Cockvine not registering as joined with character


New Member
Feb 8, 2022
I've got a Cockvine on my character for some sex scenes requiring it e.g Shade however it does not seem to register as available for these scenes to be unlocked. When checking the character description the Cockvine does not appear in the description and the only evidence of it being attached to my character is on the Codex in the personal stats part.
Furthermore I've attempted to try to get another one to see if it resolves the issue but the option is greyed out when trying to merge with another cockvine seedling and states I've already got one. However when attempting to get this removed via a nurse droid they also do not register the Cockvine as being attached. This is also the same as when trying to get it removed via DR.Lash (choosing the option to remove all male endowments) as it will remove my characters penis but the cockvine will still appear in the stats screen on the codex but once again unable to be used in sex scenes.

I've included my save file if you need it.


  • Corvus (H) - 15Hrs 45.5Mins, 3167 Days - Tarkus, Ingnam.json
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