CoC2 Vs TiTs


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I like TiTS' transformation system and CoC2's gameplay (especially the fighting and powers system). Story and feel wise, I prefer the original CoC, if only because it was almost always sunny :p


Well-Known Member
CoC2 has party-based combat (which I'm always a fan of) and the way it handles standard (i.e. gender, racial etc.) transformatives is much better than in TiTS, mainly because they're standardised and can easily be targeted to specific body parts. TiTS is more technologically advanced (which I consider to be usually a good thing) and has a much greater array of specific/unconventional transformatives like SnakeByte, Nuki Nutbutter and the various illegal TFs (CoC2 only has Bimbo Brew). I have no real preference for energy-based vs cooldown-based combat, though I tend to use powers much more in the latter system.

In terms of societal issues, I consider TiTS to be better overall. While it does have indentured servitude which can be abused in such a way that it's effectively slavery, such abuse doesn't seem to be the norm (or at least, it's definitely not the only way it's done) and slavery proper is illegal throughout the UGC; meanwhile, CoC2 has legalised slavery not just among the orcish (read: barbaric) tribes, but in powerful central nations like Jassira.
Racism in TiTS is quite rare in the UGC (at least when it comes to humanoids) and is almost always portrayed as bad or otherwise unsympathetic, while in CoC2 it's much more commonplace and some portrayals seem to be closer to neutral or mixed than outright bad; you're also much more likely to find someone who doesn't fit their race's stereotypes in TiTS than in CoC2 (I'm looking at you, kitsune den and Mallachite temple!).
The UGC also has a standardised process that allows newly-discovered races/societies a chance to join them as equals rather than be subjugated or destroyed; CoC2 has no equivalent. As far as I can tell, they are otherwise quite similar, particularly in regard to sexual issues (mainly a lack of sexism, homophobia, transphobia and the like).

On the matter of their protagonists, the Champion is a generic blob some random person who happened to be in the right place at the right time and could be replaced with pretty much any other random person without affecting the story, while Steele is much more well-defined and their story doesn't work if they're not the child and designated heir of Victor Steele. I much prefer the latter and think it makes for a better story, but maybe that's just because my experience with RPGs is BioWare-dominated (their protags are typically more well-defined than those of other RPGs).

Overall, I'd say TiTS is my favourite.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
I largely prefer TiTS over CoC2 for a few reasons:
  • I prefer TiTS' gameplay
  • much as CoC2's UI is a step up from TiTS's in terms of aesthetic, my ADHD ass bounces right off and I can't read for crap (yes, even in dark mode)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I like TiTS combat more, but I prefer CoC2 in every other way. Although it may be more accurate to say that I prefer soloing fights and CoC2 isn't built around that. CoC2 has more slots for equipment, the ability to refine tranformatives, more varied and useful powers, and I don't feel locked into being a super important heiress. I much prefer being some nobody who was in the right place at the right time. Better for roleplaying. I'd definitely like for TiTS to take some design cues from CoC2, at least for equipment. Seriously, an eyepiece takes up as much space on my person as a greatcoat?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2020
TITS and CoC2 are similar games, but I feel like at the same time they're really hard to compare. TITS feels like CoC1 in space with expanded combat and exploration. CoC2 feels like a whole different type of game in comparison. As for which I like best? It entirely depends on what mood I'm in. They fulfill different niches, imo.