yeah or like that though she might try some
Ahh so some like marble. She wondering around camp into some of near areas and bringing some randomn TF stuff then trying it herslef or try to stuff it inot PC mouth xD Heh it would be first case that even if PC would watch what /she put in muth due to Valt can ends up radomnly TF anyway due to been force feeded with some TF stuff ^^
Im personnaly thinking over overhauling slime TF because lets face it not only is it detrimental in many way (fluid addiction) but it doesnt have any special ability or even a decent racial score. Heres a few interesting idea
Possible ability
Slime body: due to your slime body weapon go trought you as if hiting trought water leaving no wounds however magical attack you take deals increased damage (damage reduction increased by 30 to 50% but magic deals increased damage by about 30%)
Engulf: Work as constrict but with only access to the tease attack (yea you can now slime rape people mid battle)
Slime racial score now provide 20 toughness and +100 to max libido
Yay you're back ^^
Yeah I agree that slime TF should be heavy changed. If not that it made it borderline copying I do want do something similar to goo TF from TiTS or at least giving PC in full Goo mode chance to in limited degree changing it sexualt bits or some other body parts. So like PC go full goo then let say getting 10 cocks and then goes back to some other form...or still stay goo as it's now after changes so cool it not big change from been non goo or goo. THou I would need then solve case of some of mutation related perks :/ Like having draconic lungs...even if go o PC will be having dragon breath attack perks will this other one perk working now that PC lungs are turned fully into goo? Many things to solve but it would probably make goo race a little bit more special than others.
And kinda interesting idea for goo race having bonus to max lust too. Maybe even give them some bonus to max HP too on top to all those base stats bonus(es).
Btw Liadri did you knew that there is some other fan of gorgons here? S/HE even gave me some not bad idea for gorgon NPC xD As long I manage to flesh it out more it would be added to the game.