Combat in TiTs is superior?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2016
Idk if this should be posted here or in TiTs, but I am a long time fan of Fonexo games, played all of them from start to finish, I am abit of a completionist runner so ive done just about everything there is to do on all the games. And While I LOVE CoC2 the most, for some reason Combat just feels better in TITS. Does anyone feel the same? And if so why? for I can't exactly say why I like it more either.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
The short and shitty answer is "Six in one hand, half-a-dozen in the other".

That's all I've got.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The games are designed around different philosophies so the combat's gonna feel different by default. TiTS is about Captain Steele first and foremost and the number of battles where you aren't on your own are extremely limited. CoC2's gameplay is designed around 'the Champion and their companions' so you've got party dynamics baked in from the start. Obviously if you like one of those concepts over the other you'll probably like the gameplay of that title over the other. Likewise there's all sorts of other differences between the two in terms of how you get skills, whether you can change them, how the gameplay controls which ones you can use and when... so there can be any number of reasons a given player might like one over the other.

Shiny Boots

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021
TiTs is about some dude/tte on an interstellar expedition.

CoC-2 is about a charismatic dude/tte gathering folk to take on the Demon Queen.

Both give the vibe of the genres they're pulling from and in my opinion the combat systems in place are very fitting.

TiTs has a lot of special mechanic fights. One of the best examples is the second planet's end boss where you take cover from missiles and shit.

CoC-2 is about best utilizing your party's skills to mesh well with the main character's.

Both are effective with their mechanics and the text descriptions in that I can easily picture the dynamic battle in my head. Like when I use Bullrush as a warrior I can just imagine the controller vibration it'd cause if it was a controller based game.

Though CoC-2 is still in early dev so it's gonna take a long time before it gets as fleshed out as I hope it can be. I've kept companions on auto and have been intentionally knee-capping myself by wearing cloth as a warrior and refusing to use items because the combat is just too easy. I can't die unless I want to and even then I have to click on surrender.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
They both feel pretty similar, just that coc2 has larger groups fighting and tits is mainly duels. And in both of them, I can't hit shit in any build.