Colonizing the Dark Continent (For Weiss Ritter)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Hill Folk around you look at Telai in amazement as their leader stumbles backward under the force of her physical rebuke. The massive anthromorph stretches to his full towering heat and looms over Telai and lets out a low growl, gleaming white canines on full displays. The lieutenant to your credit, doesn't back down, straining against her escorts with a fierce smile on her face.

"Got something to prove, big boy? Tell your little friends here to get lost, and I'll show you more than a little love tap!"

A strange rumbling noise breaks the tense silence that follows and it takes you a moment to realize its source. The Hill Folk chieftain seems to be seized by a fit of some sort as he shakes his head as the strange noise rolls from the back of his throat. When it is echoed by his fellows, the song chirps a few notes of insight into the back of your mind. These formidable beastmen were laughing! Apparently they weren't prepared for the southlanders bravado.

The leader turns to you and signs crudely in the manner of the squirrel folk. His large paws are imprecise in their gestures, but the point is fairly clear.

Female bites... Like fire. Would make a good pack mother.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel's grip remained tight around the hilt of his venom-coated rapier until the Song freely offered that useful tidbit of information. He blinked, mildly stunned, and slowly lowered his hand back down to his side. Was he getting better at accessing the Song's nearly infinite information, or did it truly have a will of its own and didn't feel like making him risk his sense of self diving through the sea of memories...this time?

Either way, the young man was once again surprised as the imposing chieftain used the sign language of Laughingwind's species. His large paws meant the chieftain's movements were imprecise, enough to make Nathaniel wonder how and why the Hillk Folk had come to adopt it as a way of communicating, but at least he wouldn't have to expend precious time and mental energy learning yet another language.

She is very strong.

Nathaniel signed back with an uncomfortable look on his face. Hopefully the Hill Folk could recognize it as such. He paused for a moment as he considered to to tactfully word things.

She does not want to have children any time soon. She and I have battles to fight now.

Or so Nathaniel tried to sign. Hopefully while not blundering across any cultural berserk buttons of the Hill Folks'


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The chieftain raises his head and lets out a series of snarls and barks. Evidently some command has been received as the onlookers return to their business, albeit giving you curious glances all the while. Unhindered by brawny restrainers, you are able to stretch and breath air free from Hillfolk musk. Telai gives a look of satisfaction as her handlers scamper down a side tunnel without a backward glance.

The big Hillfolk gestures for you to follow and lumbers up a spiraling staircase. As you ascend for some time, you are distracted by the sight of a series of carvings lined with hieroglyphs set into the wall next to you. You can't discern the meaning of the cryptic symbols, though the sight of them causes the voice to send a rumble of hunger throughout your consciousness. More easily understood are the images which depict a series of wars between Hillfolk tribes. Brutal battles are waged in tunnels beneath the earth as small bands of warriors grapple for supremacy. The blood gore are colored with a bright red enamel that reflects menacingly in the torchlight.

Alestra's entrance to the scene is unmistakable. A beautiful human is shown breaking the very surface of the earth and descending upon the warring beastman. After seemingly ceaseless images of bloody carnage, her entrance is marked by swirls of bright blue glazing. Score of Hillfolk cower beneath the waves of power forming a halo around her skull. The war ends and the pictures begin to show signs of industrial progress with depictions of music, art, and most prominently, construction. The staircase levels as you reach the highest floor with one last image of Alestra kneeling among a litter of HIllfolk children, looking upon them with tenderness.

The chieftan follows your gaze and places a palm to the image with obvious reverence. He signs, Mother to us all

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel observed the carvings with enough interest to rival the Song's own. They were simple, at least compared to the great works of Avalon that were available for men and women of privilege to enjoy, but well-made and did a more than adequate job of communicating the history of the Hill Folk. A history that made Nathaniel struggle to not frown in the presence of the Chieftain. His eyes roamed over the blue swirls that dominated what seemed to be small armies of hulking, seasoned Hillfolk warriors. A halo made of the same power hovered over the carving of Alestra's head and the chieftain's words demonstrated just how devoted he and his people were to the sorceress as if that wasn't enough.

It was unnerving. Unless the Hillfolk had as much sex as they allegedly did to compensate for naturally low birthrates, Alestra probably commanded a massive number of the burly warriors. And if this carving was not exaggerating...could her power truly be so great? Truly this woman would make a terribly enemy if her intentions were less pure than she claimed....and if they weren't, he and his expedition still faced someone who could at least rival her if the attempts on he and Telai's lives were any indication!

How long ago did she save your people?

Nathaniel signed back with a thoughtful look. He knew roughly when Avalon and its neighboring states discovered this new continent. Perhaps he could ballpark the date of Alestra's arrival and infer a little more about his mysterious would-be mentor?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The fearsome beastman rises to his full height at your question and signs back to you with a prideful air.

My father's father was the first heartspeaker to our high priestess. I carry that privilege as my father did before me.

Before you can respond, a familiar voice falls silkily upon your ears.

"Ruan, is that you outside? Why don't you be a dear and stop scaring our guests. I am so very eager to meet them."

Ruan gives you a look that seems to convey doubt as to your worthiness, but he gestures you to a nearby archway covered in furs. Firelight flickers underneath the edge of the makeshift curtain and you get a whiff of incense as you enter Alestra's abode.

The mystic's dwelling is simpler than you would have expected. The room is a dome shaped structure lined with a carpet of soft furs and illuminated by a series of blazing braizers. Minty smelling smoke curls up towards a vent above and glimmering trinkets hang from silken strands. You notice the familiar craftsmanship of Brokenstream's clan and deduce that the adornments must have been traded for.

But dominating your attention is Alestra herself. As striking as she was in your visions, the tall raven haired beauty sprawls out in front of you idly writing calligraphy upon a worn piece of animal hide. Her breasts swell shamelessly against her silken robe and you can't help but glance as she crosses her long, smooth legs. The song inside you recoils as the mysterious woman smiles at you and casts a wave of power in your direction.

(Insight roll: 7 + 6 = 13.)

You grit your teeth, but bear with the psychic pressure, carving out a space for your own consciousness and throwing back Alestra's advance.

"Good. You remembered our Lessons. Would you and the lieutenant like some tea? I'm afraid it's a local brew and doesn't hold a candle to the eastern vintages, but it's hot and will soothe some the ache I sense in your muscles." Not waiting for your response, she hangs a kettle over a flame while Ruan crouches into a sitting position next to her. She pauses in her work to fondly ruffle the chieftain's pointed ears. "I hope Ruan behaved himself? He's a good boy, but a little wary of strangers. Gets it from his father I suspect."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel fought the urge to frown at the chieftain's vague yet concerning claim. Even if his species grew and died at rapid rates, Alestra would have been present for years. How was that possible and what had she been doing with all that time? These questions were at the forefront of Nathaniel's mind as he followed Ruan into Alestra's personal chambers.

His eyes roamed his and Telai's surroundings methodically, taking not of every amenity and piece of furniture. Such things often said a great deal about their owner, and might even prove useful in the future. His eyes feel upon Alestra herself and continued to roam. Her ample breasts pressing tantalizingly against her robe, perfectly sculpted legs that that were as silken as her clothing. Nathaniel's eyes snapped back to her face so abruptly his body almost jerked in response. The young man mentally cursed himself for being distracted so and prayed that neither Telai or Alestra had noticed his lapse...or at least deigned not to comment on it.

"Grah...!" Nathaniel shook his head once the supernatural pressure faded away. At least he now had something else to think about...

"Thank you very much," The young man nodded as the kettle grew warm. Considering his and Telai's position, drugging them would have been little more than a formality if she truly wished to harm or restrain them.

"Is he? I am starting to notice a trend concerning the natives and explorers of these lands..." Nathaniel crossed his arms with a faint frown. The chief warrior of Brokenstream's tribe sprang to mind. "Well, he wasn't wary enough of the Lieutenant..." He gestured pointedly in Telai's direction. "But aside from that he did.."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai glowers at the mention of Ruan's earlier forwardness and snatches the steaming mug of tea offered to her by the beastman. His large eyes linger on Telai for a moment before returning to Alestra as she laughs lightly. "I am sorry, my dear. I've been trying to refine these people for some time now. But some habits remain. The allure of feminine strength is practically universal as far as I can tell... Just ask your leader. He hasn't let species get in the way of his past dalliances."

She laughs lightly at your and Telai's reaction to that comment. The lieutenant nearly coughs her drink back into its vessel.

While the priestess supplies you with your own beverage Ruan begins to sign to you. Conflict with outsiders in the past. Caution keeps everyone safe.

When you begin to sign back, Alestra interrupts you with a raise of her hand. "There's no need to strain your hands, Nathanial. Ruan intends to keep you ignorant of his knowledge of our language, but I for one think it a good show of faith for us to reveal our true capabilities. While they can't vocalize human speech, most members of our colony understand the language of the northern continent." She nods apologetically to Telai. "I'm afraid our Southron is a little rusty, but that's more a result of my poor tutoring than anything else. I'm afraid I get a little mixed up when your start throwing out four honorifics when addressing a single person." She spreads her arms wide. "In any case, you can expect to speak and be understood... I can sense the questions bubbling in that delightful brain of yours. Ask away, dear boy."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel stiffened subtly, but intently at Alestra's words. A barely audible "mph!" managed to slip from between his lips despite his best efforts. Under most circumstances, he just might have been able to get away with that display of emotion, but with Telai sitting so closely, in the relative silence of Alestra's chambers, and the impish sorceress specifically calling attention to him...gods there was going to be hell to pay once they made it out of here!

Nathaniel tried very hard not to shoot Alestra a withering look as Ruan handed him his cup. He only seemed faintly surprised when the woman confirmed that the Hill Folk could indeed understand, if not speak, what was probably Alestra's favored language. She had brought them so many other trappings of her civilization, and surely having to constantly sign would grow tiring eventually.

"I see..." He nodded all the same and took a quick sip from his cup as he pondered where to begin. So many questions, not nearly enough time...

"Who are you?" Nathaniel's words were sudden and blunt. "All we know about you is your name. How did you get here? Why? What gave you your...powers, or were you born with them? And what do you know about this...rival of yours that wanted to kill the Lieutenant and I so desperately?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra pauses for a moment, carefully rolling her calligraphy and cleaning her pens before answering. "I suppose my past is somewhat relevant to the situation at hand. Listen well, because I don't tell this story often. From a young age, I was part of a organization dedicated to the investigation and mastery of supernatural arts. The talent you and I share is one of many little known abilities that exist in the shadows of human society. I was born with it, but there are rare instances of the gift being bestowed upon another.

I'm sure that you can imagine that discretely used, gifts such as ours can lead to great wealth and influence. The leadership of my adoptive "family" seek a monopoly over this untapped resource and are absolutely ruthless in pursuit of that goal. They install agents throughout the known world, searching for those talented few. When a prospect is found, they are stolen away.

"So it was with me. After mass, my neighborhood priest asked me to clear the alter while he mingled amongst the parish. My last memory was of quenching candles and the smell of chloroform. After that, I was no longer a little girl, I was an initiate. I was told my family had died in an accident, that they only wanted to keep me safe, and that I need not dwell on my past... It was the truth to some degree. You see, the syndicate covered their kidnappings with staged accidents. Officially, I had perished with several dozen others when a tenant house burnt down. As far as I know, neither my parents or any of my siblings escaped.

With nothing else left to me, I trained. My level of competence was a bit of a marvel to my teachers. So much so that they feared my power would eclipse their own at the time. So they locked me away for observation. Beyond books and a few caretakers, the outside world was closed to me... I won't go through the unpleasant details, but my captivity was not pleasant and I eventually escaped.

As far reaching as their influence was, I knew that I would not safe anywhere on the continent. I passed unnoticed on a merchant ship bound for the Dark Continent. Since arriving here, I have done my best to build a new life. It wasn't easy, but eventually I found a place where I truly belonged."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel reflected silently on Alestra's words, though the frown tugging at his lips perhaps spoke more loudly than anything he could have said. If she was telling the truth, then he and his expedition's predicament exceeded even his most nightmarish of expectations. The dangers posed by this continent, the looming threat of the Lentani stronghold, all of it paled in comparison to an entire order of...empowered individuals with enough influence and resources to force even Alestra to flee to what were considered the most distant and uncivilized of frontiers.

"I see. you have my deepest sympathies, Miss Alestra," The young Brightland's tone was neutral, but the way his fists clenched into fists betrayed a fraction of the turmoil raging beneath his serene surface. "And this rival of yours? The one that tried to kill Telai and me. Are they a member of this organization, or will I have to save plotting the downfall of a continent-spanning institution devoted to mastering supernatural arts for another occasion? Given the...unique circumstances behind this 'gift' I've gained, I would think at least a token kidnapping attempt would be in order before an assassination."

Venom began to creep into Nathaniel's tone. Gods, what about his family?! The Brightlands had no small amount of power and resources at their disposal, but how could they hope to withstand such an organization if it decided to attack him through them?! They would be completely blindsided if that happened. Even with the latest advances in Avalonian sailing technologies and techniques, a message back to his homeland warning them of all of this would likely be far too late. A knife in the dark rarely needed more than a single night to perform its task.

His facial muscles struggled under the strain of maintaining a stoic, dignified expression as such thoughts raced through Nathaniel's mind. His breathing grew subtly faster and harder than it had before. Oh gods...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Your facade is easily penetrated by Alestra's keen perception and she pats your hand comfortingly.

"You're looking at this the wrong way, Nathanial. I sincerly doubt my former captors seek to harm your family. After all, they profit off of most commerce throughout the whole Northern Continent, Avalon included. They have interests in all sorts of profitable ventures-sometimes even playing both sides of a conflict for some greater goal.

You're wondering what threat the Syndicate poses to your loved ones, but a clan as strong as the Brightlands is sure to have a member or two nestled within its workings. You should be considering which of your family poses a threat to you."

Telai stiffens at that comment and Ruan lets out a placating whine, trying to refill her drained mug. Alestra's attention, however, remains firmly on you.

"I suspect your coming to this new land was part of a greater design. Previous expeditions revealed the Dark Continent's untapped potential, and they used one of their most powerful tools to begin the extraction. You would have been the spearhead of a much greater enterprize to come.

"She smiles at your dismay. "Take it as a complement, dear. If they manuevered you for this position, they must have been confident of your potential. You must have had a great future planned out for you... Of course that all changed when you... Shall we say tangled with a certain siren?"
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Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Once more Nathaniel remained silent while his mind reeled from Alesta's claims. If he had heard even half of this before setting foot on the Dark Continent, he would probably have dismissed it all as scam of some sort at best and a blatant attempt to demoralize him at worst. But now, after everything he and his expedition had been through and feeling the raw power and almost sadistic glee of his sorcerous assailant's mind, Nathaniel was willing to at least entertain even the most outlandish of notions.

Such as a traitor in his own family.

His fist clenched under Alestra's comforting pat. Even in an Avalon where the reverence for noble blood and the ties between those who held it were giving way to a more civilized culture based upon merit rather than lines of descent it was almost unthinkable. And yet, the thought had occurred to Nathaniel before. In theory, he and every member of the Brightland Clan were on the same side. Profit made by one strengthened their enterprise overall. In practice...there were always rivalries, and power and prestige were not commodities that could be easily shared. And Nathaniel stood to gain a great deal of both if he performed well enough on this frontier.

Gods...this Syndicate probably wouldn't have even needed to go that far! If every single member of the Brightland family itself proved incorruptible, as he could only pray they would, then what of those who were merely employed by them? A few strategically placed agents could work just as well...perhaps even within his own company!

Nathaniel took a deep breath to calm himself, only to nearly burst out into a half-mad cackle. "This...this must have been as unpleasant a surprise for them as it has been for me, hasn't it? We both thought I would usher in a golden age of commerce and opportunity the likes of which the world has never seen and instead...that siren..."

The young man bowed his head, running his fingers through his hair. "The woman who tried to kill Telai and I was an overseer of some sort, wasn't she? Sent by this Syndicate to observe this expedition's progress and perhaps jerk the leash I wouldn't have even realized I was on if we stepped out of line? She sensed what the siren gave me, you made contact with me, and because of that I'm now a threat to be eliminated rather than an asset to be used. Is that correct?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Actually, the practitioner you grappled with was here long before your arrival. She was sent to retrieve me and I have shielded myself from her for many years. Without a clear target, she has only proven a minor nuisance until recently. You are correct in that she seeks your demise, however. The Syndicate won't tolerate the existence of an independent practitioner inside their sphere of influence."

Alestra leans back against the stone wall with a sigh. "As for your removal being an inconvenience, think back on your accomplishments. Would it really be all that difficult for someone to pick up where you left off? Take over construction of your fort and farmlands? Honor the deal with Brokenstream's clan? Correct me if I'm wrong but an approach less diplomatic than yours might have even expedited the process of settling this land."

Ruan lets out a series of growls and Alestra nods her assent to his unintelligible statement. "Unable to kill you outright, the assasin will soon report back to her superiors. They are sure to send reinforcements and cut off whatever support was available to you back in Avalon."
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Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel nodded slightly. The would-be assassin predating his expedition's arrival actually made things worse. It meant the woman would be familiar with the lay of at least some of the land and would have been able to dig into in such a way that Alestra and the Hill Folk couldn't just uproot.

"In the short term, and only if they were willing to send an entire army, along with the supplies needed to sustain it," Nathaniel countered with a raised brow. "Brokenstream's clan alone would tear most conventional forces apart in their forest, to say nothing of how the others of their kind might react to a foreign host wishing to dominate them all or destroying the forest to try and level the playing field. And there aren't any settlements nearby that could sustain such a force either. So, no, short of having such a massive amount of manpower and resources to deploy, I do not believe a less diplomatic approach would have served my expedition better."

Yet Nathaniel seemed to deflate a bit before Alestra's eyes a moment later. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. "But I will concede it would be a trivial task for anyone to pick up where I left off. At least until the next potential disaster strikes."

The young Brightland was silent for a moment and then nodded. "And that we can't allow. I'm not sure how appraised you are of my expedition's current predicament, but a stronghold of one of my family's most bitter rivals has been constructed off the coast. We don't know their objectives yet, but their leader is a member of the Lentani family itself and a formidable one at that. She has more soldiers at her disposal than I do and has already taken steps to undermine us in Newport. If this Syndicate truly is as well-connected as you claim, this assassin may be able to counter on Cynthia Lentani's aid in addition to whatever reinforcements are given, and if that happens..."

Nathaniel trailed off, looking at Alestra with a naked frown.

"Have you been able to locate this assassin before, or will we have to draw her out, somehow?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra shrugs. "Trying to find her is all but impossible. She could easily mask her conscious as that of a beetle. Could you imagine sifting through the mind of every scrap of life in this jungle I'm afraid any meeting will be on her terms."

The mystic stands and gestures for you to follow. She leads you out of her chambers down a long hallway. "Our time will be better spent preparing you for the inevitable conflict. She toyed with you last time and bungled in the attempt to eliminate you. She will be more careful next time and not waste any effort on sadistic pleasures... However so long as there are two of us, we have the advantage. If you can withstand her for long enough, you can guide my consciousness to hers and I will snuff the life from her."

You reach a balcony overlooking the subterranean city and all its winding passages. Below, you can see the courtyard where Ruan had first inspected you. Cookfires have been set up in you absence and large amounts of food are piled on canvas matts waiting for preparation. Alestra turns to you.

"We will deal with the coming trials as soon as possible. Though you are direly in need of training, I fear any added stress to your consciousness would break you. Mental battles are difficult, especially for a practitioner as young as yourself. Besides, my children have prepared a celebration in your honor and they take their parties seriously."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel exhaled a slight breath, but one that was clearly frustrated to anyone with ears sharp enough to hear it. Loathe though he was to admit, there were limits to how swiftly even he could learn, and this...power Alestra and the Syndicate harnessed was an alien thing that may well have represented an entirely new field of science in and of itself. Time would tell, but in the meantime his would-be killer would command a great advantage while he and Telai floundered about.

The young Brightland paused at the edge of the balcony, blinking in faint surprise at the efficiency with which the Hill Folk had prepared a veritable banquet. Sister Agatha's words immediately sprang to mind.

"So I've heard," Nathaniel's tone had a dry edge to it as he glanced back to Alestra and, almost accusingly, at Ruan for a moment. "I trust they will not take offense if the Lieutenant and I decline to take part in any of their celebratory customs that might make us uncomfortable?"

He gestured pointedly towards Telai as he spoke. Hopefully the Hill Folk women weren't as...forward as Ruan either!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"I'll admit our customs of privacy and modesty might differ slightly from what you're used to, but your preferences will be respected. You might have heard of the exploits of Hillfolk outside of my little clan. They are less... tame than the individuals you will find here."

You descend to the stone floor below and begin to mingle amongst the Hill folk. While all are larger than yourself, you begin to notice differences in builds and fur markings. It's a relief to note that not all share the hulking form of Ruan.

A tattoo of hide drums rings out from a nearby stage and the crowd lets out a delighted howl in response. Groups spontaneously form and break out in circling dance. The acrobatics you witness are dizzying and you are more than once forced to duck under flailing clawed hands as Alestra leads you through the throng.

Telai seems perfectly at ease with the atmosphere and you catch her grinning at the festivities. "Reminds me of back home when the caravans would gather for the festival of the dead, " she explains.

You're sat down next to Alestra near a large bonfire over which a massive haunch of meat is spitted. You wouldn't be surprised if was once attached to a stomper. Telai is across from you, squished between Ruan and several fluffy adolescents you guess are either his cousins or younger siblings.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Meaning these others may not respect our wishes in such matters?" Nathaniel glanced back at Alestra with a frown. Sister Agatha had given the Hill Folk a fair amount of glowing praise, but if her experience was just limited to Alestra's confederation of tribes, he and his followers would have to be careful indeed. Even if most of the Hillk Folk weren't half the size of Ruan, many of them still made for distinguished natural warriors with a culture that had been bathed in blood for countless years. The likely superior tactics and technology of his expedition would probably win out over any such rogue tribe if given time to ready them, but it probably wouldn't be an easy fight and the last thing Nathaniel needed now was more people trying to kill him.

The young Brightland followed Alestra obediently enough, but his awe at the acrobatics the cave-dwelling race proved capable of swiftly evaporated as hand after hand came dangerously close to scarring his face or knocking him to the floor. Whether it was intentional or not, Nathaniel shot the perpetrators a glare as he passed by, unsure whether they even noticed. Where Telai was utterly relaxed, Nathaniel remained a blond ball of stress even as the group took their seats around the fire.

He watched with a faint frown at the Southern-born amazon was conveniently situated between Ruan and...his relatives? Hill Folk he probably held in some regard to have a place at his side. Either way, Nathaniel would be keeping an eye on them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra laughs at your obviously perturbed state.

"My influence has changed much of the former Hillfolk culture. Our fortifications negates the danger of raids and we trade our metalworking with the squirrel tribes for foodstuffs and silk. Where once their minds were completely occupied by hunting, fighting, and breeding, now they have the time and inclination to pursue other ventures. I like to think they would have arrived at this point by themselves, but who knows? They certainly gave me the frights when I first laid eyes on them. If it weren't for Ruan's father..."

Ruan snorts as if he's heard the tale a thousand times, but his relatives let out eager yips and tumble excitedly across from you. Telai deals with their squirming for awhile before letting out a fairly good impression of Ruan's snarl, bopping them each once on the head. Admonished, the youngsters settle down. They muscle Ruan to the side, vying for a spot in front of Alestra. Telai ends up completely flanked by a fuzzy wall. The youngest Hillfolk gazes at her pitifully until she caves and gives him a perch in her lap.

Alestra let's out a flute-like trill of laughter. "Such is the danger of sitting at the kids' campfire, my dear. I suppose we have a few minutes before things really get started." She turns to you. "I suppose I should start with the customary start to any fairy tale. It's about a beautiful maiden and her search for the family she never had... It's also a love story. This will no doubt come as a shock to you, Nathanial, but there is more than just my mental abilities tying me to the Hillfolk. I call all members of the clan my children, but in the case of Ruan, the term is applied a little more literally."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel nodded thoughtfully at Alestra's musing before the yips, tumbles, and thwacks of Telai's hand across the overly excited children drew his attention across the campfire. His body was still rather tense, but the typically stoic and reserved young man clearly struggled to suppress a smile, perhaps even a laugh, at the sight of the Hill Folk children pressing themselves as close to Alestra as they could while the smallest among them's head poked up above the furry wall from his resting place atop Telai's lap.

Yet any trace of good cheer in his expression was instantly replaced with, as Alestra predicted, shock at the sorceress's words. "In the sense that he is your adopted child, or...?"

The former was simplest, least startling answer. The latter...the ideas that the Hill Folk could interbreed with his species without complication despite their differences and the vastly superhuman rate at which they matured, unless Alestra was much older than she looked, were anything but. It certainly put Ruan's comment about Telai making for a 'good pack mother' in a different light, but it all made some sense. A people as violent and prone to fighting each other as the Hill Folk had once been would need to be able to repopulate very rapidly to avoid wiping themselves out in such a way.

This continent never ceased to amaze and fill him with questions. A pity it also had a nasty habit of trying to kill him in the process.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(time to end Nathanial's assumptions lol)

Alestra's smile causes you to shiver involuntarily.

"I assure you, Ruan is of my flesh and blood. The gifted share certain commonalities, but we all have our individual strengths. The mermaid's gift has made you a repository of knowledge. My talents lie in manipulation of all things organic. It started small. Causing flowers to bloom out of season, stopping the life cycle of caterpillars-that sort of thing. The Gift exerts its powers on the mind, but practically every part of the body is influenced in some part by the brain's functioning.

"My crowning achievement was making myself compatible with my beloved T'lek... Well, making myself last long enough for your arrival was much harder I'll admit, but what is longevity if your life isn't filled with those you love?"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel looked no less at ease by the time Alestra finished speaking than when she first smiled at him.

Her words did explain quite a few things. So, Ruan was the exception to the rule, as was Alestra's age.And yet...a frown formed on Nathaniel's features. Yet, they also raised other questions. That memory he had been exposed to of that one person experimenting upon those prisoners. Was that someone else with a gift similar to Alestra's own or "merely" a perverted process akin to Avalonian alchemy?

"Lonely, I imagine," Nathaniel paused for a moment, another thought occurring to him. "The assassin that was sent after you: is her strength exceptional power over he mind, or is what she does something any of us could achieve given enough time and effort?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra pauses to consider your question.

"Her methods of compulsion certainly are formidable, that and she seems to delight in their application. It's a rare way to use the Gift, but more because of the mindset required than the prerequisite of special talent. You can imagine it takes a particularly... Corrupt personality to steal away the will of others.

"It's very different from what connects me and the Hillfolk. Rather than assert myself completely, the society around you is a blending of bestial instinct with an injection of human culture and morality. They couldn't afford feelings like affection and compassion before, but with my gift of knowledge, constant conflict isn't necessary and they are able to experience a breadth emotions previously unknown to them."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel nodded with a frown plainly tugging at his lips. So, all it took to bend any man or animal to an empowered individual's will was a certain amount of training and ruthlessness. Given what Alestra had described of this Syndicate so far, he suspected that neither of those were in short supply in their ranks. Perhaps not all of them were as powerful or skilled at it as the assassin, he had brushed against her impressively powerful mind already, but they wouldn't need to be to inflict almost incalculable damage back in his homeland if it suited their aims. The only silver lining seemed to be that he could theoretically learn to wield such power too, if he had to.

It also raised yet another question. If that wasn't the assassin's specialty, what was? Until they found that out in time to plan for it, the woman had potent wildcard she could deploy at any time.

"Thank you for humoring me, Miss Alestra," The young Brightland said at last. "Hopefully, none of this will seriously threaten the existence you and your people have secured for themselves. Or least, not as a result of anything myself and my expedition have done..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra leans forward.

"Oh don't mistake my manner as altruistic, Nathanial. I see what is happening to this land. Presently a tangle of inhospitable jungle protects my people from the greedy reach of humans.

As formidable as the native peoples of this land are, I fear for their survival. The dark continent is a harsh place, but humans are a stubborn race. Especially when the lure of untold riches is thrown into the mix. Look at your own operations. In a matter of weeks, your little band has made great strides in conquering numerous natural obstacles.

It will only be a matter of time before legions of settlers arrive with axes and fire. The squirrel folk will fight hard, but can they stand before a line of muskets in the open field?"

Alestra gives you a tight smile.

"My hope is that by helping you, I will secure a future for my people... Now I believe I promised you all a story."

Your are left you to your thoughts as the young Hillfolk dispel the glum atmosphere with a series of excited yips. Alestra calms them down and begins her tale of the origins of her meeting her adoptive family and her descent into passionate love for a young native warrior.

Feasting and revelry dominates the scene beyond the children's cook fire. Hillfolk mingle among a circle of bonfires, snarling and howling with glee.
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Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel tensed for the first few moments of Alestra's little speech only to relax when he realized her intent was altruistic despite her claims. Just not towards his expedition. The young man could only shake his head as Alextra looked at him with her strained smile.

Such thoughts had occurred to him as well. Not often, and he had yet to put serious thought into such matters given the crises he was dealing with in the present, but still. Even a single shipment of the riches his expedition had managed to tap from this Dark Continent would likely be enough to change it from a dangerous frontier only scoundrels or the most desperate would call their home to a land of vast opportunity for those bold enough to claim it. 

Alestra was correct. Someone would need to be in a position of power once the settlers arrived. Someone who could ensure that the flame of Avalonian drive and ambition did not burn out of control and justify every fear the chief warrior of Laughingwind's people had about his species. If this assassin and the Syndicate she worked for had their way, Nathaniel was certain it would not just be he and Alestra who would suffer for it.

The young Brightland wore a stoic expression that violently clashed with the Hill Folk's festive joy and the enthusiasm Alestra was able to conjure as she recited her tale. That was one of the weaknesses of the social mask Nathaniel had crafted for himself. Maintaining a stiff upper lip and a cool head? Trivial. Faking joy? Even for the benefit of such important hosts? They might as well have asked him to describe the current state of his love life in detail without once stuttering or getting red in the face.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As Alestra wraps up her tale, the party seems to really gather momentum. Cook fires are abandoned for a throng of organized dancing to tunes played on reed pipes and hand drums. Telai is carted off by the troop of youngsters, laughing as they try to show her the steps of a particularly complicated line dance. You notice has abandoned his previous perch in favor of riding her shoulders and seems loath to let go.

Alestra sighs next to you and leans back. She smiles at the lieutenant's earnest attempts to placate her newest friends and gives you a cryptic look.

"It's good to see one of you enjoying themselves... But then I suppose you are not the type to give in to indulgence while there is work to be done."

You feel a small tendril of power curling against your consciousness. Your boyhood is dug out from the depth of the song and flashes beneath your eyelids. Your senses struggle to comprehend the illusion presented to you.

A memory drifts across the space between you, conjuring images of grand ball rooms, hoop dresses, and intricate waltzes danced to the sweeping notes of a violin. Your chest tightens from the rejection of your childish crush. Your nose twitches with the familiar scent of dust and mold of old scrolls and books.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A faint smile tugged at the edges of Nathaniel's lips as Telai was pulled away by the score of adolescent Hillfolk, but it was swiftly crushed beneath the weight of his thoughts as his mind turned towards their situation once again. The dangers of this Dark Continent, the Lentani presence, and the powerful assassin the mysterious Syndicate had dispatched. There was no shortage of problems and contingency plans for Nathaniel to consider. What would be waiting for he and Telai once they returned to Newport? A town that had been bought out by Cynthia and her cohorts? The best of Telai's soldiers turned into puppets by the assassin? Something worse than either of those possibilities waiting just outside a seemingly untouched Newport, waiting to pounce upon him the instant he gre complacent?

"No. I can't, Miss Alestra," The young man replied with a bitter note in his tone. His life of privilege was something he worked endlessly to earn, but a few weeks here was enough to make those years of toil seem like child's play by comparison.

Nathaniel's mind was already wondering elsewhere and falling deeper into thought when he felt Alestra's power brush against it. He gasped softly as the memories of his youth flashed before his eyes, whatever defenses he could have raised snapping into place too late to stop it.

So many of his adolescent peers enjoying themselves through their parties and elegant dancing, or at least pretending to. Nathaniel had taken part in such things, of course. The dexterity that had served him so well on this dangerous frontier had made him a competent dancer for his age back then. He had been polite and erudite enough to be welcome enough among his peers to be invited to their social gatherings without reluctance and later count them among his family's contacts when he grew old enough to conduct business on their behalf, but that had been the extent of his social life. Was it any wonder that his first crush didn't return his feelings, however gently she tried to let him down?

Perhaps...perhaps that was why Milly had so far conquered where others were kept at arm's length. She was willing to boldly press herself past that and peel away away the icy exterior Nathaniel didn't even seem to know how to drop at times.


Nathaniel's jaw clenched as he attempted to draw up some mental defenses. At the very least, if the sorceress wished to explore his mind and memories, it would be done with his permission.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra doesn't press the issue, withdrawing herself from your mind at the first sign of resistance. She smiles sadly. "I only wonder what has brought you to your cloistered state. You move through life holding yourself apart, playing games that you have little emotional stake in. Do you lust for wealth Nathanial? Or power? You come to claim this land in your family's name, but you don't strike me as a simple profiteer or tyrant."

Unbidden, Milly surfaces back to the forefront of your mind. Her mischievious smile, the feeling of her bare skin against your own. For a moment, you can almost feel her weight in your arms before the moment passes and the familiar feeling of solitude reasserts itself.

The mystic's eyes glimmer knowingly. "Cloistered as your heart is Nathanial, you cannot prevent some things from catching hold. At some point, what honor and duty demands of you may not bring you true fufillment... At some point, you will have to dispense with the facade and discover what you truly want."

The rumbling of Hillfolk laughter rings out upon the air, distracting your attention elsewhere. Telai stands over a prone beastman, massaging her reddening knuckles. Her entourage of youngsters look onward in awe.

The moment is dispelled when another individual steps up and howls a challenge. Telai crouches into a fighting stance, but her agressor simply stays put and eyes her expectantly.

Alestra leans over to you. "Your companion is being offered the choice to test his strength. If a female finds a prospective suitor acceptable, she will do him the honor of accepting his challenge." She winces as Telai promptly drop kicks the would-be suitor, reducing him to an unconscious pile of fur.

"Well that's certain to attract some attention..." She looks coyly at you.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"I'm not," Nathaniel said flatly, wearing an offended frown as he stared back at Alestra. "I's about..."

He struggled to find the proper words. At first, he thought it was due to the difficulty of explaining his honor and duty to Alestra, and the effect building those would have on both Albion and the world. Yet his silence continued for moment The explanation on the tip of his tongue wouldn't have truly answer Alestra's question. What made him happy in life...? Well, there was the thrill of learning, and the Dark Continent had provided him with an abundance of things to study so far. There was a sense of adventure about this expedition too, at least when their lives weren't threatened with some terrible end.

Nathaniel's thoughts soon turned to Milly...and lingered there more than he intended. For a moment, it was like she was right there with him. He body pressed against his, her playful smile mere inches from his lips...

The young Brightland gasped as he snapped back to reality and shot Alestra a wary look. Was that...sensation the Song's doing, or her taking advantage of a lapse in his defences?! Either way, Nathaniel visibly flinched at the sorceress's words. "I...suppose..."

He frowned and looked down at the ground with a thoughtful expression. His entire life had been spent being directed by that honor and duty. They were causes that Nathaniel had eagerly embraced before and still did, but they even so they were never truly  something he had chosen for himself. "And...if what I want conflicts with honor and duty?"

Nathaniel stared intently at Alestra. It was not a new line of thinking for him. Ever since his and Milly's trysts had become a bit more than just an amusing fling on the captain's part, he had spent some time considering where things might go in the long-term. It wasn't impossible for things to work out. His family did at least claim to value merit more than birth, but...he couldn't make any guarantees and there were so many things vying to kill or enslave them both. The Syndicate, the Lentanis, most of the life on this frontier...

Telai's awe-inspiring display of strength and martial prowess offered Nathaniel some reprieve from his oppressive thoughts. He visibly perked up as she floored her would-be challenger with a single, powerful kick and had to fight not to let a smile born of admiration and even pride form.

"What?!" The young man stiffened and jerked his head back towards Alestra. Ruan's...interest in Telai instantly came rushing back. "Oh one explained that to her? They're not going to try to...ah..." Nathaniel shifted uncomfortably, stopping just short of trying to stand. Even he didn't really know what he could have done beyond impotently protesting the Hillfolks' attempts to court his lieutenant, but for once Nathaniel's feelings seemed to be moving faster than his brain.