CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Nov 28, 2022
You find information listed here as stated above above: Liadri's Red Demon Goat Contract List.

It seems to be fists and gloves:

I am not sure for the first option since I think my stats or level are too much so it did nothing for my character when I clicked on her option.
The other decrease my perk points by one and what seems to be exp (I cannot check because it was too high or max exp so saw no value drop but it seems to be stated) for what I think more stats points potential so highest stats cap possible increase by at least one for each stat in "stats up" so the more option to get higher stats.

I think it depends on your build so I didn't experience issues since I had will'o'wisp that oneshot it quickly and my build was strong.

I think there is an even more broken aquatic version that put the MC underwater which can be annoying and really unbalanced since your MC is stuck underwater and loss health per turn; but, if your MC got a good build, regeneration and large health, and likely gills (i did not test it yet) it should be fine.

It seems to be vitality potion or vitality tincture that can obtained from Giacomo:

Sure and glad to help!
Are the things in the Liadri's list also in base Xianxia mod?


Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Are the things in the Liadri's list also in base Xianxia mod?
I think not all of them. Like Chi-Chi's child is stated to not be implemented yet there and is not implemented yet in the game. I saw a wild card job not implemented yet and a race like lich race does not look implemented since it is not present in racial scores but the perk is immortality is present in the gamedata.js file; so, I think they could be added later and I would just the list as a guide, including the game's changelog in the game, racialscores menu under appearance, and job menu to check.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2021
Liadri's list is a developer's very outdated to-do list. It's useful in its way, as a lot of the proposed content has made it into the game since then. But it's not going to be completely accurate.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Just one observation, it seems ghostly aura from ghost after some tests transformation can basically dazed enemies at start of a turn; at my current build, it seems basically almost every turn but the appearance basically said at it can cause fear and there was basically no description in anything.
I wish it was aura perk that can be turn off but it seems like cannot; it is basically close to broken without removing the transformation which suck I think it is one the best looking transformation, on the strongest builds.
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Oct 22, 2022
Here are the requirement from what was the up to date wiki page on the quest:'s_Quest

From setting, there scenehunters for Other changes where Celess even if you picked one of initial wrong choices.
Wait so staying a virgin locks me out of recruiting her?

Also, which forest and is this an event or NPC space on the explore map?

And are you sure I have to be level 10 and not higher to find the sanctuary?
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Wait so staying a virgin locks me out of recruiting her?
No, high corruption is what is seems to lock her route and choosing one of the wrong choice like giving her giving her a kid that is mentioned in the doc link on the topic normally.
Though, on the latter case, you just modified the setting like I mentioned above.
Edit: it seems the female part of virgin is what matter in herm or females.
Also, which forest and is this an event or NPC space on the explore map?
I am not sure; it is one of the two forests or deepwood.
And are you sure I have to be level 10 and not higher to find the sanctuary?
I think it is also any higher level not just level 10. I meet her way past level 10 in my saves.
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Oct 22, 2022
No, high corruption is what is seems to lock her route and choosing one of the wrong choice like giving her giving her a kid that mentioned in the doc link on the topic normally.
Though, on the latter case, you just modified the setting like I mentioned above.

I am not sure; it is one of the two forest or deepwood.

I think it is also any higher level not just level 10. I meet her way past level 10 in my saves.
what are the odds of finding her? I've been searching for hours and the only unicorn I've found is Nadia


Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
what are the odds of finding her? I've been searching for hours and the only unicorn I've found is Nadia
I see. I can see why it is hard.
I think I have all of the eye of the hunter perks which can reveal locations on the map and I think on the highest tier it reveals everything so I can usually see easily see her on the map after a few explorations or reroll on the Deepwood.
Legitimately, I think it is hard and it is basically counting on RNG; there is the option of using cheat engine to modified the "double type" exp for level up, perk points, and stats points, if you are just casual playing rather than making a serious playthrough like I am in my most of my current saves.

From checking again, the doc file and archive site say she can be found in the deepwood; from my memory, I always found her in the deepwood so I think it is accurate that the forest refer to the deepwood.
The mission is a bit confusing. Be level 10 or above, have low corruption and be female virgin whether female or herm and meet her in one of the forest in which case she should always on the first option in one the first path; you should gett the alicorn mission to get the deepwood where you could get the corruption path if you lose.
If you win, you go back to the forest to meet her again.
I am not sure if possible the other conditions are met when corruption is 0, Celess might skip giving the alicorn boss mission; it is possible that it is a glitch though since I could not replicate twice after it happen.
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
What does Joy's intelligence actually do?

From what I notice, Joy cannot really help with Alvina's quest normally unlike Jojo; can female Jojo or Joy help with max intelligence or is intelligence related to odd of accepting item to be Jojo again?


Feb 7, 2018
Is there a list of weapons to upgrade the Aether Twins available? Been buying weapons to see what triggers but it's been a right pain and I'm stuck at 2nd Evolution.

Currently fed:

-Spiked Light Shield
-Mana Bracer
-Spiked Gauntlet
-Hooked Gauntlets
-Big Fucking Gauntlets
-Lusty Claws
-Dual Daggers
-Throwing Dagger
-Witch Dagger
-Angst Dagger

Does anyone know what's missing from the list? I've got options for Spear, Whip and Moonstone (3rd Evolution) and Katana (4th Evolution), but hoping to get a complete list.

EDIT: Nvm, figured out it was the lusty dagger that was missing, plus the 3rd evolution is broken and doesn't work as intended anyways, 2nd evolution is the only one worth using.
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Jan 10, 2024
Can celess be corrupted after birth?
If you're talking about Celess Sr then no. But if you're talking about Celess Jr then yes. You just need high corruption, and to keep lewding her, and eventually she'll become a bicorn.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
It was a small and inactive wiki (no new edits or pages over an extended period), so it fell under the terms of fandom's closure policy.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Beside ascension perks, I think these are the perks that can be keep even with new racial transformations and do not relied on mutations to be permanent perks; they can be keep even with races that give can give some of form of transformation immunity like mind breaker plus gargoyle, and thus can removed all prior the mutations; it is somewhat related to @CalvinCopyright 's post earlier :
  • Androgyny: No gender limits on facial masculinity or femininity.
    • Trap oil transformation or treatment:
      • Perk Description:No gender limits on facial masculinity or femininity.
        Obtained from: Purchasing the Androgyny Treatment for 500 gems from Joey in the Bizarre Bazaar, or using Trap Oil (Male or Female only; won't happen as Herm or Neuter).
        Perk Effect: Removes gender restrictions from the Femininity stat. Allows males to appear fully feminine, females to appear fully masculine, and hermaphrodites and genderless to appear fully masculine or feminine. Also removes gender restrictions on facials in the Goblin Salon.
    • Pro - don’t need many transformation items for masculinity and femininity score if salon is found.
  • Incorporeality
    • It does not show in my perk list but it is but probably related to the spectre perk which be unlocked after getting the perk in the menu.
    • Spectre: You have mastered dematerialization, so now you can use it to avoid incoming attacks (+10% to dodge chance) and slip from enemy grasp (you can try to possess during struggle, and even if not successfull you’ll escape from constriction).
    • From ghost
  • Natural Spellcasting perk
    • From elf transformation
    • The case is similar to Incorporeality’s since I do not see it the perk description but recall a perk in the perk menu show when it should there and can be unlocked so it is probably why it is permanent as I unlocked.
      • The perk should be green magic
        • It is weird because the perk is visible before it is unlocked in new save file but not in the normal perk list; it is visible in the perk database though.
        • Green magic: Your Elven spell effects are twice as strong and last twice as long.
  • Mummy Lord: Can control and gather mummies (up to 5). Each mummy under your control reduces building and gathering fatigue cost by 5% (Maximum 100%). Each mummy under your control increases soulskill power by 5%. Alpha Howl also increases the amount of mummies under your control (5 * tier).
    • From: Anubis
  • Insanity: You have become immune to anything that would damage your mind and gained increased insight however your unhinged personality greatly weakens your wisdom. Wisdom -40%, Intelligence +20%.
    • From Wonderfruit – through Dinah; cheshire cat transformation and maybe other transformations
      • Could possible be redundant with resolute perk and be bad for some builds that need wisdom
        • Resolute:You’ve chosen the 'Resolute' perk, granting immunity to stuns and some statuses.
          • Requires: Advanced Job: Defender, Toughness 75, Level 12.
  • Aura of Purity: Those of impure heart who come close to you are seared by holy fire and blinded by your inner light.
    • From Unicorn or alicorn transformation
    • Though, for unicorn, I think even imperfect transformation is fine; my score is 5 with no respective mutations currently – I just go the unicorn horn and a few things since my character is a chimera from an earlier metamorph in ascension, just by getting 0 corruption.
      • Edit: On another test, I just used the unicorn horn only for the transformation also pass the time and I got the unicorn perk. It is weirdly easy.
        • From testing, for the perk, you need at least the unicorn horn and 0 corruption; the perk disappear otherwise.
          • You could save editor and make the perk permanent though.
        • The bicorn case should required high corruption and the bicorn horn; at 0 corruption, the bicorn still be a unicorn horn and give the unicorn perks.
    • It is a bit tricky – the perk seems like it can be loss on the highest corruption score or from bicorn transformation.
      • Edit: Ecliptic Mind mutation can can the aura to be kept permanently.
  • Aura of Corruption: You radiate corruption, tainting everything near you with uncontrollable lust.
    • It is related to the unicorn – bicorn or alicorn – nightmare but the opposite case.
    • It could be redundant to the arousing aura perk.
  • Greedy: Double all gems gained!
    • From Tanuki or Racoon
    • I heard it was mentioned that it was keep earlier.
      • It can be obtain from a RingFig or ringtail fig, a transformation item from TelAndre's bakery under ingredients.
  • Harpy Womb: Increases all laid eggs to large size so long as you have harpy legs and a harpy tail
    • Harpy or phoenix transformation
    • It is still there even I remove everything related to it and do not have the related gender; could be useful for racial score at best.
  • Werefox perks
    • Perks and race From desert berry – easy with kitsune race.
    • With all kitsune ascension perk, one can transform into kitsune and human from racial score menu and those races.
    • Kitsune transformation might require some kitsune body parts first like those to get the true transformation option like the tails
    • Vulpesthropy: "Your strength and urges are directly tied to the cycle of the moon. Furthermore, your skin is more resistant to magical damage
    • Dormant Vulpesthropy: "You sometimes hear echoes of the call of the moon. If you were more of a werefox you likely would feel its pull again. A vulpesthrope is never truly cured.")
  • The other perks similar to above are from advance transformation based perk like werewolf and wereshark.
    • Edit: Those transformation seems weird like my characters look like normal humans until a fight where they look like a transformation; I think the race parts from other race are still active but just look human on the display which can be annoying for monitoring racial score to get a good build.
      • It is somewhat weird because I had werefox race which my character looks like another save.
        • Edit: this was the dormant version of the perk which I think was from desert berry. I got the dormant being becoming a werefox gaining the full perk and become human later so I lost the werefox; I think the other perks might be similar.
          • You wait one hour...
          • You feel your animalistic urges go dormant within you as you no longer are the werefox you once were. Gained Dormant vulpesthropy.
        • Edit: I have something similar with werewolf where I had body part that would change race and I got the Dormant Perk; though, werewolf case is more absolute so might character qualified; it get the entire perk and I got the previous issue I mentioned above.
          • You feel your animalistic urges go dormant within you as you no longer are the werewolf you once were. Gained Dormant lycanthropy.
      • I think only dormant version of the perks are the best.
  • Edit: Alraune
  • Edit: Kitsune:
    • Star Sphere Mastery: Regenerate 10 fatigue every round. Increase Fox Fire damage by 50%. (Rank: 10)
  • Edit: Fairy
    • It was probably one of the strangest case; you do the fairy quest and become queen where you get the clothes that give the perk; you can keep clothes with the sky pearl for the next ascension and indirectly keep the perk with wearing the equipment.
      • Fairy Queen Regalia: Misdirection, Slutty seduction 10, Increase Fae storm chances to proc multiple status,reduce spellcasting cost by 60%.

  • Honestly looking at the game there are issues or interesting finds with metamorph and transformation:
    • It seems for some it is necessary to eat some transformation items for some perk; like even with all necessary body or advance race.
      • I could not get elven sense and natural spellcasting without elf ears.
      • I could not get incorporeality without ectoplasm.
      • Some transformation basically required the character to have the human body part or they will not work also.
        • It is really annoying.
      • The fox transformation (unlocked from the respective kitsune ascension perks) in racialscores:
        • It is annoying since basically most builds in ascension required to get the transformation items which can be costly.
        • It will probably be remedy in ascension as there complete race metamorph in ascension genetic memory 6 that will is not work but will probably be added in the future.
          • Edit: I found an issue; it seems even if those transformations are unlocked that if you start a new flash player window, you have to repeat on your saves the process of unlocking the kitsune race and enough kitsune body parts again to be able to transform into a kitsune and human in the racialscores; it even the case you just reload the game from the current flash player where the process is already unlocked. Honestly, it is really annoying and the lack of information cost me the kitsune of balance perk on the ascension.
            • Edit: The transformation just require a fox jewel to on viable after testing and it will still work if the racial scores is below; I got confused since my character tends to always be have high scores from having nine tails; it guess it somewhat similar to transformation perk that required the transformation item to be use at least once but the case seems to reset in the case that I mentioned. It is still somewhat annoying because fox jewel are limited but the easiest solution and to leave a prior game with the unlocked option.
      • Also, humanity is weird, it seems like if number of body parts are affected, it can be lost like I had most human transformation from kitsune and I added the elf ear and lost it; I removed the fur and the human race is back.
        • It seems like only 6 body parts or non net positive (elven ear count twice for human) can be transformed before the race is gone after if the racial score enough from mutations like mine was 40.
          • Edit: Without elven ears, the number can be extend up to 8 or 7.
        • It is kind of related, I think you can have up 6 non-human mutations before losing the human race.
          • Edit: The number of non-human mutation seems to decrease the number of non-human body parts that you character can get before lose the human races, after some testing.
          • Edit: I think the negative score play a bigger role; as the number non-human mutation increase, the negative score for human increase; around 23 negative score. with all human mutations in this case, I needed to all human body parts to be human. Even one missing body part will remove the race and give its around 2 score or less.
            • At this point, I think it is only viable with kitsune/human transformation from the racialscore menu or metamorph to just use human race to try train faster for mastery and your other races for tougher battles.
  • It is possible that some of these perks will no longer be permanent in the next update like Mummy lord from the updated docs link:
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Aug 17, 2021
Hi again! Thanks for the links and info from last time (though I still cannot find that blasted unicorn; do I have to see that rumor before it becomes available, and thus be at least level 55?)!

New question: how does one learn blood magic? Keep picking up R. Manuscript and Crimson Jade but they don't teach me anything.

Thanks as always, and Happy Gaming!


Feb 22, 2017
Hi again! Thanks for the links and info from last time (though I still cannot find that blasted unicorn; do I have to see that rumor before it becomes available, and thus be at least level 55?)!

New question: how does one learn blood magic? Keep picking up R. Manuscript and Crimson Jade but they don't teach me anything.

Thanks as always, and Happy Gaming!
You need the hidden job: blood demon from the super perk list to learn blood magic and soulskills.


Aug 17, 2021
You need the hidden job: blood demon from the super perk list to learn blood magic and soulskills.
Ooh, I had not even looked at super perks. Thank you!

Okay, more subjective thing. Since a lot of the special items for sale don't show stats until after you buy them (not a fan) can folk suggest good buys? I am playing a pure/unarmed speed-based monk/rogue/soul-force user. Want evasion, unarmed attacks, cool soul-force powers, that kind of thing. Also planning to go (mostly) vampire (though based on LiberatedDivine's post above I might want to go ghost first for permanent incorporeality perk) so stuff that helps a melee flyer is good too.

On another note, can someone please explain the mutation system to me? It looks like to gain advantage of the human mutations one has to maintain a high pure human score. Is that the case for the others and it is just not obvious, or can I transform to a species, buy a mutation, then transform to something else and keep the benefits? Is that what the chimera perks are for? Wouldn't mind being a vampire with cat-like reflexes.

As always, thank you for any help or advice!

P.S. I remember seeing something about going to Wonderland and fighting the Jabberwocky. I assume that has something to do with Patchouli, yes? How do I get that to happen?
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
Hi again! Thanks for the links and info from last time (though I still cannot find that blasted unicorn; do I have to see that rumor before it becomes available, and thus be at least level 55?)!
It is probably being a female virgin or herm virgin from the female side but the game I will admit was vague on this point as most games it mean both case on the sexes; I did some experiments and I always found her Celess Sr in the second forest after a metamorph for that point, in one first location for path which can be more easily found with the hunter perks for revealing the map and it seems to be same for soul sense from the cultivator job.
Otherwise, Celess Sr will not show up.
Also you should have the other requirements like low corruption and the right level.


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