CoC themed Dungeon World campaign

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Hey folks, so I'm a long time follower first time poster and I was looking for anyone interested in participating in a CoC-esk themed game of Dungeon World over google hangouts. If you're not familiar with dungeonworld its a really great rules light tabletop rpg that puts the fiction first and foremost. The free online SRD for it can be found just by googling dungeoworld. I've tried text based RP in the past and It never really grabbed me like I'd hoped, I've always found I preferred game systems with a solid resolution mechanic, as to keep tension high and things unpredictable. I specifically choose google hangouts to try this in because I'm looking for a casually paced play by post game I can chime in on via my phone periodically throughout the day or week, and google hangouts is one of the only group chat mediums that I know of that also supports rollb by posting dice macros like /roll 2d6. That having been said if this sounds like something you would be interested in trying, leave a post below naming what class you would be interested in playing and a brief list of your fetishes and lets see if we can't make this happen.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
I would, as I'm a huge fan of roll20 but their mobile support isn't exactly the best as alot if it is geared toward tablets and the like.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
While I haven't tried online role-play before, this has piqued my curiosity. So, if you don't mind putting up with a newbie, I would be interested. 

Class: Fighter/Ranger.

Fetishes: Tentacles, lactation, monsters, public use, futanari.

Turn-offs: Scat, watersports, vore.

Additionally, could you please clarify what you mean by CoC-esk? Are we talking same world, similar world, similar concept? Help me out here. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd be down for that. Sounds kinda fun and roll20 makes it easy
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Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
+Psyside cool tell me about your fetishes and what you would like to see in the game, also give me thoughts on what kind of class you want to be.

+Ecnalab By CoC-esk I mean not a carbon copy, as so we can make our own cannon, but very similar. broad strokes of the lore, major themes etc. A word torn asunder by an event know as "The Fuckening" caused by a cult of over-zealous wizards and druids who were really into body modding. A dangerous points of light setting littered with lewd possibilities and magic transforamtives. Also your turn-offs align with mine (and many others I imagine) so I should be fine with GMing that.

That is if I take up the role of GM, witch looks like I might have to, but that's Ok as I have alot of experience with it. That being said if things go on long enough we might want to consider having a rotating GM slot just to keep things fresh.

With that out of the way though there is the minor concern of availability, my work schedule is a little hectic and I can't nail down a time for regular play sessions. I was hoping for a more casual long form play by post sort of game to fit in with whenever I have free time AND can get to my PC (harder than it sounds). Its one of the reasons I originally wanted to try this on a more mobile friendly platform. So my proposal is this, we have an open Roll20 table to keep track of maps and character sheets and obviously to handle dice rolls, but for all the narrated action and player scenes we maintain two threads, one for random questions and OOC stuff, and one main one for the fiction. As GMing dungeon-world requires me to roll no dice I can narrate outcomes and scenes via my device whenever, with players responsible for rolling on record and keeping each other honest. To this end I can see one of a few platforms working,

  • a private google+ community
  • a google hangout
  • these forums, I guess.
  • or the roll20 game discussion posts

So people fill me in on what they think works best and we can go from there.

Additionally while its not a requirement I would strongly encourage most players to start as a fairly vanilla mono-gendered character as alot of the fun of CoC (IMO) is character progression over time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'll just go ahead and say that this does have my interest specially if we can keep it in the forums. Personally, I like having the gm do the dice roll as players can feel really tempted to report their dice roll with a little embellishment. =p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
With roll20, I would expect that there would be certain times to get the party together, which means timezone fun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
+Psyside cool tell me about your fetishes and what you would like to see in the game, also give me thoughts on what kind of class you want to be.

Im pretty good with anything but Scat, Watersports and Vore. As for class id like to be a Fighter type

I'll just go ahead and say that this does have my interest specially if we can keep it in the forums. Personally, I like having the gm do the dice roll as players can feel really tempted to report their dice roll with a little embellishment. =p

But embellishment ruins the Nat 1 Fails and the fun times with that
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
For the sake of convenience, I second Kei's proposal to keep the game in these forums. As for player honesty, I wouldn't worry too much about it; after all, in CoC, losing fights was half the fun.

On a side note, I would be willing to tag in as a back-up GM. I've been playing D&D/Pathfinder for years and most of that was spent as a GM. So, I can understand needing a breather.


Active Member
Nov 25, 2015
I'm interested in this but I'm curious, do we have to be experienced Dungeon World players to join? I've never played with the system but I've done some pathfinder and dungeons & dragons in third edition. 

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
No not at all, dungeon world is waaay easier to pick up than either of those games, so if you have any TRPG experience you should do just fine. Thougts on character class or kinks?

Also as far as player honesty goes roll20 timestamps all its rolls so I can go back and check the log around the time of the post if I'm suspicious, mostly we're on the honor system here.
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Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Ok The table is up and those of you who have responded with fetishes and class choices should have your player links. Once we get the character building out of the way and are proper ready I'll set up a forum post for the main Role-Play posts. I'd make sure to take some time to familiarize yourself with the basic moves of dungeon-world here: That way you have more of an idea of when you trigger a move and know what to roll for, rather than me asking you. These links are also good for further character options that aren't in the base rules (I never liked how classes were race locked)

You may or may not also know that dungeon world has a hard rule about Class choice repeats, I think its mostly for fiction reasons, but there could be balance reasons behind it. So once some one calls dibs on a class its theirs, So far it looks like we have a fighter and a wizard. And probably a ranger. I think there might be room for perhaps one more opening so either Kei or Facenemisis can jockey for that one by posting their class and kinks etc.

And while regular post play will still be intermittent I'm largely free the next two days and at my console to answer questions and chime in.
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Active Member
Nov 25, 2015
I'd be interested in playing a Bard if that's okay. As for kinks I am pretty much fine with anything except watersports, scat, and anything else that's kind of unsanitary. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Nooooo ;_; I was so close! I was gonna go with cleric.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I look forward to what you do with this game, since I've never played one of these before I don't think. <3

Class- Thief/Ranger.

Fetishes- Dominant female, Submissive Herm, Crazy/Insane situations.

Put offs- Male anal, Scat, Vore, Brutal content, Ryona.

I've noticed that a lot of people I've met/seen.

Tend to think that a dominant woman during sex, has to want to stick a toy up a mans ass.

Sure it involves dominance, but they could also just be up for rough, on top sex...

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Oh man, so close, I gotta give it to face since they showed up and chimed in with all the requested info first, but dominant females, now that's a big hot-button fetish for me. If we ever need fresh blood I'll try and keep you in mind. Either way since its going to be a public play I'm sure you can look forward to me writing some of that anyway.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Well we lost one person due to technical difficulties but I think for now we are going to try and get things off the ground with a party of three and see where things go from there. If we add one or two more in the future there is definetly a wait list, maybe enough to warrant an off-shoot party in the same setting, but thats a big maybe. For now I'm comfortable GMing just the three. If you want to be considered for that waitlist just post what fetishes your into and what class you want, remember details help me do my job better so don't be afraid to include some (can't hurt your chances)

Shin Majin

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Well, I'm not too optimistic, but here goes.

Class: Wizard (Medic or Alchemist if 3rd party is allowed)

Fetishes: TF, involuntary TF, and feral TF.

Turn-offs: Scat, water sports, and bimbo/slut TF
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Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Leave an application post, if you like. Alternatively the main RP is currently happening over at the Sagas of Nysa post, feel free to read along if you like what you see.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Name: Elise

Class: Cleric

Brief Bio: Lithe bodied, sharp minded and somewhat obsessed by studying the unknown and the old and lost religions.

Fetishes: Pregnancy, bestiality, dom/sub, lactation, TFs, futas and tentacles!

Turn-offs: Scat/watersports, vore, gore.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
This actually should go in the roll20 discussion thread, oh witch I know you have access to. Since you were one of the earliest applicants posting here is unessicary.