CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Jan 14, 2019
Could someone tell me how to unlock the goblin mech in the stronghold? (I had a vague memory of needing to have a certain number of daughters with Mitzi, but I'm not sure)


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Could someone tell me how to unlock the goblin mech in the stronghold? (I had a vague memory of needing to have a certain number of daughters with Mitzi, but I'm not sure)
You need the goblin workshop, which you build after birthing enough goblin kids IIRC.


New Member
Feb 18, 2025
Does Aiko relocate from Deepwoods after the first few encounters? Gave her back the pearl, did a couple talk dialogues next few encounters and now I can't run into her in Deepwoods no matter how many explorations.


Jan 10, 2024
Does Aiko relocate from Deepwoods after the first few encounters? Gave her back the pearl, did a couple talk dialogues next few encounters and now I can't run into her in Deepwoods no matter how many explorations.
Yes, you find her in the places menu under the great tree location, IIRC. Kinda like the with the farm, or other places you visit several times.


New Member
Feb 18, 2025
How to reach River Dungeon 4th floor? Stairway on map says unknown power blocking entrance to 4th floor; pretty frustrating to have to run through battles every step even with Will o wisp


New Member
Feb 28, 2025
quick question, how do you use grey magic? i have grey sage, grey magic and grey mage: apprentice all unlocked. huge mana pool and a couple grey spell yet i cant use them. any help would be nice.


Jan 10, 2024
quick question, how do you use grey magic? i have grey sage, grey magic and grey mage: apprentice all unlocked. huge mana pool and a couple grey spell yet i cant use them. any help would be nice.
White Magic requires low lust, Black Magic requires high lust, Grey Magic requires medium lust. Around halfway full. That might be it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2021
For grey magic, I find taking the corrupted libido and nymphomaniac perks (+25 min lust) get me to the sweet spot. The second grey sage perk might also help.


Mar 12, 2025
Good morning/afternoon/night. I think I might have a few ideas for some extra content:

1. There's hardly any worm infestation content. What's in the game is just left over from the Corruption of Champions Revamp Mod from a while ago. After getting infested, you can only infest minotaurs and there is only one variation for the urethra scene. It's almost like it was just quickly added as an afterthought. You can't even infest hellhounds, even though they have a small variation used for this purpose upon you. <insert Jackie Chan confused meme here> We could add other infested enemy variants (such as infested minotaurs) with scene variations. You encounter minotaurs in a different area than the worms, so I thought, in order to unlock them and their corresponding codex entry, you could infest one yourself. Or if you opt to remain uninfested, there could be a repeatable scene to choose. If you decide to spare an infested hellhound, you could communicate through gestures, lead it to a minotaur, motion for the hellhound to wait while you beat it, wave it over after you win, and let it play with the minotaur (and call him a good boy, lol). Worms and infested hellhounds also, despite being unique enemies, don't have codex entries. (I don't think any enemy variations, like minoincubi, have unique entries either). Since worms are attracted to any creature with a penis, the infest option should work against (and maybe we could provide several description prompts for the action) any enemy in possession of a penis. Maybe we could have a special universal win scene involving them and variations for specific enemies, especially minotaurs and hellhounds (this includes males and females, since infested hellhounds also have a win scene variation if you're female).

P.S. If this isn't in the Xianxia Mod main programmers interests, I'm sure there are writers who would be willing to donate content for this fetish.

2. Extra codex entries for different and unique enemy types; like infested hellhounds, minoincubi, cowsuccubi, the labyrinth minotaur, the other demon types and soldiers, other goblin types, and boss monsters (since I'm interested in modifying my character into boss monsters like the chimera and minotaur king).

3. Extra scene variations for penis docking. There's only one minotaur scene and one variation involving it, even if we have a big penis or get one by drinking too much minotaur blood. Since this variation needs a penis at least two feet long and less than four inches thick, maybe the scene could be implemented based on how long it has been since the opponent has had relief. I don't know if the text in the enemy battle stat description is there for a reason, or if it's just random placeholder details that are copy-pasted. (I noticed Nadia, despite being an equine-morph, is described with human female parts).

If it is, and the combat system code would need to be rewritten with a check in the code that would identify this when the battle starts or ends, maybe there could be unique alternate scenes where you fill them and a loss scene where the enemy steals lust draft/minotaur cum from you to increase their production enough to overwhelm and fill you; this would affect your lust, libido, precum and sperm volume (next time you relieve yourself, which isn't permanent) and possibly corruption (if they're demons or corrupted enemies).

4. Extra appearance description variations and notification prompts/descriptions to help fill the universe a little and create worldbuilding (like in Trials in Tainted Space). The encounter description for infested hellhounds states that their penises drip/drool semen and worms and, after you get infested, the only sentence(s) you get under your appearance exclaim that the worms just poke their heads out. Maybe we could get extra text (depending on lust level) that describes whether your penis occasionally drips, constantly drips, drips ribbons, or drools/leaks precum (if you're not infested) and worm-filled sperm (if you are infested). We could have notification prompts that pop up before/during/after battles or after exiting the camp/game menu options screens that tell you how your unique internal mutations and/or lust level and precum production is affecting you and the tight/loose armor/clothes you're wearing. For reference, in the minotaur battle stat description (or encounter description), it states that his loincloth is soaked and dripping ribbons of precum every few minutes.
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Mar 12, 2025
With regards to internal mutations, there could be descriptions for things like your mouth (fang) mutations, adrenal glands (particularly salamander) mutations, bloodstream (fey arcane blood and hinezumi burning blood) mutations, and testicle mutations. For example, if you have the easter bunny egg sack mutation, there could be a description that reminds you, 'Your penis throbbed, causing one of your eggs to slip part of the way up your urethra before sliding back into your <testicle description here>, encouraging your penis to leak a few strings of precum from your tip. They drip from your penis into/onto your <lower underwear description here>/the ground and slide down your throbbing length. Your precum slithers onto your <testicle description here>, causing the chill down your CNS, responding to the delightful brush of self-stimulation, to pivot to a shiver of glee.' Or something. I'm not a writer. -_-'

There could be some for tanuki testicles, hellhound fire balls, minotaur testicles, etc. Minotaurs are described in their codex description as being gifted (cursed?) with a potent aphrodisiac that affects their lust and libido, which they can use as a weapon (they have a unique tease attack). It's present in their encounter and battle stat description, too. We could have sentences that describe what the broiling narcotic precum and sperm are doing to our lust, libido, prostate, and testes. Other notable examples could include worm infestation that also doubles by offering different notes when paired with internal mutations (the easter bunny egg sack, fiery hellhound balls, minotaur testes, tanuki testes). Taking citation from the game, after being infested and choosing the urethra option, the worms totally affect minotaurs differently after reacting to their special sperm. There could even be unique racial tease attacks and tease descriptions based around your mutations. Or, if that would require changing too much code, add a couple extra descriptions that occur more often depending on your race and internal mutations.

5. Extra scenes/expansions for some of the other enemies, characters, and demon types. Minoincubi, cowsuccubi, hellhounds (with a female variant attached), and the werewolves (pleeeeease? O,_,O) could be a few. About the other characters, maybe we could add more scenes/expansions for some characters. More character relationship scenes and reproduction scenes/racial scenes for characters like Anzu, Electra, Amily, Jojo/Joy, Siegweird, etc. (why is his name spelled Sieg"weird?" XD), for example. Then maybe we could go on unique quests with them to improve and strengthen our relationship as the war for many worlds stretches on. I am curious about how our relationships with Jojo/Joy, Amily, Konstantin, Anzu, Electra, The Behemoth, and Siegweird might develop. One idea involves the Helia and minotaur scene. If you have minotaur mutations, tell her not to ingest any more minotaur sperm, then choose to volunteer, you could trip over your own thoughts by realizing what you said, leading to more dialogue options. (Champion POV: 'Oh...... O_O' Now what genius advice do I have to present to her?' (lol))

There could be an expansion for The Winter Wolf with more relationship/reproduction scenes, the ability to visit her in her den, hunt, compete with other enemies over a recent kill/territorial boundaries, have pups, and play with them and her existing pups after they're born (YAAAAY!!!). There could also be an expansion for the minotaur baker in Tel'Adre where there are more conversation options about baking and recipes and the option to help him in the kitchen outside of the once-only events. He could ask you to contribute with your milk (if female/herm) or your sperm (if male/herm, like he does) in his recipes with variations depending on your internal mutations, especially if you have minotaur sperm internal mutations! Regular sperm produces a generic result; floral ovaries produces baked goods with a floral flavor (like baking with rose water, violas, or dianthus); lacta bovina ovaries make milk for recipes (self-explanatory); the easter bunny egg sack dispenses eggs that can be crushed into pieces and substitute for candy pieces, since the easter bunny character releases neon pink eggs that are described as tasting like candy; hellhound fire balls sperm could add a spicy flavor (like cinnamon red hots candy), tanuki testes could give gems that soften when baked, functioning like fruit/licorice pieces or be ground into fruit/non-fruit-flavored powders, and last but certainly not least, aphrodisiacal minotaur sperm could make batter thicker (affecting its texture), be substituted for both heavy cream (of course) and icing (absolutely!), and lend the goods a smooth, creamy texture.

As an addendum to character expansions, there could be an option in Tel'Adre to take supply trips with the caravan to defend them against generic or unique enemy/demon types (with codex entries) and a bulletin board around the bar or the city where mercenaries/adventurers can take jobs for rewards (because what fantasy genre doesn't have one?). We could choose to take a couple camp companions or our feline friend Katherine after she becomes part of the city guard.

6. Items added to the game as quality of life improvements to streamline and make transforming your character a bit easier, or add something code-stable to debug mode. Items that cause transformations that affect the number of nipples or revert them; change a character's height; or remove body parts like tails, a penis, or testes separately, for instance. I had to search the old wiki's pages one-by-one to find out how to remove multiple nipples, then I was stuck with bee chitin on my character that I couldn't find out how to remove (I was trying to get a cow face and fur for the minotaur transformation, but minotaur blood wasn't giving me either of those transformations). Then, I had to take an imp race transformation item to change my height to meet a bunny race requirement. It seems a bit much to be juggling different transformations to remove one undesirable trait, but add two to three others instead. (Yes, I tried more than 100 times to change to a desired result). You should be able to get all of the racial qualities and features for a particular race by taking its corresponding item, too. By the way, adjustments to the character appearance sprites might be nice if no one minds. If you transform your character into a minotaur, the portrait (with a cow face) looks like a short cow with a large penis; it's nothing like the tall, burly, 16-bit bull sprite on the combat log screen with a penis that's a bit more in proportion with its size (by Corruption of Champions standards. It's still past his knee).

7. An expansion for the April Fool's event where, if you are a horse-morph or horse-morph with wings/a horn/wings and a horn, you can access the event to become more pony-like. I know it's an "April Fool's" event, but I believe it's a wasted opportunity to keep the two settings separate. Both settings have equine creatures, pegasi, unicorns, and the like, yet centaurs, of all creatures, are the only transformation to be involved. Some new racial abilities, skills, internal mutations (with pop-up notes), and/or additional coat, mane, and eye color options could also be a nice addition to the transformation and item. (I already know how much programming work might be involved in implementing a new transformation, including creation of new code (maybe from scratch), sprites, battle system integration, skills, organization, etc.)

P.S. About the suggestions that include content having to do with internal mutations, I always thought that due to these mutations being a part of the enemy type's biology (thaumatology?) and being included in their interactions with you, that it is a part of that world's biology/thaumatology and it seems like a shame to limit them to just a game mechanic that can't be observed outside of battle.

P.S.S. I know the programmers/developers are working hard. I don't want them to have their hands so full that their work spills out of their arms. I'm not making requests. No no no! I would just like to donate suggestions that I think would make the game bigger, more expansive, and possibly provide a more engaging experience and world for the developers of the mod and players.

P.S.S.S. Reply posts limit the number of characters that can be used. -_-'
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Mar 12, 2025
I agree it's definitely not for everyone. The title for the option to turn it off literally states "grossed out." If every game completely removed content, options, references, and other things that some do not like (I'm speaking generally about anything), then every game would be catering to a very small group, would have barely (if any) options, game modes would be nearly nonexistent, games with genres wouldn't mix them together, and games wouldn't exactly be any "fun" to play. Preferences are very subjective. That's why any game offers the option. Players can remove it if they aren't interested. It's just a suggestion for those that might. That's what is wonderful about having options and choices about many things. Food, flavor profiles, toppings, paint colors, and patterns. You pick the feature.


New Member
Sep 12, 2024
Where did the combat wounds debuff come from and how do you get rid of it? It's lasted several days at this point and reduces my health by 15%

Edit: I figured out you can get rid of the debuff by spamming the spend time->heal under camp actions. Still have no idea how I actually got that mess though.
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Jan 10, 2024
Where did the combat wounds debuff come from and how do you get rid of it? It's lasted several days at this point and reduces my health by 15%

Edit: I figured out you can get rid of the debuff by spamming the spend time->heal under camp actions. Still have no idea how I actually got that mess though.
If I remember correctly, that particular debuff comes from losing to an Abyssal Shark.