CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


New Member
May 20, 2020
Having same issue, have tried other versions of CoCed, but I think its about time someone takes over its development, as it has not been updated in years.


New Member
Mar 15, 2022
Not sure how I got this debuff, but it won't go away even after I tried to have it removed at the temple, nor did it dissappear when I tried the Cathedral instead. Am I missing something? No clue how to get rid of this toughness debuff. Second image is verifying that its not coming up as a status effect, but still remaining.

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Aug 1, 2022
Hey is there a way to avoid the damage you take from internal mutagens if you have just a slight body differense from what the race requires?
Fairy stat boosts are insane for a mage build but I wanna keep my dick XD.

On that note I noticed most of the best looking int boosting races seem to be locked to females the only real options for males seem to be atlach nacha or male mind breaker which is still just straight worse then the female one for a pure caster so be a spider or bust :/
Gazer seem kinda fun even tho not optimal but I have no clue where you get that tf item anyone know?
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Aug 1, 2022
Also how do you unlock this option in the places menu it just says clear the factory first but I did that a while ago so what gives?Untitled.jpg


Feb 22, 2017
Hey is there a way to avoid the damage you take from internal mutagens if you have just a slight body differense from what the race requires?
Fairy stat boosts are insane for a mage build but I wanna keep my dick XD.

On that note I noticed most of the best looking int boosting races seem to be locked to females the only real options for males seem to be atlach nacha or male mind breaker which is still just straight worse then the female one for a pure caster so be a spider or bust :/
Gazer seem kinda fun even tho not optimal but I have no clue where you get that tf item anyone know?
Are you maybe looking for this perk series?

Chimerical Body: Initial Stage:
Requires (Non-perk requirements): Level 6, Two racial perks
Unlocks: Chimerical Body: Semi-Basic Stage

Your chimerical body attained Initial Stage. (negate up to 2 racial perk points negative effects) Toughness +5%, Libido +5%.


Aug 1, 2022
Are you maybe looking for this perk series?

Chimerical Body: Initial Stage:
Requires (Non-perk requirements): Level 6, Two racial perks
Unlocks: Chimerical Body: Semi-Basic Stage

Your chimerical body attained Initial Stage. (negate up to 2 racial perk points negative effects) Toughness +5%, Libido +5%.
That sounds about right yes thanks some noob followup questions, racial perks are the unique bonuses you get from having a high racial score right? But you lose them again when your score gets to low with a race so how do you get several at once? looking at the later perks in that series in the ingame database you need like
40-70-90 racials how the fuck? I must be missunderstanding something.


Feb 22, 2017
That sounds about right yes thanks some noob followup questions, racial perks are the unique bonuses you get from having a high racial score right? But you lose them again when your score gets to low with a race so how do you get several at once? looking at the later perks in that series in the ingame database you need like
40-70-90 racials how the fuck? I must be missunderstanding something.
There are ways to have some of those perks permanently, typically through ascension (new game+).

It has actually been a while since I played the game and there have been several updates since then. But I believe everything in the mutations database were perks at one point and may still count towards that total (135 total available. More slots can be unlocked through ascension) . Internal mutation score was built up by taking these perks. Also it is possible to reduce/beat the damage taken per turn by having high enough regeneration. I remember that the difficulty settings and easy mode had an effect on the damage but I don't know if they still do.

I have started playing again and a lot has been changed. There used to be an option to gain stat points every time you slept for example and you could turn off spell cooldown in exchange for cheaper and weaker spells. I'm going to play around with races as this is something that is important for my old build to know as it may no longer be viable.
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Aug 1, 2022
There are ways to have some of those perks permanently, typically through ascension (new game+).

It has actually been a while since I played the game and there have been several updates since then. But I believe everything in the mutations database were perks at one point and may still count towards that total (135 total available. More slots can be unlocked through ascension) . Internal mutation score was built up by taking these perks. Also it is possible to reduce/beat the damage taken per turn by having high enough regeneration. I remember that the difficulty settings and easy mode had an effect on the damage but I don't know if they still do.

I have started playing again and a lot has been changed. There used to be an option to gain stat points every time you slept for example and you could turn off spell cooldown in exchange for cheaper and weaker spells. I'm going to play around with races as this is something that is important for my old build to know as it may no longer be viable.
I see thanks for taking the time to answer, if it is locked behind new game plus I won't be getting them oh well.
This is the first time I played this mod and have not played og Coc for a long ass time so this was fun the game is now enjoyable as an rpg with all the customization avalible now and not just a porn game, messing with different race parts and seeing your sprite change is really cool I have no idea why that option is off by default it adds a lot to the experience in my opinion.

As a side note if you want to play a caster I would recommend testing the gazer race I went for you get this perk
Omnicaster: Your magic power is as manyfold as the number of your eyes. Deal less individual damage but cast multiple spells at the same time.
it double casts your spells times the nuber of eye stalks you get and you can have 10.. plus you look pretty baller i think:cool:Untitled.jpg
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Feb 22, 2017
I see thanks for taking the time to answer, if it is locked behind new game plus I won't be getting them oh well.
This is the first time I played this mod and have not played og Coc for a long ass time so this was fun the game is now enjoyable as an rpg with all the customization avalible now and not just a porn game, messing with different race parts and seeing your sprite change is really cool I have no idea why that option is off by default it adds a lot to the experience in my opinion.

As a side note if you want to play a caster I would recommend testing the gazer race I went for you get this perk
Omnicaster: Your magic power is as manyfold as the number of your eyes. Deal less individual damage but cast multiple spells at the same time.
it double casts your spells times the nuber of eye stalks you get and you can have 10.. plus you look pretty baller i think:cool:View attachment 25879
Okay that looks pretty awesome. I might give it a try as it looks like my old build might not be possible or as useful anymore as racial requirements were reworked. In older builds I found out it was possible to be both a dragon and a raiju with full race benefits at the same time. I'm not sure how many other combinations were possible but I think part of the rework was to deal with what was essentially an exploit and to reward sticking with a single race by adding higher tiers of races like dragon and removing half-race tiers to encourage this.

So I looked at the fairy race requirements and it looks like the Fey Arcane Bloodstream mutation can make up the difference of having a cock. You can get mutations from Evangeline and if you get the first two stages of the bloodstream and the Chimerical Body: Initial Stage perk you wont have the hp drain. you won't need newgame + for that mutation unless you already have another bloodstream mutation.

The sprite option is of by default as it is still a work in progress and some items like the soulforce training armor and race options are not displayed. New sprite variations are constantly being added and I agree it is fantastic and has only been getting better.

Waifu Stealer

Mar 19, 2021
hey, i was wondering about how to become a Yggdrasil and a mind breaker, I've figured out most of the tfs but not those two, pls and thanks for the help


Jan 9, 2019
hey, i was wondering about how to become a Yggdrasil and a mind breaker, I've figured out most of the tfs but not those two, pls and thanks for the help
Can't remember for Yggdrassil, Mind Breaker you just explore the mountains until you get a random prompt. It has a specific warning in bold about some themes that might not be for players. You get that first encounter, then you go back after you level up a ways. I got the full transformation at level 30
Beware that the mind breaker transformation is permeant


Aug 1, 2022
Okay that looks pretty awesome. I might give it a try as it looks like my old build might not be possible or as useful anymore as racial requirements were reworked. In older builds I found out it was possible to be both a dragon and a raiju with full race benefits at the same time. I'm not sure how many other combinations were possible but I think part of the rework was to deal with what was essentially an exploit and to reward sticking with a single race by adding higher tiers of races like dragon and removing half-race tiers to encourage this.

So I looked at the fairy race requirements and it looks like the Fey Arcane Bloodstream mutation can make up the difference of having a cock. You can get mutations from Evangeline and if you get the first two stages of the bloodstream and the Chimerical Body: Initial Stage perk you wont have the hp drain. you won't need newgame + for that mutation unless you already have another bloodstream mutation.

The sprite option is of by default as it is still a work in progress and some items like the soulforce training armor and race options are not displayed. New sprite variations are constantly being added and I agree it is fantastic and has only been getting better.
That is what I thought would work aswell with the fairy race but took a massive amount of health drain anyway so who knows but oh well I am pretty happy with how my charcter turned out in the end anyway.
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Aug 1, 2022
hey, i was wondering about how to become a Yggdrasil and a mind breaker, I've figured out most of the tfs but not those two, pls and thanks for the help
For yggdrasil you have to transform in to a plant/dryad (you can buy the tfs for this in the new city) when you go to sleep you will get a dream and then will have unlocked a new location under the soulsense meny the world tree or something along those lines.

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
so i feel stupid i no longer remember how to acquire the genetic memory perk i need for metamorph also while i remember from a previous playthrough that i can start with metamorph after ascending i am curious as to rather after ascencion if i could use metamorph to take on traits of permant tranformations such as jiangshi or mind breaker or is the selection limited only to normal transformations


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2021
Becoming a gazer: You can find magic eyedrops in the caves. But if you defeat the gazer boss in the ebon labyrinth, then Dinah will sell them.

Marae fruit is the key to becoming a plant.

Genetic memory is acquired after undergoing 50 or so transmutations. Although using CoC editor is easier. The selection of transformations you can memorize it is limited mostly by which ones have been programmed into the game so far. New transformations aren't automagically added to genetic memory. Someone has to do the coding.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2015
two questions:
does this work with the save editor?

how much does the mod change of the general gameplay?
(from what ive read of the thread here looks like it mostly adds a lot of TF stuff)


Feb 22, 2017
two questions:
does this work with the save editor?

how much does the mod change of the general gameplay?
(from what ive read of the thread here looks like it mostly adds a lot of TF stuff)
It does but you will have to grab the xianxia version update form the discord server (in pinned comment). Due to how stats work now you can't edit them as it will not actually change them. It's a little behind the current version of the mod so not everything is available in the editor, and you sometimes have to close the game and start it back up in order for the changes you make to a save actually apply but it does work.

This mod completely rebalances stats, magic, TF's, etc. It adds a large number of new locations, questlines, companions, items, TF's and an absolutely insane number of perks (hundreds). Overall the mod is over twice as large as vanilla CoC if you look at file size, possibly three times as large if you go by content and is still growing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2015
wow didn't realize it added/changed that much.
sounds like its worth checking out...
after I get the regualr game to work with the Newsgrounds thing and 'get my feet wet' again as its been....
wow I think a year or more since I last played.


Aug 20, 2022
Just got started with this mod, was wondering is there some other requirement for finding the battlefield besides finding the desert? I've been spamming explore over and over and just getting imps and goblins for days. Did I miss something? Also, are there no sand witches in this mod? Because all I'm finding in the desert are sand traps and demons.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2021
There are level requirements for finding things. Just build yourself up to level 10 or so. You'll find them.


Aug 20, 2022
There are level requirements for finding things. Just build yourself up to level 10 or so. You'll find them.
Yep, found the battlefield and desert at level 5. Thanks!

Another issue: my speed isn't resetting after fights with driders, spider-morphs, etc. Any way to fix this? Going from 70+ speed to 1 speed and being stuck there really sucks.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2022
I became a Wood elf so I cannot transform, but after that I somehow still became human so noone in the Elven Grove will talk to me. How do I stop being a "True Elf" and get rid of the inability to transform?

Edit: Spelling


Aug 26, 2022
from what I can tell have your cursor over the stat and if it says "drained" you want to use a healer, I have luna in my camp and she solves it, unfortunately if its really drained it takes a while to fix since she seems to only heal once per day