEd type editor would be lovely even without a character viewer or any frills.

Minerva works but it's pretty cumbersome and slow especially if you want to make a lot of changes, or even more if you don't know how to find the global values and what-not.

I don't have the skills to make something like that, but I'm sure that I and many others would certainly appreciate a more streamlined editor.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
My pleasure man I am almost done with sorting and referencing the variables and such, now need to build a interface, and need help / info from fen on how the .sol files are constructed and such.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
need help / info from fen on how the .sol files are constructed and such.

They are built-in Flash storage objects. That why .minerva can work with them being generic Flash object tool.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Etis knows the code pretty well, having made a mod for TiTs and all, probably best you get advice from them on any other questions since the admins/mods are usually busy elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just one problem - I'm not a Flash coder. First time seen it two months ago, and learned it using Google and reference AS3 manual. So when comes to low-level mechanisms, like how file save-load is working, all I can do is Google it for you.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
I am just currently struggling with the addition and removal of character attributes ( eg add a cock, return to virgin etc. since those attributes are only available if your character has them. @Etis Know what files has these flags/attributes listed?

Edit: Does anyone know how to create an exe file? Which Programs and etc. (first time needing to make an exe) as not everyone has java
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I am just currently struggling with the addition and removal of character attributes ( eg add a cock, return to virgin etc. since those attributes are only available if your character has them. @Etis Know what files has these flags/attributes listed?

Edit: Does anyone know how to create an exe file? Which Programs and etc. (first time needing to make an exe) as not everyone has java

Visual basic?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Visual basic?

Does anyone even use Visual Basic for anything other than teaching the very beginnings of programming? C++ being the next step up from that.